NZTA: Safer Journeys and the BIG EventMathematics and Statistics
BIG [adjective] 1. Large. 2. Above average in size, quantity, magnitude or extent. 3. Significant
Event [noun] 1. An important incident. 2. Something that happens at a given place or time. 3. A gathering. 4. An organised occasion. e.g. ceremony, meeting, festival, concert, sporting competition
Learning Area: / Level: / Values: / Key Competencies: / Integration: Suggestions
Mathematics and Statistics.
Kei hopu tōu ringa ki te aka tāepa,engari kia mau ki te aka matua.
In mathematics and statistics, students explore
relationships in quantities, space, and data andlearn to express these relationships in ways thathelp them to make sense of the world around them. / Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Teachers to highlight relevant level / Excellence
Community and Participation
Ecological Sustainability
Respect / Thinking
Managing self
Participating and contributing
Relating to others
Making meaning from language, symbols and text / English
The Arts
Health and Physical Education
Learning Languages
Mathematics and Statistics
Social Sciences
Key Concept Understanding: / Driving Question: / Subsidiary Questions: / These are the questions that students will be able to respond to.
When you travel smart, you travel safe. / Are you ready to travel to the BIG Event? / 1. Describe safe travel (when going to and from an event).
2. Explain how smart choices can result in safe travel (when going to and from an event).
3. Create a resource to help people travel smart and safe (when going to and from an event).
Achievement Objectives: / Learning Intentions: / Learning Experiences:These have been written in three areas.
1.Bringing in ideas 2.Connecting and linking ideas 3. Putting ideas into another context
Select the achievement objectives that best match the abilities of your students.
Geometry and Measurement
Level One
Order and compare objects or events by length, area, volume and capacity, weight (mass), turn(angle), temperature, and time by direct comparison and/or counting whole numbers of units.
Sort objects by their appearance.
Position and orientation
Give and follow instructions for movement that involve distances, directions, and half or quarter turns.
Describe their position relative to a person or object.
Level Two
Create and use appropriate units and devices to measure length, area, volume and capacity, weight (mass), turn (angle), temperature, and time.
Partition and/or combine like measures and communicate them, using numbers and units.
Sort objects by their spatial features, with justification.
Identify and describe the plane shapes found in objects.
Position and orientation
Create and use simple maps to show position and direction.
Describe different views and pathways from locations on a map.
Level Three
Use linear scales and whole numbers of metric units for length, area, volume and capacity, weight (mass), angle, temperature, and time.
Find areas of rectangles and volumes of cuboids by applying multiplication.
Classify plane shapes and prisms by their spatial features.
Represent objects with drawings and models.
Position and orientation
Use a co-ordinate system or the language of direction and distance to specify locations and describe paths
Level Four
Use appropriate scales, devices, and metric units for length, area, volume and capacity, weight (mass), temperature, angle, and time.
Convert between metric units, using whole numbers and commonly used decimals.
Use side or edge lengths tofind the perimeters and areas of rectangles, parallelograms, and triangles and the volumes of cuboids.
Interpret and use scales, timetables, and charts.
Identify classes of two- and three-dimensional shapes by their geometric properties.
Relate three-dimensional models to two-dimensional representations, and vice versa.
Position and orientation
Communicate and interpret locations and directions, using compass directions, distances, and grid references.
Level Five
- Select and use appropriate metric units for length, area, volume and capacity, weight (mass), temperature, angle, and time, with awareness that measurements are approximate.
- Convert between metric units, using decimals.
- Deduce and use formulae to find the perimeters and areas of polygons and the volumes of prisms.
- Find the perimeters and areas of circles and composite shapes and the volumes of prisms, including cylinders. / Schools will have their own criteria for developing learning intentions. Examples are included below. Highlight the Learning Intention/s that best match the abilities of your students. Write your WALTs from these.
Measurement of length and distance around places in NZ where the big event venues are in NZ,and distances to get to and from the stadiums in towns and cities hosting games.
Shape: Refer Unit on Creating signage for safer travel
Position and Orientation
Instructions/directions on how to drive between venues and to places of Interest in New Zealand
Description of position to stadiums, best directions giving a range of directions over a range of different transport options, and the safest options of travel.
Level One:
Define ‘length’.
Measure using conventional methods.
Order the length of different walking routes in your local area, e.g. home to school, school to local park, home to local shops, school to library, classroom to school gate.
Compare and contrast the lengths of different walking routes in the local area.
Position and Orientation
Define ‘half turn’.
Define ‘quarter turn’.
Give instructions for movement that involve distance.
Follow instructions for movement that involve distance.
Describe their position relative to a person or object.
Level Two:
Define ‘length’.
Define ‘distance’.
Use conventional and unconventional measures to determine the length of different walking routes in your local area, e.g. home to school, school to local park, home to local shops, school to library.
Compare and contrast data for the lengths of different walking routes in the local area and communicate these using numbers and units.
Position and Orientation
Define ‘half turn’.
Define ‘quarter turn’.
Give instructions for movement that involve distance.
Follow instructions for movement that involve distance.
Describe their position relative to a person or object.
Use simple maps to show position and direction.
Locate position on maps.
Describe simple views and pathways from location on a map.
Compare and contrast simple maps find similarities and differences.
Create a simple map showing positions.
Create a set of directions to get from one position to another.
Level Three:
Define ‘length’.
Define ‘distance’.
Use conventional and unconventional measures to determine the length of different walking routes in your local area, e.g. home to school, school to local park, home to local shops, school to library.
Compare and contrast data for the lengths of different walking routes in the local area and communicate these.
Find the area of [a local green site/your school’s field] available for walking by multiplying the side lengths.
Transfer classroom learning to an outside context(using length and distance to and from stadiums.)
Use a scale on a map and measure distance across larger areas.
Position and Orientation
Define ‘half turn’.
Define ‘quarter turn’.
Give instructions for movement that involve distance.
Follow instructions for movement that involve distance.
Describe their position relative to a person or object.
Use simple maps to show position and direction.
Locate position on maps.
Describe simple views and pathways from a location on a map.
Describe all of the attributes of a map.
Compare and contrast simple maps; find similarities and differences.
Create a simple map showing positions.
Create a set of directions to get from one position to another.
Level Four:
Define ‘length’.
Define ‘distance’.
Use conventional metric measures to determine the length of different walking routes in your local area, e.g. home to school, school to local park, home to local shops, school to library.
Convert the length of walking routes from metres to kilometres.
Use the side or edge lengths of a local walking route to measuring the perimeter and area covered.
Calculate the average time taken to walk various routes in your local area and use the data to create a local “how far is it between here and there?” walking chart and timetable. Add this data to a map.
Use a scale on a map and measure distance.
Position and Orientation
Define ‘half turn’.
Define ‘quarter turn’.
Give instructions for movement that involve distance.
Follow instructions for movement that involve distance.
Describe their position relative to a person or object.
Use simple maps to show position and direction.
Locate position on maps.
Describe simple views and pathways from a location on a map.
Compare and contrast simple maps; find similarities and differences.
Create a simple map showing positions.
Create a set of directions to get from one position to another.
Define ‘compass’.
Explain what a compass does.
Explain accurately a pathway from a map.
Compare and contrast different maps.
Create accurate instructions using a street map/map of New Zealand.
Create a map to show position and direction.
Reflect and modify positions, make corrections on the map. Use co-ordinates accurately to demonstrate position and direction.
Level Five
Select and use metric units for length and area.
Draw a plan to scale.
Relate length on a plan to actual length.
Convert between metric units using decimals.
Find the length and area of polygons including rectangles and semicircles.
Estimate distance.
Estimate time.
Connect speed, distance and time.
Use length and area to calculate costs.
Calculate practical percentages. / Your Challenge:
For tourists arriving in New Zealand to attend the big event, create a road map that will help them travel smartly and safely. The map needs to include the main centres that have stadiums large enough to hold capacity crowds. These stadiums are in the main cities of Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch and Dunedin, as well as the provincial areas in towns such as Whangarei, Hamilton, New Plymouth, Nelson and Invercargill. There might be others that you want to add if they have the ability to host large numbers of expected visitors. Your map needs to include all of the usual mapping criteria, but also needs to incorporate things that will make it unique that gives it a New Zealand identity, as well as including information that will enable the tourists to travel safely and smartly while on their trip to our country. You can use photos or graphics to add extra information and images to represent the event that is being hosted.
Mapping game - National Geographic : for mapping.
How to read a map - BBC resource : for mapping.
Student and teacher resource on mapping : for mapping.
Mapping game ‘To adventure island’ -National Geographic for mapping.
You Tube video on location (animated) for mapping.
How to give directions : for mapping.
Exploring how far is it between here and there.
‘Ka uia tonutia e koe ka roa tonu te ara; ka kāore koe e ui ka poto te ara’ (If you keep asking the distance, the path will be long; if you don’t ask, it will be short).
Use Google Maps/data projector to locate your local area and identify or geo-tag the locations where everyone lives.
Use Google street view to drive around the local area.
Get students to plan a proposed route that the class will walk around so that students can experience measuring length and distance. Identify several different walking routes in the school and around the school grounds. Mark these on a map. Make an estimate of the order of the length of each route. Walk each walking route and check on the accuracy of your ordering.
An average person can walk 2 kilometres in half an hour. Identify all the different places you can get to in a half hour walk from your school or your classroom.
Define ‘map’.
List the attributes of a map.
Explore different forms of mapping(map of school/map of local area/road maps/google maps/treasure maps/early world maps/navigational charts etc).
Explore less conventional forms of mapping (map of your palm/x-rays-map of your body/maps of eyes/thumbprints/plans of a house/star maps/mole maps/mind maps/mazes etc).
Compare and contrast different maps of your area (e.g. a road map with a Google satellite map). What are the differences and the similarities?
Look at the different options on Google Earth for looking at a place(satellite view/terrain view/road map etc). What are the differences and the similarities?
Explain the importance of having a map.
Draw a map of your school. Sequence a walk around your school without words. Use only arrows to show the sequence of movement. Use only the amount of strides that a person needs to get from place A to place B.
Define ‘quarter turn’ and ‘half turn’ using a wall clock.
Students to become human clocks and do quarter turns and half turns.
Sequence a series of quarter turns and half turns and get students to follow.
See if students can use quarter turns and half turns to define direction on a map.
Use an existing map of your school. Can this be improved at all? Add any other elements that might improve it.
Compare and contrast your map with other students’ maps and explain the similarities and the differences.
Modify an existing map of your school and translate it in to other languages that might be used in your own school context.
Define ‘length’.
Record the responses on Stick-it notes. Add any measuring language that the students know.
Describe all of the things they need to measure in their lives.
Get students to select items from the classroom and discuss how they could measure them.
Provide appropriate measures to measure these and record the measurements.
Brainstorm and record: if we did not have a ruler, how else could we measure these items? (Blocks/hands/feet/string/walking steps etc).
Get students to identify objects in the playground and discuss how they could measure them.
Provide appropriate measures to measure these and record the measurements.
Brainstorm and record: if we did not have a ruler, how else could we measure these items? (Strides/string etc).
Get students to select items between which they could measure the length/distance.
Get students to estimate the lengths and then measure using conventional and unconventional methods.
Compare and contrast the results, looking for similarities in measurement data.
Get students to share their results with a partner.
Check out the Feet First Term 2 measurement unit.
Create an online Google Map and annotate it with all the different unconventional route measures you develop.
Use pace (two steps or each time your right foot touches the ground) as a measure of distance.
Become a human tape measure. Keep an even stride and work out how many paces you take to cover a measure of 10 metres. Use pace to measure the walking distance between places in the school and local area.
Invite other local walkers and visitors to the school to become human tape measures. Compare the range of different paces needed to cover 10 metres.
Make your dog into a dog tape measure and determine how many paces it takes to cover 10 metres. Repeat this unconventional measure with another dog.
Invite other local walkers, visitors to the school, or people in the local community, to talk about the unconventional measures they use to judge walking distance. Add these measures to your map.
Compare and contrast the different measures to determine which measures are most appropriate to share with your local community.
Communicate your unconventional and conventional measurement data by finding the most reliable and accurate measures for identified walking routes and charting these.
Use your unconventional and conventional measures to estimate the distance of a previously un-walked “How long is it between here and there?” local route. Take a class walk along the route and use all of the different measures. Record your walk using digital images, video, sound recording and rough sketching. Compare your actual measures with your estimated measures. Analyse and interpret your findings. Look for data trends and patterns. Share your experiences with your local community through a “How long is it between here and there?” walking blog. Invite comment and suggestions from others.
Convert walking distances measured in metres to kilometres and millimetres.
Convert walking distances measured in kilometres to metres and millimetres.
Refer: Ministry of Education. (2007). the New Zealand Curriculum for English-Medium Teaching