APRIL 25, 2015, UNIT 404 – 1:00 P.M.

PURPOSE OF MEETING: Project Review, Budget, Old and New Business.

CALL TO ORDER: President Gary Tucker brought the meeting to order at approximately 1:20 p.m. on the date above noted and at the HN unit, the location specified in the notice for this meeting.

DETERMINATION OF A QUORUM & ROLL CALL: Board members present were Lew Werth, Alden Corley, Charles Weidner, Charles Lea, Rosemary Smith and Gary Tucker. Also present was our Front Officer Manager, Mary Dailey and owner James Dobbs.

Gary congratulated James Dobbs for joining the Board however, he would not be official until the annual meeting. Jim advised he was happy to be part of the HN Board. Gary requested Jim call back on Sunday around 3:00 p.m. for our organization meeting. Lew requested Mary mail Jim his handbook along with the necessary form which he must submit attesting that he read the HN Condo documents. Gary advised the board the meeting was in preparation of our annual meeting and Board members had time to review the proposed budget which all agreed not to raise the annual maintenance fee. Gary spoke about one line item which the board agreed to leave on as it is for building repair/spalling at $25.00 per unit week which gives HN approximately $35,700 which can be used for anything that has to do with the building……plus a little cushion. .

Gary went on to review the upcoming projects:

  1. Sealing the parking lot and repainting the strips approximately $6,000 using slurry seal.
  2. Screen room flooring issue
  3. Replacement of some sliding doors in three (3) units with impact doors about $30,000.
  4. Estimates on kitchen & bathroom upgrades.
  5. Repairs & upgrade to our Geo-thermal system which might require a new well cost approximately $3,450 (contract signed)
  6. Upgrades on furniture to replace some of our water damage pieces. Also possibly changing our dining room tables.

Gary asked the Board and office manager if they knew of any other projects. Mary mentioned the a/c units which she will check prices and get back to the board. Gary requested Mary to do a once a month report to the board on five or so items i.e., updates on rentals, repairs etc. Alden spoke about some bubbles in three separate places on the building which Gary suggested we get someone local to handle it as it is a little moisture getting under the paint which needs to be scraped, painted and sealed at a small cost. Gary addressed the game room which is going to be tiled and currently under contract at approximately $5,000. HN has already purchased enough tile to start replacing some of the hallways (cost about $20,000). Charles Lea mentioned possibly tiling the screen room but Gary & Rosemary advised we have a serious moisture problem under the concrete and that is why we are having problems now. Mary will get ideas from contractors as to what we can do to remedy our problem in the screen room. Board discussed at length numerous remedies however, Gary advised this project will be put on our future project list.

Rosemary asked about the Fire Retardant for the Tiki Huts….Gary will question the contractor as to what HN gains from the RETARDANT spray which he feels if it does not add to the life of the Tiki and we don’t get anything else from the spray then Gary is against the added expense. The only one that might need the spray would be the one over the grill area however we need more information which Mary agreed to check with the Fire Marshall to determine the requirements.

Mary mentioned several items:

  1. Replacement of the laundry & maintenance room doors with Fire Doors which she has the specifications and the price of about $3,000 to $4,000 subject to board approval.
  2. Seawall needs to be treated…some cracks and rebar problems plus it needs painting of the “NO WAKE SIGN” along with “HAWKS NEST NAME”. Gary advised Alden do the research and get back to the board with information and quotes.
  3. Windows in the screen room need something to prevent the rain from coming in and causing flooding she suggested we get something on the outside like zippered plastic which might help keep the rain out…Mary & Alden will work on it.
  4. Mary mentioned the need for more lounge chairs which Lew advised he will check to see how many we have and also ascertain how many Pete purchased. Mary discussed the roof however, Charles Lea and Alden Corley assured the Board there were minor repairs and nothing to be concerned with.

Alden mentioned several items: The need to purchase about 20 more plastic chairs for the screen room. Another item Alden mentioned was the need for an additional bike rack for the owner’s personal bikes. Alden is in charge of the building maintenance and will be working closely with Mary on the seawall, the screen room flooring, fire doors and a possible solution for the screen room windows.

OLD BUSINESS: Gary discussed the offer from owner Janice Genari who wants to refurbish the kiddie play area in honor of her late husband along with installing a bench. Board reviewed her plans and Mary will work directly with Janice to be sure all things meet board approval. Mrs. Genari offered to keep the play area updated on a yearly basis at her expense. Mrs. Gennari will be at HN during week 20. Gary wants to be sure landscape blocks are used.

RENTAL POLICY: Gary requested the board review our current rental policy as it pertains to our owners. Gary felt it was not right our owners had to wait for their rental money until after the rental occurs when we have a no refund policy in effect. Rosemary assured Gary that we have a no refund policy unless the office can re-rent the unit with sufficient notice from the renter. Board discussed our current policy at length and decided to vote to change it so that all owners will be paid within a possible 30 day period. Rosemary made motion, seconded by Alden. Roll Call vote: Alden-Yes, Charles Lea-Yes, Lew Werth-Yes, Gary Tucker-Yes, Charles Weidner-Yes, and Rosemary Smith-Yes. Board voted unanimously to accept the new policy. All previous rental money will be paid as soon as the office is able to work on our current cash flow and get all rental money due our owners’ up-to-date. Gary commended Mary on her efforts in getting rental checks to our owners that had been left for many months.

ADJOURMENT: Gary made motion to adjourn, seconded by Rosemary. Meeting adjourned at 2:20 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Rosemary C. Smith

Corporate Secretary