2006/2007 ACTION PLAN
A1 – We make sure we communicate effectively with our employees.
1. A Communication Plan, in line with the paper agreed at the NHSG Board meeting in March, 2005, has been approved by the Board and implemented.
- NHSG’s visions and values have been embedded in the community health plan. The new "Healthfit" pack has been distributed organisation wide, to help the public/communities/staff to understand the corporate objectives, vision and values of NHS Grampian.
An evaluation of the document “Healthfit – An Introduction” has been conducted.
Actions 2006/2007
Follow up on any relevant actions from the results of the local questions on Healthfit in the National Staff Survey.
Responsibility: Director of Corporate Communications, Director of Public Health Director of HR and GAPF.
3.Monitoring and evaluation of the internal communication strategy is the most problematic area currently facing the corporate communications team. This will, however, be addressed through the results from Section A of the National Staff Survey.
Actions for 2006/2007
Follow up on the outcomes from questions 15 – 30 of the National Staff Survey [effectiveness of communicating what is happening within NHS Grampian], once these are known.
Responsibility: Director of Corporate Communications,
Director of HR and GAPF.
4.A number of localities and functions have developed their own newsletters and the Communication Sub Group is currently reviewing what exists with a view to developing a system through which these can be shared across the organisation.
Actions for 2006/2007
Complete a review of the current range of local newsletters and develop a strategy for sharing information across NHSG by December, 2006.
Responsibility: Director of Corporate Communications and the Communications Sub Group of the GAPF
A2 – We make sure we listen to our employees.
New team brief meetings are held on the last Tuesday of every month at 8.30am when Chief Executive briefs all executive directors. The brief is then cascaded to all staff throughout NHS Grampian within 72 hours of the CE’s briefing. The team brief meetings consist of core briefings, which are discussed organisation wide and local briefings that are discussed on a department/locality basis. Certain members of staff, such as Community nurses, receive briefings electronically as this is the most efficient method of reaching these staff.
The staff newspaper, UpFront, is ongoing [now reached issue no. 24] and contains editorial as well as staff contributions. Face to face sessions have largely replaced Managerial Information Exchanges, although these will continue to be used for high level or important events only.
A mix of Face to Face sessions, Team Brief, UpFront, global emails etc has been used to communicate a range of important topics to staff e.g. Acute management review, financial recovery, ARI Campus Development etc. It was agreed that, rather than specifically evaluate items individually, there will be valuable information provided by the national Staff Survey results.
Actions for 2006/2007
See A1.3 and A1.4 above.
A3 – We make effective use of technology.
1NHS Grampian could not commit resource to the development of E-Learning due to financial position and a bid was therefore made to the Scottish Executive for funding. This was successful with £34,000 being allocated over 2 years and was used to fund an e-Learning Developer post, with an appointment being made in January 2006. All trainers have been advised of this and we are currently working with the e-Learning Developer to agree priority areas of work for her. The E-Learning package has been purchased and the e-Learning Developer is currently being trained on this system.
Actions 2006/2007
(a)development of learning portals i.e. one easy route to access information on internal/external learning and development activities, by September, 2006
(b)development of e-learning programmes on agreed priorities e.g. Induction, Moving and Handling, for staff to access via the intranet by March, 2007
Responsibility: Head of L&D and IM&T General Manager.
2Oncore, the single booking system has been delayed due to the delays in the SWISS project. Key data needs downloaded from SWISS and this has not happened to date. It is hoped this will occur soon as we have been advised that the technical difficulties are almost resolved. Oncore should therefore go live in Spring 2006.
Actions 2006/2007 –
(a)full implementation of Oncore, once technical difficulties resolved, by October, 2006.
(b)develop system for accessing and completing Application for Study Leave forms on line, which staff can the print off for their manager to approve, by November, 2006.
Responsibility: Head of L&D and IM&T General Manager.
B1 – Our goals are realistic given the people we have.
A revised Performance Appraisal and Development process was agreed and implemented in 2005. This process links to KSF and also links corporate objectives to individual objectives.
We have further developed our relationships with strategic partners. There is now a Shared Ambitions Federation which involves RGU, Aberdeen University, NES, NHS across the region and links with Local Authority. This group is looking at creative ideas to support and develop the development agenda.
Actions for 2006/2007
(a)Ensure all sectors produce a realistic learning plan that can be implemented by March, 2007.
Responsibility: Head of L&D, GMs and HRMs
(b)Provide training to managers on how to identify training needs to better support staff and personal development planning – ongoing.
Responsibility: Head of L&D and HRMs
(c)Complete KSF implementation training and devise a 1 day training course on KSF for new starts by July, 2006.
Responsibility: Head of L&D
B2 – We make sure that there are clear links between what the employer wants to achieve, what departments/functions and teams have to achieve and what our employees have to achieve.
Sector Learning Plans are progressing but to date, only one plan received. The HRMs are working with their general managers to progress this.
The E-KSF system will allow us to log every Personal Development Plan and therefore produce data. We now have this system and are now currently setting it up. It will be rolled out with training during 2006/7.
In addition, the personal objectives of the senior team are now developed in line with corporate objectives, with sector/corporate function performance reviews being based around the delivery of corporate objectives
Action 2006/2007
Roll out the system by March, 2007.
Responsibility: Head of L&D, Head of Workforce Development and Redesign and HRMs.
B3 – We have assessed the numbers, skills and mix of people we need and have identified actions needed to achieve this.
Workforce Planning Tool has been developed and is being used within Aberdeenshire CHP, Moray CHP and Unscheduled Care.
Actions 2006/2007
(a)Make Workforce Planning Tool available on the intranet by April, 2006.
(b)Roll out Workforce Planning Tool across service redesign projects during 2006/2007 – ongoing.
(c)Develop NHSG Workforce Plan by May, 2006.
Responsibility: Head of Workforce Development and Redesign, Director of Planning and HRMs.
B4 – We actively encourage continuous performance improvement.
KSF is currently being implemented. This commenced in October 2005.
A revised single system Learning and Development policy is in final stages of consultation. This policy will ensure a fairer approach to the allocation of resources to support individual training and development requirements.
A Balanced Performance Framework, with clear targets and deliverables to demonstrate improved performance of the organisation, is also being rolled out.
Actions 2006/2007
Implement NHSG Learning and Development Policy by September, 2006.
Responsibility: Head of L&D and GAPF
C1 – We have leaders at all levels who, in partnership, take responsibility for ensuring that staff involvement is developed, regularly reviewed and that progress has been made.
1. The Grampian Area Partnership Forum meets once a month; staff governance is a key discussion topic during these meetings. There are also five sub groups of the GAPF (Communications, Policies and Procedures, Workforce Development, Learning and Development and Terms and Conditions) that meet every 4-6 weeks
Sector Partnership fora meet every 4 – 6 weeks
Partnership groups below Sector Partnership Forum level are being developed e.g. in HR and Finance and it is envisaged that the numbers of these will increase following the publicity strategy being developed by the Communications Sub Group (see C1.2 below).
The People Management project is progressing with a planned implementation date of Autumn 2006. Staff-side are on the Steering Group and are considering actively participating in the delivery of the training.
Action 2006/2007
(a)Implement People Management Programme by autumn 2006.
Responsibility: Head of L&D, HRMs and Staff Side representatives.
(b)Roll out training – ongoing.
Responsibility: Head of L&D, HRMs and Staff Side representatives.
(c)Improve sector linkage between sector partnership for a and GAPF – ongoing.
Responsibility: Director of HR, Employee Director and HRMs.
- Documentation which promotes the ethos of partnership working – poster, leaflet, 7 Steps for Partnership Working guidance and a credit card style card - is currently with NHS Grampian’s graphics department awaiting preparation and printing. The Communications Sub Group of GAPF is currently developing a strategy – “Promoting Partnership the Continuing Journey” – to ensure maximum publicity of partnership working across NHS Grampian and for ensuring that each member of staff receives the credit card style card.
Action 2006/2007
Conduct an extensive Partnership publicity campaign across NHSG by August, 2006.
Responsibility: Communication Sub Group of the GAPF.
C2 – All employees are involved in (i.e. have the opportunity to contribute and influence) service planning and, as a result, patient care benefits.
Staff engagement in the strategic and operational process has shown year on year improvement. Staff have all been issued with the ‘Healthfit’ pack, which encourages staff input into NHS Grampian initiatives and the message was relayed to staff via a range of initiatives e.g. roadshows, a special Team Brief, UpFront, the Hi-net website etc. Most staff should now, therefore, be aware of corporate objectives of the organisation.
Greater emphasis is being placed on staff briefings, to increase awareness of the annual Health Plan and to recognise staff input in this area – see A1.2.
Actions 2006/2007
(a)Follow up on any relevant actions from the results of the local questions on Healthfit in the National Staff Survey.
Responsibility: Director of Public Health, Director of Planning, Director of Corporate Communications, Director of HR and GAPF.
(b)Ensure the involvement of Staff Side representatives in change projects and detailed in Project Initiation Documents (PIDs).
Responsibility: Director of Planning, General Managers, Director of HR and GAPF.
C3 – By being involved, our employees are motivated and committed to the achievement of agreed service and patient care objectives.
The pay modernisation self-assessment toolkit was introduced on July 20th 2005.
Pay modernisation benefit delivery plan required by the Scottish Executive was completed by end of September, in line with required timescales.
Pay modernisation benefit delivery plan to be reviewed and submitted to the Scottish Executive by the due date of 31st March, 2006.
We also recognise that the introduction of a menu of meaningful staff benefits will contribute to the motivation and commitment of staff and, consequently, introduced a Home Computing Initiative, on a salary sacrifice basis, in November, 2006. NHSG has also commenced discussions, with external providers, on the introduction of a Childcare Vouchers Scheme.
Actions 2006/2007
(i)Continue delivery of the Pay modernisation benefit delivery plan throughout 2006/2007 – ongoing.
Responsibility: Head of Workforce Development and Redesign, Pay Modernisation leads and the Employee Director.
(ii)Introduce a Childcare Voucher Scheme, using salary sacrifice, by August, 2006.
Responsibility: Terms and Conditions Sub Group of the GAPF.
D1 – PIN Guidelines and best practice policies are developed by area and local partnership fora with the full involvement and support of staff through their trade union/professional organisation representatives.
The Staff Management Policies Sub Group of the GAPF, chaired by the Employee Director, was established in May, 2005.
A total of 10 Policies have been implemented during the life of this group, namely:
- Alcohol and Drug Policy
- Consumption of Alcohol Policy
- Corporate Information Systems Security Policy
- Policy for the use of Internet and email
- Special and Carer Leave for Family Domestic and Personal Reasons
- Domestic Abuse Policy
- Retirement Planning and Administration Policy
- Retirement and Long Service Awards Policy
- Policy on Attendance at Work – Adverse Conditions
- Grievance Policy
In addition, the Group commissioned a review of the following, existing, policies:
- Tobacco - this has been agreed and is in the process of being implemented (in a strategy which will link in with the introduction of the legislation on smoking in confined spaces
- Dignity at Work – final draft currently out for general consultation
- Parental Leave – work ongoing
The sub Group has agreed that development and implementation of an Attendance Management Policy is a top priority and a group has been established to progress this work.
Actions for 2006/2007
(a)Implement the updated Tobacco Policy in line with the strategy agreed by GAPF in December, 2005 by June, 2006.
Responsibility: Tobacco Policy Review Group, HR Directorate, Employee Director and
Head of Partnership and Staff Governance through the GAPF.
(b)Implement an updated Dignity at Work Policy by July, 2006.
Responsibility: HR Directorate, Employee Director and Head of Partnership
and Staff Governance through the GAPF.
(c)Implement an updated Parental Leave Policy by August, 2006.
Responsibility: HR Directorate, Employee Director and Head of Partnership
and Staff Governance through the GAPF.
(d)Develop and implement an Attendance Management Policy by September, 2006.
Responsibility: Policies and Procedures Sub Group of the GAPF,
HRDirectorate and Head of Partnership and Staff Governance.
(e)Develop outstanding Work/Life Policies in line with the updated PIN.
Responsibility: Policies and Procedures Sub Group of the GAPF,
HRDirectorate and Head of Partnership and Staff Governance.
D2 – We have up-to-date corporate procedures or guidelines for departments/ functions recruiting employees.
The new induction process has been implemented. The Steering Group continues to meet to refine the process and take forward developments.
1The Recruitment Implications Sub-Group continues to meet and has carried out a number of actions.
- Sheet for managers on implications of Agenda for Change goes out with all short-listing policies.
- Standard cover for all Job Descriptions.
- Revised recruitment process to take account of Agenda for Change.
- Debating how KSF links to recruitment documentation.
- Linking to new Vacancy Review process.
The Job Description template, developed by the Agenda for Change Job Evaluation Sub Group is being used, as an interim measure, as a multi-purpose role profile for recruitment, evaluation and development (KSF) purposes.
Actions 2006/2007
(a)Refine the process over the course of 2006/2007 – ongoing.
(b)Review Induction Handbook at 6 monthly intervals – ongoing.
Responsibility: Head of L&D and Head of HR Service Centre.
2A Socially Inclusive Recruitment Project, Job Jump-Start, is in operation and the project is monitored by a Steering Group which has representatives from Scottish Enterprise Grampian, JobCentre Plus, and the Scottish Executive’s Health and Diversity team.
Actions 2006/2007
(a)Introduce online recruitment linked to SHOW by March, 2007.
Responsibility: Head of L&D and Head of HR Service Centre.
(b)Run a further 3 Job Jump Start programmes by March, 2007.
Responsibility: Head of L&D and Head of HR Service Centre.
D3 – We take appropriate action across the organisation to manage turnover.
- Exit interviews are not yet in place – priorities were revisited and it was considered that this was no longer a priority for 2005/2006. This will be carried over into 2006/2007.
The Workforce Plan was, however, reviewed and specific strategies were developed to assist with recruitment e.g. overseas recruitment, recruitment of carers, RAF in Moray etc. The organisation can now also monitor staff turnover via SWISS.
Actions 2006/2006
Develop and implement a process for conducting exit interviews by December, 2006.
Responsibility: Head of Workforce Development and Redesign.
- Workforce plans have been developed in line with national timescales and the NHSG Workforce Planning Tool and Workforce Plan are included with service projects and plans.
Actions 2006/2007
(a)Develop Workforce Plan by 30th April, 2006.
Responsibility: Head of Workforce Development and Redesign and HRMs.
(b)Continuation of Workforce Plans in service projects and plans – ongoing.
Responsibility: Head of Workforce Development and Redesign and HRMs.
D4 – Where it is necessary to reduce employee numbers, we ensure that this is done in partnership, giving full consideration to job security, salary protection and individuals’ development choices.
There were no actions in this section for 2005/2006.
Actions 2006/2007
Develop procedures to ensure staffing levels are consistent with achieving financial balance within NHSG – ongoing.
Responsibility: Workforce Management Steering Group.
D5 – We implement collective agreements through appropriate local fora in accordance with agreed processes and timescales.
NHS Grampian is content that this issue is satisfactory.
E1 – We have a health and safety strategy in place, which was developed in partnership.
1 - Local committees have been established at Sector level for considering risk issues.
Staff can raise issues using the former Trust’s Voicing Concern/ Whistleblowing Policies (final draft of an NHSG Voicing Concern Policy currently out for consultation) and by using the Risk Escalation process as described in the Risk Management Strategy. Concerns are also recorded on the Occurrence Recording System (primarily near misses)
Actions 2006/2007
Implement NHSG Voicing Concern Policy by July, 2006.
Responsibility: Head of Partnership and Staff Governance and GAPF.
2 - All PIN requirements met with the exception of Transport and Road risk – due to Facilities review.