The Association of Surveyors of Papua New Guinea (ASPNG) wishes to invite its members, allied professionals and interested individual to present papers at the 51stAnnual Survey Congress to be held at the Alotau International Hotel in the heart of Alotau town commencing on Wednesday the 03rd to the 05th of May 2017.

The theme is “SURVEY versus Development in the Land of the Unexpected beyond 21st Century”. It is anticipated that members of the Association of Surveyors of PNG and the technical associates will get together to reflect on the pitfall of ‘Surveying’ in the ‘Land of Unexpected’ Papua New Guinea over the past 15 years in the 21st Century and preparing for the future after the 50 years of professional existence in Papua New Guinea. Issues regarding Mapping, Professional, Education and Training, Technology (equipment & software), Government Regulations on the Profession and maintaining the Standard of the Profession should also be reflected upon during this time. The core of our reflection or discussion should be on how we as surveyors and our technical associates can participate effectively in the height of economic growth in our nation, Papua New Guinea in the 21st century.

Economic Growth is projected at 3% by the Asian Development Bank in its 2016 Update. However, a report by the bank on Critical Development Constraints in Papua New Guinea in 2012 highlights that inadequate access to Land and Formal Land Titles has been a major constraint to the development of Infrastructure, Commercial Projects and Urban Real Estates. It is anticipated that Land Acquisition will remain a constraint in the Short to Medium Term due to the Lack of Registration of Landownership and Social Mapping. Land is at demand for economic use in locations where development is planned by the Government according to Medium Term Development Strategies or Government Visions. However, development is visible and realistic only if Land is adequately surveyed according to intended project scope after proper acquisition.

Most of the surveying done over the last 50 years was on alienated land and some customary land which were properly acquired for development. Papua New Guinea, as the ‘Land of Unexpected’ with over 800 languages, complex geography with 75% of forest rich with flora and fauna, unique cultural customs and practices from society to society and a Customary Land Tenure that follows a Patrilineal or a Matrilineal recognition, makes the work of a Surveyors difficult at times considering all the risks involved.

Surveyors had good and bad memories of their encounter while called on duty. The Surveying Profession had stood the test of time from using a Chain & Compass to Wild T2s with just a table and manual drafting equipment to working with EDMs with Softwares in Computer Aided Designs. And today Surveying has engaged latest technology, Global Positioning System (GPS) and Drones. Now with advanced equipments and softwares, Surveyors are prepared to survey more of the 97% of Customary Land in Papua New Guinea.

There have been a lot of technical papers presented on technological and policy changes, challenges and the future of Surveying in PNG over the past 50 years of the Association. The Congress Manager here requests authors to present an abstract of their paper for the 51st Congress, briefly describing the aspect of the paper. The abstract should have a maximum of 200 words and be written in English.

Participants who wish to contribute oral and poster presentation and trade exhibitions are most welcome too.

Please include the following information listed below together with an abstract of no more than 200 words and submit for presentation;

Presenters Name and Address

Title of the Paper

Type of presentation paper, oral, poster, workshop or trade exhibition.

Abstracts must be sent to the Assistant Congress Manager by the 20th of March, 2017 and the final paper by the 3rd of April, 2017. The address is;

The Assistant Congress Manager

Arman Larmer Surveys Ltd

P.O.Box 372

Port Moresby, PNG

Tel: (675) 321 5925

Fax: (675) 321 5875
