Division of Education

Office of Certification and Field Experience



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Student Teacher:
Coop Teacher:
  • Evaluation of Personnel may be based on the evidence from observation, input from other supervisors, documentation, discussions, and the effectiveness of the staff person in implementing the state standards.
  • CODES: L4-Exemplary Practice L3-Basic Competence L2-Limited Competence L1-Exhibits Difficulty NO-Not Observed

  1. LEARNER DEVELOPMENT – objectivesthat are at the appropriate developmental levels, address individual differences, differentiate instruction, cognitively challenging, builds on students strengths, align to standards, supportive discourse accommodations, encourages academic conversation, verbal and non verbal interactions, demonstrates respect from learners
/ L4
□ / L3
□ / L2
□ / L1
□ / NO

  1. LEARNING DIFFERENCES – accommodations, adaptations and or modifications, differentiate the delivery of instructions, assessments accommodating needs of learners, strategies allow all learners to succeed, incorporate student interest, content that address cultural and social issues, content relating various perspectives, inclusive learning community, response to learners respectfully, students express and discuss ideas, classroom rules established, fosters collaboration among students, learners engage in academic discussions, learners assessed on content knowledge, supports students in language and literacy development, uses multi-cultural materials, different reading levels used when necessary
/ L4
□ / L3
□ / L2
□ / L1
□ / NO

  1. LEARNING ENVIRONMENT – academic conversations and use of academic language, demonstrates general warmth, caring and respect, effective classroom management, considers physical space and resources to optimize learning activities, uses instructional time effectively, learners actively participating, learners assume responsibility, positive peer relationships and collaboration, learner displays interest and enthusiasm, hands on activities, collaborative learning, measurable objectives, responding in an enthusiastic and interested manner, active discussion with peers, coaching/ mentoring
/ L4
□ / L3
□ / L2
□ / L1
□ / NO

  1. CONTENT KNOWLEDGE- disciplinary words established with the content, activities develop critical thinking and problem solving in content area, knowledge and command of subject matter
/ L4
□ / L3
□ / L2
□ / L1
□ / NO

  1. APPLICATION OF CONTENT– uses research and content knowledge from a variety of texts, interdisciplinary learning experiences, learners apply content knowledge to solve real world problems, use technological tools, communicate knowledge through a variety of forms (oral, written, etc.) literacy activities within content areas, activities promote and value development of quantitative reasoning, reads a variety of books on their own reading level, use of comprehensive strategies, compares and draws conclusions from various sources, writes about the content area, explores quantitative reasoning, understands the value of quantitative reasoning
/ L4
□ / L3
□ / L2
□ / L1
□ / NO

  1. ASSESSMENT– uses pre- and post-assessments, sets instructional benchmarks, analyses data, data used to design and implement instruction, appropriate formative and summative assessments, continuous assessment evident, meaningful and specific feedback provided, assessment used to differentiate instruction, modifies and adjusts instruction, uses assessment data to provide feedback, explains assessments to student, assist in interpreting performance.
/ L4
□ / L3
□ / L2
□ / L1
□ / NO

  1. PLANNING FOR INSTRUCTION– instruction material meet lesson objectives, materials at appropriate reading levels, appropriate instructional materials selected to meet the needs of all learners, achieve objectives, integration of technology, lessons well organized and follow a carefully sequenced development of high level student learning, uses web tools, collaborate with any support teachers to provide instruction, appropriate objectives align to standards, sequential development of content
/ L4
□ / L3
□ / L2
□ / L1
□ / NO

  1. INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES – objectives align to standards, instructional activities achieve objectives of the lesson, effective questions to facilitate deep understanding of content (higher order thinking), teacher serves as instructor, coach, facilitator, models metacognitive processes(think alouds, questioning), variety of appropriate materials and resources to achieve objectives, uses appropriate academic language to discipline, models new skills and processes, ask student to explore and explain strategies
/ L4
□ / L3
□ / L2
□ / L1
□ / NO

  1. PROFESSIONAL LEARNING & ETHICAL PRACTICE –evidence of reflective practice for improvement of professional practice, can provide specific recommendations for future improvement, evidence of maintaining and analyzing accurate student records, appropriate professional demeanor, reflects upon and uses constructive suggestions, demonstrates effective reading, writing, speaking, mathematics, and technology skills, provides feedback to students and parents, constructive suggestion to enhance teaching and learning, implements feedback
/ L4
□ / L3
□ / L2
□ / L1
□ / NO

  1. LEADERSHIP & COLLABORATION – works with other school professionals to plan and jointly facilitate learning to address diverse needs of learners, evidence of contributing by voluntarily offering assistance and participating in school/district events, participates in in-service training , provides tutoring assistance to student before and after school
/ L4
□ / L3
□ / L2
□ / L1
□ / NO

  1. PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY - fosters and maintains a classroom environment which protects students from sexually, physically, verbally, or emotionally harassing behavior by action in a sound and professionally responsible manner
/ L4
□ / L3
□ / L2
□ / L1
□ / NO


Mandatory Signatures:

Supervisor Signature ______Date ______

Student Teacher Signature ______Date ______