February 12, 2016

Dear Friends of the Envirothon:

Would you like to:

  • Support Pennsylvania’s Youth?
  • Share your expertise with hundreds of students committed to conserving our natural resources?
  • Inspire and motivate others in conservation, preservation, and overall environmental awareness and stewardship?
  • Experience the Natural Challenge of the Envirothon?
  • Have fun while doing all of the above?

The Pennsylvania Envirothon is seeking volunteers to help us fulfill our mission to educate high school students in natural resources and environmental sciences. What betterway to ensure that Envirothon students receive a quality natural resource education than by investing your time and talent? Please join us as a Volunteer at the 2016 Pennsylvania Envirothon state competition.

We need individuals to serve as:

  • Oral Presentation Component Judges
  • Presentation Room Timers
  • Team Buddies
  • Station Travel Officials
  • Score Runners
  • Food Service Volunteers
  • Oral Component Scorers

The Pennsylvania Envirothon is a conservation district led natural resource program for high schools students. We invite all conservation district staff and directors, natural resource and environmental agency and organization partners, sponsor representatives, and others who want to join the volunteer team to sign up today. We have a volunteer position for everyone!

The 2016 Pennsylvania Envirothon is being held on Tuesday and Wednesday, May 24 and 25. The host sites for this year’s event are Susquehanna University located in Selinsgrove and Camp Mount Luther located in Mifflinburg.

Attached is an Envirothon Volunteer Registration packet. We look forward to receiving your commitment and registration.


Pennsylvania Envirothon

Board of Directors

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2016 Pennsylvania envirothon

Volunteer information Packet

May 24 and 25, 2016


Volunteer Registration, Deadlines, and Submission information

Volunteer Responsibilities – description of each volunteer position

Volunteer Commitment Form – Due April 8

Volunteer Certifications (general information)

Volunteer Disclosure for Background Checks and Certifications Form – Due April 8

Exemptionfrom FBI Background Check for VolunteersForm –Due April 8(Required for ALL volunteers)

Volunteer Lodging Registration Form – Due April 8

Adult Medical Information Form

Photo Release Form

Packing List – What do I need to bring to the Envirothon?

Off Campus Lodging Information

Directions to Susquehanna University – Tuesday, May 24 events

Directors to Camp Mount Luther – Wednesday, May 25 events

Volunteer Registration, Deadlines, and Submission Information

ALL Volunteer forms are due April 8th. You will be notified by April 22nd with your volunteer assignment(s).

Please complete the following forms and information:

Volunteer Commitment form

Volunteer Disclosure for Background Checks and Certifications

Volunteer Certifications(copies)

Application for Exemption from FBI Background Checks for Volunteers – This form is REQUIRED for ALL volunteers

On Campus Volunteer Lodging Registration Form

Adult Medical and Photo Release Forms – Please complete these forms and either submit along with the other forms or bring them to the Registration table at the event.

Please submit completed forms, information, and required certifications to:

Lorelle Steach

Pennsylvania Envirothon

702 West Pitt St., Suite 3

Bedford, PA 15522

PH: (814) 623-7900 ext. 111

Fax: (814) 690-1682


Volunteer Responsibilities

For the Pennsylvania Envirothon

Oral Component Judge – As a judge you will receive a copy of the problem scenario and a copy of the same resource material the students receive. You will receive this information about two weeks prior to the event. At the event and upon reporting for the mandatory judges training, you will receive an overview of the Oral Component, you will be grouped into a five person judging team, and you will receive training on how to be a judge for the event. Members of the PA Envirothon Board will review your role as a judge, review the problem scenario the students received, review the score sheet and how to use it. They will also go over what types of questions the judges should be asking the students.

Listed below are some of the particulars of what and how the event will occur.

  • The teams will have a timed 20-minute Oral Component session.
  • The team may use up to 7 minutes for the actual presentation to the judges.
  • The judges will then ask questions for the remaining allotted time.
  • The team will be judged and scored on their knowledge, presentation skills, and reaction to the questions.

Presentation Room Timer – At the event and upon reporting for presentation room timer training you will receive an overview of the Oral Component and the problem scenario the students received. You will also receive training and instructions on your duties from PA Envirothon Board members.

Listed below are some of the particulars of your duties and schedule of events.

  • You will be assigned to a presentation room and will be the person in charge of such room.
  • You will run the clock and start and stop the teams during their presentations.
  • You will make sure the judges are completing their score sheets completely.
  • You will collect the score sheets.

Team Buddy – At the event and upon reporting for oral component team buddy training, you will receive an overview of the Oral Component and be assigned to oversee specific teams through their preparation period. You will receive training and instructions on your duties from PA Envirothon Board members.

Listed below are some of the particulars of your duties and schedule of events:

  • You will be asked to assist with checking in teams, directing and escorting them to the correct room/building for preparation and presentation.
  • You will serve as the team’s prep room monitor.
  • At the end of the one-hour prep time you will escort the team to its presentation room.
  • Once the team is delivered to its assigned presentation room, you will report to OC Registration and collect another team to start the process again.
  • Team buddies should bring along a book, magazine, something to keep busy and occupy time.
  • You will review the oral component rules and regulations with each team.

Station Travel Official – At the station testing, you will receive instructions from PA Envirothon Board members. As a station travel official you will be responsible for a group of teams. You will move them from station to station; accompany team members to restroom; monitor the group for any inconsistencies; etc. This responsibility requires a lot of walking.

Score Runner – You will receive instructions from PA Envirothon Board members. As score runners you will be responsible to walk to one or more assigned stations to gather test scores which you will deliver to the scoring room. This responsibility requires a lot of walking. The terrain at the testing site is mostly level with some moderate hills.

Food Service Volunteer – You will receive instructions from PA Envirothon Board members. As food service volunteers, you will be responsible to assist with the delivery of coffee, water, and lunch for all participants to all stations. You will also assist in setting up an afternoon snack for the participants. This will require some lifting and walking. Volunteers must be able to lift/carry up to 40 lbs.

Oral Component Scorer – You will receive instructions from PA Envirothon Board members. As oral component scorers, you will be responsible to assist with tabulating the oral presentation scores from Tuesday’s team presentations. This will require sitting, tabulating scores from the score sheets, and double checking math.

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Volunteer Commitment Form



Agency/Organization/District Name:

Address: City: State: Zip:

Telephone: Cell Phone: (Used only in the case of an emergency.)


Please indicate by preference the duties with which you would like to help. A description of Volunteer Responsibilities is included. Assignments are made on a first-come first-served basis. (Please note some positions requirechild abuse and criminal history background certifications. All volunteers are required to sign the Application for Exemption from FBI Background Check for Volunteers.)

1 –3 / Tuesday, May 24, 2016 - Susquehanna University
Volunteer Responsibilities / Menu Choice
Regular or Vegetarian
Report no later than 9:45 a.m.and prepare to stay until 6:00 p.m.
TEAM BUDDY- Certifications Required
Report no later than 10:30 a.m. and prepare to stay until 5:00 p.m.
ROOM TIMERS - Certifications Required
Report no later than 10:45 a.m. and prepare to stay until 6:00 p.m.
**I am not staying on campus, but would like a ticket for the Tuesday evening dinner. / Yes / No

All Tuesday volunteers need to report at their designated time to the registration area located in the Susquehanna UniversityDegenstein Center for orientation and instruction. PLEASE BE ON TIME. (Lunch is provided.)

1 – 4 / Wednesday, May 25, 2016 - Camp Mount Luther
Volunteer Responsibilities / Menu Choice
Regular or Vegetarian
SCORE RUNNERS Report at8:30 a.m.
TRAVEL OFFICIALS - Certifications Required Report at7:30 a.m.
FOOD SERVICE (requires lifting and walking) Report at7:30 a.m.
ORAL COMPONENT SCORERS Report at 9:00 a.m.

All Wednesday volunteers need to report to registration at the Camp Mount LutherEvergreen Centerat your designated time for site orientation and instruction and prepare to stay until 4:30 p.m. unless otherwise noted.PLEASE BE ON TIME. (Lunch is provided.)

Volunteer T-shirts –You will receive a Volunteer’s T-shirtand be asked to wear this shirt on the day(s) you volunteer. Wearing the t-shirt will bevoluntary for Tuesday’s Oral Presentation Judges.

Please indicate

Please complete this form and return to: Lorelle Steach, Pennsylvania Envirothon, 702 W. Pitt St., Suite 3, Bedford, PA 15522; .

Pennsylvania Volunteer Certifications

General Information

According to the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services, certification for volunteer requirement begins August 25, 2015 and must be renewed every 60 months.

  • Adult Volunteers are defined as:
  • Being responsible for the welfare of children; or
  • Having direct volunteer contact with children (care, supervision, guidance or control to children AND routine interaction)
  • Must obtain Pennsylvania State Police Criminal History and Child Abuse History Certifications
  • FBI Federal Criminal History Certification not required as long as:
  • Position is unpaid
  • PA resident continuously for the past 10 years
  • Signs a disclaimer affirming no charges in other states that would prohibit selections as a volunteer

Pennsylvania Envirothon Volunteersinclude, but are not limited to the following: team advisors, coaches, and chaperones, staff, and designated event volunteers (i.e., Team Buddy, Room Timer, and Travel Official).

Copies of the following certifications must be submitted to the Pennsylvania Envirothon prior to being considered as an Envirothon volunteer.

  • Pennsylvania State Police Criminal History Clearance - Can be obtained at
  • Child Abuse History Clearance - Can be obtained at
  • FBI Background Check Exemption, if qualified.
  • Volunteer qualifies if he/she has been a resident of the Commonwealth of PA for the entirety of the previous 10 years AND has never been convicted of a disqualifying offense.
  • Exemption form is included for signature.
  • FBI Federal Criminal History Clearance
  • Only required if the volunteer does not qualify for Exemption from FBI Background Check
  • Cost: $25.75
  • Can be obtained at

When assisting with the Pennsylvania Envirothon, certifications must be less than one (1) year old and must be renewed every 60 months from the date on your oldest certification. The applicant or employee is responsible for paying any cost associated with obtaining the certifications. The Pennsylvania Envirothon will keep this information on file for a period of five (5) years. Please black out social security numbers if they are displayed on any of the forms.

Further information on how to obtain clearances can be found at

Pennsylvania Envirothon

Volunteer DisclosureforBackground Checks and Certifications

(ALL volunteers are REQUIRED to complete and return this form.)

The Pennsylvania Envirothon sponsors this two-day program for youth. We want to assure that all Pennsylvania Envirothon staff, volunteers, and advisors/chaperones are committed to providing a safe environment for children and youth are capable of identifying and preventing abuse of children, and have no personal history of behavior that would be a threat to children.

As part of this commitment and as a requirement of the host university/college, we REQUIRE you to provide the following information in accordance with the state law that requires all adult volunteers havePSP Criminal History Certification and Pennsylvania Child Abuse Certificationeffective August 25, 2015.

As a volunteer with the Pennsylvania Envirothon (please check all that apply):

I have adequately and accurately completed the PSP Criminal History Certification and Pennsylvania Child Abuse Certification forms with received results stating “NO RECORD EXISTS. Anyone choosing to serve as a Team Buddy, Room timer, or Travel Official is required to obtain and provide copies of these certifications.According to the new state law the following volunteers are required to obtain certifications:

  • Volunteers who are responsible for the welfare of the child, i.e., acting in lieu of or on behalf of a parent.
  • Volunteers who have direct contact with a child, i.e., providing care, supervision, guidance or control a child (using the common meaning of those terms, with child safety serving as the paramount consideration).
  • Volunteers who have routine interaction with children (volunteers who have regular, ongoing contact that is integral to their volunteer responsibilities).

I have NOT completed or applied for the above mentioned certifications. Oral Presentation Judges, Scorers, Food Service, and Score runners are not required to obtain certifications.

I have completed the above mentioned certifications, but did NOT receive a “NO RECORD EXISTS” clearance approval; the approval is pending or was declined.

By: (Signature)


(Print name)



The Pennsylvania Envirothon is required to present to the College a signed statement that criminal history and child abuse/sex offender background checks have been conducted on all employees and volunteers who are in direct contact with youth. In addition, we must also include Sexual Molestation coverage with its insurance policy.

Registration Deadline: April 8, 2016

Please complete this form and return along with required certifications to:

Lorelle Steach, Executive Director

Pennsylvania Envirothon

702 West Pitt Street, Suite 3

Bedford, PA 15522

PH: (814) 623-7900 ext. 111


Exemption fromFBI Background Check for Volunteers Form

All Volunteers are required to sign and return this form.

I hereby swear/affirm that the following is true and correct:

  1. I have been a resident of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania during the entirety of the previous ten-year period from the date of this document.
  2. I have NEVER been named as a perpetrator of a founded report of child abuse.
  3. I have NEVER been convicted of one or more of the following types of offenses, including the attempt, solicitation or conspiracy to commit any of the of the following offenses:

  1. Criminal homicide
  2. Aggravated assault
  3. Stalking
  4. Kidnapping
  5. Unlawful restraint
  6. Rape
  7. Statutory sexual assault
  8. Involuntary deviate sexual intercourse
  9. Sexual assault
  10. Aggravated indecent assault
  11. Indecent assault
  12. Indecent exposure
  13. Incest
  14. Concealing death of child
  15. Endangering welfare of children
  16. Dealing in infant children
  17. Prostitution and related offenses
  18. Crimes related to obscene and other sexual materials and performances
  19. Corruption of minors
  20. Sexual abuse of children

  1. Within the 5 year period immediately preceding the date of this document, I have not been convicted of a felony offense under The Controlled Substance, Drug, Device and Cosmetic Act.
  2. I have not been convicted of an offense similar in nature to those crimes listed under paragraphs 2, 3, or 4 above under Pennsylvania law, Federal law, the law of another state or the law of any other foreign or domestic jurisdiction.

By signing below, I swear/affirm that I have read and understand the above, and the statements as set forth above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that the penalty for false swearing is a misdemeanor of the third degree pursuant to Section 4903 (b) of the Crimes Code.



(Print name)



The Pennsylvania Envirothon is required to present to the host university a signed statement that criminal history and child abuse/sex offender background checks have been conducted on all employees and volunteers who are in direct contact with youth. In addition, we must also include Sexual Molestation coverage with our insurance policy.

Please complete this form and return to: Lorelle Steach, Pennsylvania Envirothon, 702 W. Pitt St., Suite 3, Bedford, PA 15522; .

Volunteer Lodging Registration Form


May 24 - 25, 2016

Susquehanna University/Camp Mount Luther


Agency/Organization/District Name:

Address: City: State: Zip:

Telephone: Cell Phone: (Used only in the case of emergency.)


Volunteer Lodging: Apartment style rooms available for volunteers have a living room, kitchen with refrigerator, two-full bathrooms, carpeting, and air-conditioning. There are both 4-person apartments and 5-person apartments. The 4-person apartment allows each guest to have their own private bedroom. The 5-person also has 4 bedrooms, which means that in one room 2 people could share a bedroom. A Packing List can be found on the following page. Lodging assignments will be made by the PA Envirothon Board and Susquehanna University staff.

Complete and submit this form and a check for the total amount due made payable to the Pennsylvania Envirothon.