First exam 1as

Hello I am Mary from England. I am twenty two I live in Orpington, a small quiet town not far from London.

I am a computer programmer. I design web site for travel agencies or companies. I usually work at home. But I generally go to London twice a month to meet my employers.

I love music and I play the guitar but my favourite hobby is photography. I often take photos of the countryside. On Sundays, I sometimes do shopping and wash my father’s car .I always go jogging early on Sunday mornings.

Please e-mail me soon.

Section one : A / Reading Comprehension:

1) How many paragraphs are there in the e-mail?

2) Match the topics in James’s e-mail with the appropriate paragraphs:

Topics / paragraphs
Weekday activities / ......
Ending / ......
Weekend activities / ......
Introduction / …………………..

3) Answer the following questions:

• Is Mary a travel agent?

• What are her hobbies?

• How often does she go shopping?

4) A/ Find in the e-mails words which are closest in meaning to:

- Plan=……………………§2

- City=……………………§1

- Frequently=…………….§2

B/ Find in the e-mail words which are opposites to:

- Rarely≠…………………§2

- Late≠……………………§3

- near≠…………………...§1

B/Language study:

1) supply punctuation and capitals

hi my name is brian i am sixteen years old i live in Bristol in great Britain i go to secondary school i am interested in music and cinema

2) transform these statements into requests:

- You want someone to drive more/ less quickly.

- You want someone to clean the room more/ less properly.

- You want someone to be more/ less serious.

- You want someone to explain the lesson carefully.

3) Match sentences in column A with their corresponding in column B:

A / B
Jim’s parents offered him a camera / So that she could improve her English.
She made John learn his lessons. / So that he would get good marks.
I have left the key under the mat / So that he could take photos.
They sent Sue to London. / So that the children will find it when they return from school.