Tweek of Zarik Dhor

I had originally posted this on the paizo message boards but decided to put it here for those who hadn’t seen it yet. I changed around some of the feats and weapon bonuses and I think gave Zarik a higher int score. Hope you all like it.

This is how I see combat going: round one, charge one of the front line fighters of the party (+13 str, +4 large, +4 imp. Bull rush = +21). At the end of my charge I’ll take my one attack, electing to try to trip someone in my reach (if melee touch attack succeeds, +13 str, +4 imp. Trip, +4 large = +21). If I don’t try to trip the one I charged, then I’ll try to trip one of the other front line tanks. If my trip succeeds, I’ll get an attack because I have imp. Trip. Now I don’t see anywhere where it says that I can’t use this attack to try to disarm and I don’t see where it says I can’t try to disarm someone other then the one I just charged. So for my disarm attempt I’ll target a small type person (bonus for difference in size category) that is far enough away so they do not get an AoO on me, (+28 atk, +4 two hand weapon, +8 size, +2 spiked chain = +42). On my next turn I’ll use my full attack to trip and free attack from imp. Trip feat to take down as many people as I can. If I haven’t yet disarmed the main tank of the party, I’ll use one of my attacks for a disarm attempt plus I don’t want to forget about my natural attacks. For my third round I’ll ready an action to try to disrupt any spell casting with in his, I believe 15’ reach (I know my party; they will be casting defensively by this time). As soon as some one try’s to cast a spell I’ll try to trip + attack from imp. Trip feat (hopefully doing enough damage to interrupt the spell, I’ll use power attack at full agenst lightly armored people like wizards). After this I’ll just trip + attack and disarm as I see fit. What do you think? Did I get the math right?

Zarik Dhor: Male Minotaur Bbn4/Ftr4;

Large Dragon (augmented monstrous humanoid); CR 14;

HD 10d10+4d12+98; hp 190;

Init +3; Spd 40 ft/x4;Fly 60 ft.(avg);

AC 28 (+7 armor, +3 dex, -1 size, +9 natural, +2 deflection, -2 misc), touch 12, flat-footed 28;

Base Atk/Grapple +14/+31;

Full Atk +28/+23/+18 Shock (2d6+22+1d6;20/x2, +1 Spiked Chain), +24 (1d8+6; 20/x2 Gore); +24 (1d8+6; 20/x2 Bite); Backup weapon +26/+21/+16 One-handed (1d6+13;19-20/x2, Dagger);

AL CN; SV Fort +20, Ref +13, Will +12;

Str 36(+13), Dex 16(+3), Con 24(+7), Int 13(+1), Wis 10(+0), Cha 8(-1);

Skills: Intimidate¹ +16, Listen¹ +17, Search¹ +9, Spot¹ +14, Survival¹ +10, Swim¹ +16.

Feats: Combat Expertise, Improved Trip, Combat Reflexes, Exotic Weapon Proficiency(Spiked Chain), Power attack, Weapon Focus(Spiked Chain), Weapon Specialization(Spiked Chain), Multiattack