Minute of SDEF Annual General Meeting

Held at

Beardmore Hotel, Clydebank

On Wednesday 24 September 2014

Please see attached Delegate List
1 / Approval of AGM 2013 Minute
The 2013 AGM Minute was approved by John Thomas, Renfrewshire Access Panel and seconded by William McCallum, Individual Member.
2 / Presentation of the Annual Report and Accounts
Hector Macdonald, SDEF Honorary Treasurer, spoke to his Report. He explained the underspend was due to Maternity Leave, vacant posts (awaiting new staff) and unspent travel costs due tostaff leaving.
When asked, Hector confirmed heating costs were included in the Rent.
Susan was asked if we would be able to get further Big Lottery funding. Susan answered it could certainly be looked into next year.
Susan confirmed that only posts within SDEF were included in the Advertising budget.
Susan stated that if anyone required a copy of Hector’s report, to contact the office.
The Annual Report and Accounts were proposed by Sonia McLay, Falkirk Access Panel and seconded by Nick Rochford, Ross and Cromarty Access Panel.
3 / Delegation to the Board the re-appointment of Independent Examiners
Proposed by John Thomas, Renfrewshire Access Panel and seconded by Nick Rochford, Ross and Cromarty Access Panel.
4 / Approval of Fees and Subscriptions
The Board proposed that subscription to SDEF remained at nil.
This was proposed by John Thomas, Renfrewshire Access Panel and seconded by Michael Dunlop, South Ayrshire Access Panel.
5 / Vote to accept new Articles of Association
Some members asked if SDEF would consider having a SCIO (Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation). The Convenor replied that our legal team had vetted them and decided that it was not suitable for the organisation, at this time.
Bobby Park, Glasgow Access Panel, asked why changes were being made to the Articles. Susan replied that the current Articles were out of date and required to be brought in line with appropriate governance to ensure good practice.
Susan clarified the reason for the vote explaining that it would include the wider membership to enable SDEF to be truly representative of all of its members.
The Convenor asked the16 Full Member representatives to raise their hand if they were in favour of updating the Articles. EightFull Members voted in favour of the changes plus one postal vote. Jackie explained that although 51% of the eligible voters were in favour of the changes, 75% was required to carry the vote forward. Jackie, therefore, concluded that the changes to the M&As were not passed and that SDEF would revert back to the current M&As.
Decision: Changes to M&As not passed.
The Convenor closed the AGM Formal Business
Presentation by SDEF Staff on Current and Future Work
Robert Ferguson, Disability Access Officer, updated the members on his work. He told the Panels that he is listening to their concerns, collating the information and bringing it to the attention of the Scottish Government. He explained that he is working to increase SDEF membership with the emphasis on younger members. Robert stated that he wanted SDEF to be widely recognised as the “go to” organisation for all Disability Equality-related issues.
Morven Brooks, Information and Communications Officer, updated the delegates on her work which included the SDEF website, Open Door, joint working with other organisations, policy work, Disability Roadshows and Hate Crime. Morven explained that she wanted the wider membership to engage online and asked for relevant items which affect the members for the newsletter.
Yvonne Wemyss, National Inclusion Officer, relayed that the Access Panel Sustainability Project was progressing very well. Yvonne emphasised the importance of working together and sharing information to move forward to support people with disabilities in Scotland. She stated that it was vital to increase participation with councils and transport bodies to remove barriers to accessibility for the whole society in Scotland.
Adam Nosal, Equality Internship Programme Officer, presented on his challenging role of supporting disabled graduates within the Third Sector. He stated that he helps the Intern and the employer understand the role of the Intern within the organisation.
Susan Grasekamp, CEO, thanked the Officers for their presentations. Susan went on to say that this is a year of new beginnings with new staff and new premises. She recognised the work of each member of staff and thanked them sincerely for their work and support over the past year.
Suggested Priorities of Work
Jackie asked the delegates for their ideas on further areas of work for SDEF.Peter McDade, East Dunbartonshire Access Panel, suggested Shared Spaces. He stated that this is an issue for disabled people, in particular, people with visual impairments.
Sam Hunter, North Lanarkshire Disability Access Panel, added that people with guidedogs have great difficulty with shared spaces, especially the absence of kerbs.
Robert Brown, Individual Member, suggested Public Transport, in particular, access through railway stations and accessible carriages.Michael Dunlop, South Ayrshire Access Panel, mentioned inaccessible Constituency Offices.
Robert Dick, Stirling Area Access Panel, stated that Access Panels should be recognised by councils and other organisations as professional bodies. Robert went on to say that Access Panels do provide information to SDEF, however Jackie said that not every Panel replied to the Access Panel Skills Audit. He said the training was tailored as a direct result of the information received in the Audit.
Jennie McCartney, Falkirk Access Panel, queried why she was not allowed to attend the second training course. Yvonne replied that unfortunately, there wasn’t the capacity for everyone to attend.
Vote of Thanks
Denis Shovlin said thank you to the SDEF Team to the Notetakers and the Delegates.
Close of AGM 2014
Michael / Anderson
Helen / Ankers
Maeve / Bain
Morven / Brooks
Robert / Brown
Andrew James / Chisholm
Nigel / Clark
Morven / Cruickshank
Stephen / Cruickshank
Fred / Cumming
Robert / Dick
Maria / Duncan
Michael / Dunlop
Margaret / Dymond
Robert / Ferguson
Stephen / Fernand
Elizabeth / Gardiner
John / Graham
Susan / Grasekamp
Mike / Harrison
Sam / Hunter
Vicky / Innes
Kathie / Issac
Von / Jackson
Peter / Joyce
Jan / Kerr
Archibald / Leckie
Hector / Macdonald
Maurin / MacDonald
Jackie / Maceira
Sonia / McLay
William / McCallum
Jennie / McCartney
Pat / McComiskey
Peter / McDade
Pat / McGuigan
Ina / McPhearson
Gordon / Mungall
Moira / Mungall
Adam / Nosal
Paddi / Obrien
Bobby / Park
Irena / Paterson
Nick / Rochford
Denis / Shovlin
Jean / Smith
Louise / Sonstebo
Lee / Stevenson
Gordon / Thomas
John / Thomas
Helen / Tierney
Mary / Tolmie
Katrina / Watson
George / Williamson
Kate / Winton
Yvonne / Wemyss