The purpose of the Volunteer Agreement is to document that you are performing services as a volunteer, on behalf of the Minnesota National Guard. The Minnesota National Guard Family Network is an officially sanctioned volunteer management program, and run as a part of Minnesota National Guard Family Programs/Deployment Cycle Support. As such, it is tasked with monitoring volunteer activity throughout the state.

I, the undersigned, am volunteering my services to the Minnesota National Guard Family Program Network/Deployment Cycle Support. I agree that my services are being performed as a volunteer and that I do not expect present or future salary, wages, or related benefits as payment or reimbursement of these services.

I understand that the Youth Programs is an official Army organization as per AR 608-1, and I will comply with all regulations and command guidelines governing the Youth Programs, including Joint Ethics Regulation. I acknowledge the Army values, and will conduct myself in Youth Programs affairs being mindful of those values.

In addition, I, the undersigned, do hereby acknowledge that in my volunteer role, I may have access to confidential information. I agree that I shall not disclose any such confidential information maintained by the National Guard to any unauthorized person, and will adhere to confidentiality guidelines of the National Guard. I acknowledge and agree that disclosure by me of confidential information obtained by me in the course of my volunteer status could be cause for termination from my volunteer position.

I understand the Privacy Act Information, and that I as a volunteer have both rights and responsibilities to my position. I have signed below in recognition and understanding of these and the above named items, and am hereby a volunteer for the Minnesota National Guard Family Program / Deployment Cycle Support.


Printed Name Date


SignatureParent Signature (if under 18 years old)


Address Phone Number


City, State, Zip Code Alternate Phone


E-Mail Address


Representing Organization/Unit Name Location

This form has been signed below by the Lead Child and Youth Program Coordinatorin acknowledgement and will be kept on file at the Minnesota National Guard Family Programs Office: 8180 Belden Blvd., Cottage Grove, Minnesota. Please direct all inquires or concerns to this office.


Lead Child and Youth Program Coordinator Date