504 N. Gilman – Litchfield, MN – 55355
Phone: 693-3207 e-mail: www.zionchurch.net
Pastors: Christian Muellerleile, Troy Pflibsen, J. David Nelson
Minister of Faith Formation: Cheryl Whitchurch
Today’s Organist: Peg Hatlestad
Missionaries: Gloria Sauck, Steven & Bethany Friberg,
Elisabeth Johnson, Jordan and Aubrey Monson,
Paul and Becky Hagen, Karen Anderson
Second Sunday in Advent December 10, 2017
Order of Worship
Prelude Z Choir
*Brief Order for Confession and Forgiveness On Screen
*Gathering Song “Prepare the Royal Highway” 264
One: Stir up our hearts, Lord God, to prepare the way of your only Son.
All: By his coming strengthen us to serve with joyous generosity.
One: Wash us clean in the waters of forgiveness, mercy, and love.
All: Bring us safely through the dark and barren wildernesses of our lives.
One: Make clear the path of repentance and forgiveness.
All: May the light of your love cast away the shadows of gloom and fear;
One: Through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.
All: Amen.
Canticle of the Turning 723
Scripture Reading: Isaiah 40:1-11
Choir Anthem
Psalm 85:1-2, 8-13 sung responsively
*Gospel Acclamation “Alleluia” p. 216
Glory to you, O Lord
*Gospel Reading: Mark 1:1-8
Praise to you, O Christ
Children’s Sermon Sermon
Hymn of the Day “Comfort, Comfort Now My People” 256
*Apostles’ Creed
*Prayers of Intercession L: Lord, in your mercy.
C: hear our prayer.
*Lord’s Prayer p. 145
The peace of the Lord be with you always! And also with you.
Offering Announcements
*Offertory “We Give Thee But Thine Own” vs. 1-2 686
*Offering Prayer
*Blessing: The love of God surround you; the grace of ☩ Christ release you; and the Holy Spirit be your guide and strength,
now and forevermore. Amen.
*Sending Song “Hark, the Glad Sound” 239
*Dismissal P: Led on by the saints before us, go in peace to serve the Lord. C: Thanks be to God.
*Please stand as you are able
Bonus Question: How would you describe the gospel of Jesus Christ?
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WELCOME TO OUR WORSHIP! We pray that your faith will be strengthened. Visitors are welcome - please sign our guest book or a yellow card in the pew and stop by the table by our Crossroads Room for a welcome bag.
WE REMEMBER IN PRAYER: Jim Swenson, and our Umngeni Companion Circuit in South Africa.
TODAY’S FLOWERS were given in honor of Arvilla Berghuis’ 90th birthday. Arvilla met her goal and has sewn 90 quilt tops this year.
THANK YOU to Anna Brock for being assisting minister, Joyce Kindseth for reading the scripture lesson, and Corey and Hannah Hansen, Alaina, Blake for lighting the Advent candles.
NEXT SUNDAY we will have our Z Choir Cantata at both worship services. Between services join us to honor Pastor Dave Nelson as he retires from his formal ministry here at Zion.
ADVENT SERVICES are held Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. Holden Evening Prayer will again draw us into prayer and study. This week we will hear from Pastor Kathryn Tiede of Lutheran Social Service on Waiting, Longing and Hope from a Christian and Lutheran perspective.
ADVENT AND CHRISTMAS OFFERINGS are designated to: 40% Lutheran Disaster Relief, 30% Meeker Area Ministries, 15% Meeker Co. Food Shelf, and 15% Benevolence
CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICES this year will take place at 8:30 a.m.,
3 p.m. and 5 p.m. The messages will be identical, music will change.
THE JANUARY 9 Joint Circle Meeting will be changed to a new date – watch for further details.
December 24th: 8:30 worship service broadcast live on KLFD and on cable TV at 11:00 a.m.
December 25th: 10:30 a.m. – Christmas Eve Service, 1:30 p.m. – Z Choir Cantata, 2:30 p.m. – Youth led service, 3:30 p.m. – Preschool Program, 4:00 p.m. – Christmas Eve Service
SUNDAY, DEC. 31 we will have one service of lessons and carols at 9:15 a.m. The public transit bus will offer service the mornings of Dec. 24 and 31.
GOD’S GLOBAL BARNYARD provides food to eat, fertilizer to grow crops, and offspring to sell at the market to help a family escape hunger and poverty. Give through Zion or at www.ELCA.org/goodgifts.
OUR FAIR TRADE STORE is closing after December 17th. See Marilyn Meline or Shirley Smith if you have questions.
WE WANT to pay back our $10,000 line of credit at the bank and our outstanding bills to finish the year in the black. Please help if you can and/or if you need to spend more charitable dollars in 2017. You may also give electronically ~ green cards in the pews provide easy instructions.
IF YOU HAVE a Thrivent account and have not yet designated your Thrivent choice dollars for 2017, please consider designating to Zion’s Building Fund. It has been depleted!
Thank you to everyone who helped with Old Fashioned Christmas! It was enjoyed by all ages!!
Thank you to the Women of Zion for hosting the Bake Sale and Luncheon and to all who attended and/or contributed time or food!
BLOOD PRESSURES will be checked the second and fourth Sundays of the month after worship in the Parish Health Office.
THIS WEEK AT ZION: Today: 5:00 pm Happy Birthday Jesus Program/Potluck; Monday: 10 am AA, 7:30 pm AA; Tuesday: Newsletter Deadline, 10 am Preschool Chapel, 11 am Text Study, 1 pm NAPS, 4:30 pm WOW; Wednesday: 9 am Staff Meeting, 9 am Funeral Serving Group meeting, 3-5 pm Something Else, 6 pm Faith Generation, 6:30 pm Advent Worship, 7:15 pm Forum Discussion; Thursday: 9:45 am OWLS, 11 am DOVES, 4 pm Cover to Cover, 7:30 pm AA; Friday: 6:30 pm Ignite; Next Sunday: 7:45 am Choir, 8:30 & 10:45 am Z Choir Cantata, 9:45 am Sunday School, Retirement Coffee for Pastor J. David Nelson, 7 pm On the Way at First Lutheran