Dobcroft Junior School
Background Information
Dobcroft Junior School is a good and effective school which is warm, welcoming and happy.
Our school is afully subscribed, three form entryJunior School with 364 pupils on roll. The majority of children live in advantageous postcodes within wealthy and affluent families and the vast majority of pupils transfer directly from the feeder infant school which is situated on the same site. A significant number of parentswork atthe Universities, hospitals and schools in Sheffield or run their own businesses.FSM is well below average (5pupils= 1.3%). The school is currently receiving Pupil Premium for 22 children(6.04%).
The majority ofour pupilsare white British but an increasing minority are drawn from other ethnic groups. Currently 24.17% of children are BME and 9.61% have EAL.
Currently, 16.21% of our pupils (59 children) are on the SEN register, 11 of whom arepupils with a statement or Educational Health Care Plan (EHCP). In September 2015, we set up a Personalised Learning Base and Nurture Unit within school which caters for 9 children with learning challenges in the mornings and 7 children with behaviour and emotionaldifficulties in the afternoons. The school is very inclusive and enjoys an excellent reputation for its work with children with special educational needs.
We aim to provide an exciting curriculum, which fulfils the legal requirements of the current National Curriculum and government guidelines. It enables our children to build their knowledge and skills systematically and consistently, so they can apply their learning to everyday life situations. Although the National Curriculum is central to the school’s curriculum it is not the whole curriculum. The curriculum is under constant review to ensure that children receive a broad, balanced and stimulating education that addresses their intellectual, physical, social, spiritual and personal development. There is scope for children of differing abilities to progress at a pace appropriate to them as individuals.
We have a creative approach to the curriculum as well as teaching core subjects discreetly. We plan a range of educational visits to support our children’s learning and learning outside the classroom is encouraged. Our Learning Challenge Curriculum is based on enquiry led learning and includes History, Geography, Art & Design and Design & Technology. Physical Education consists of Dance, Gymnastics, Swimming (Y4), Games and Athletics, as well as adventurous activities which take place on our residential visits.
In addition we teach RE and Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE)
On one afternoon each week, the children are taught by staff other than their usual class teachers, who are given time for Planning, Preparation and Assessment (PPA time). The afternoon is divided into three sessions. All children have a music lesson, a games lesson and a French lesson.
There are a wealth of extra-curricular activities at Dobcroft every night after school and at lunchtimes. Each year group takes part in Residential Activities every year. The school has a good reputation for sport and musical opportunities.
We pride ourselves on our caring ethos being at the core of our purpose where every child matters. We have a strong team of pastoral support workers and support mechanisms for our vulnerable children. We follow a values-led education where mottos, values and the Rights of the Child are well embedded across school.
The school enjoys recognitionin a number of areas and has gained the 10 Year Quality Mark, Healthy Schools Award and the Communication Friendly School Award. We gained the Leading Parent Partnership Award in July 2014 as well as the Rights Respecting Schools Award, also in July 2014. The school is a training school committed to supporting regular ITT students(through Sheffield Hallam University) with our strong team of mentors and are recognised Schools Direct providers.
The school is part of the South West Improvement Partnership (SWIP), a group of nine primary schools in the locality who work together to drive school improvement through Heads, Deputy Heads, maths, English, SENCos, School Business Managers and Governor joint working groups as well as procuring joint training opportunities. In addition, the school works in a Junior School partnership with two other schools where joint learning walks, work scrutinies and data analysis are conducted.
Originally built as an open plan middle school, classrooms vary in size and provide thoroughfares for all children which limits space in the rooms themselves. Mobile classrooms offer limited learning space to Y5s but are used effectively. Observations suggest these restrictions do not affect learning.The Governing Body have taken an active role over the last few years to address the inadequacies of the building through planned programmes of work and to increase space for withdrawal groups and the school now has a modern, clean feel which is fit for purpose. We have extensive outdoor grounds including a large field, two playgrounds, two wildlife gardens, a pond and a river.
The school remains popular with parents and children alike and is highly regarded within the community. OFSTED Parentview entries are extremely low but the school’s own Parentview, conducted in October each year, shows that the vast majority of parents feel that the children are happy and safe, learn well and make good progress. Staff questionnaires show that they are proud to be a part of the school team.