Aim: To support a varied and accessible offering of arts, events and entertainment in the town.
STC believes that culture and the arts are key selling points for the town that should continue to be developed both by STC on its own and jointly through the Concordat/Town Centre Manager.
We recognise that individual events have a life cycle and therefore it is essential that new events be developed regularly so that residents and visitors will be attracted to them.
I. New Events/Activities
A.Staffed Organisations
Applicants will be encouraged to become self-funding if they are thinking of starting an ongoing event and they will be required to show other sources of funding.
We will therefore consider applications that:
Enable – Initiatives that provide facilities, expertise or other services which will enable new activities to become established or existing ones further developed to reach wider audiences.
Provide Employment – either new jobs or enhance existing prospects
Demonstrate forward planning for self-funding
B.Volunteer Groups
A sum of money will be budgeted annually to support events run by volunteers, either in the Youth and Community budget, a large proportion of which is spent on arts and events, or in Finance and Policy. Criteria established by the Youth and Community committee will apply.
II. Existing Events/Activities
- Staffed organisations
such as
The Space
fFringe Festival
Goodwill Evening
These groups will be funded on three-year service level agreements, starting in April 2005 or 2006(?).
- Volunteer groups
such as
Marching Band Festival
Pipe and Tabor Festival
Stroud Show
Cotswold International Video and Film Festival
A sum of money will be budgeted annually, either individually or as a global sum, to support these events. With volunteer committees and cyclical support of events, there is no guarantee that each event will continue in its original format every year.
All recipients of grants in II A and B above will need to demonstrate they have obtained (or the promise of) funding from other sources.
III. Capital Projects
Grants for major works will continue to be applied for separately. Criteria will be those in IA above.
sb/jm/sc: 18.10 04
Approved at Finance and Policy Committee 8th November 2004