Spanish American War and American Imperialism Web Scavenger Hunt

Today you are going to investigate the Spanish American War. The answers to the questions are located on the linked websites. You will need to read the entire section before answering. Make sure you answer each part of the questions in full.

1. What did the Cespedes Constitution of 1869 call for?

2. What was the Ten Years War most serious problem?

3. Why is Fredrick Jackson Turner's thesis an important concept to the Spanish-American War?

4. Why was the US able to pay attention to the Cuban Independence Movement of the 1890's?

5. What were the specifics of General Weyler's Reconcentration Policy?

6. According to historians, what were the roots of the Philippine Revolution?

7. What was Katipunan?

8.  When the United States refused to give the Philippines their independence, who led the Filipino forces in opposition to the U.S.? What kind of war was it?

9. McKinley begins to be called upon by people, such as William Randolph Hearst, to do something about the atrocities occurring in Cuba. What is McKinley's response?

10. Why did Roosevelt say, "I should welcome almost any war, for I think this country needs one."

11. Who commanded the "Rough Riders", and what was this unit's official name?

12. Why did McKinley ask Congress for money in December of 1897? How much did the President himself donate?

13. What was the headline in the New York Journal covering the De Lome Letter?

14. How big of an award did William Randolph Hearst offer for the capture of the perpetrator of the USS Maine explosion?

15. What have conspiracy theorists pointed to as the cause of the USS Maine explosion?

16. When did Congress declare war? When did the war officially end?

17. What political position did Roosevelt win initially after his return from Cuba?

18. Why was Tampa, Florida chosen as a staging grounds?

19. Who ratifies treaties and what percent of a vote does ratification require?

BONUS: How many states were there in 1899?

20. Describe the reward offered for the "detection of the Perpetrator of the Maine Outrage." (How much, and who posted it?)

21. Explore the Headline Gallery and select one of the samples. Write down the headline. Explain how this might have inflamed American passions for war.

22. How effective was the Dynamite Gun used in the Spanish American War? (Describe briefly how well it worked.)

23. Who is called the "father of Yellow Journalism" , and why was he called this?

24. Private Manning , a member of the 33rd Michigan Volunteer Infantry, was the first soldier of the war to have what?

25. In April 1898 Senator Henry M. Teller (Colorado) proposed an amendment to the U.S. declaration of war against Spain. What did this amendment say?

26. John Hay, Secretary of State, wrote a letter to Theodore Roosevelt describing the Spanish-American war as…

27. What disease caused more American casualties in Cuba than the Spanish bullets? Who led the battle against it, and what were the symptoms?

28. Who was Alfred Thayer Mahan? What did he recommend with regard to the U.S. military?

29. Explain the Boxer Rebellion.

30. What was the name of the policy of economic expansion which was introduced by President William Howard Taft? Dollar diplomacy

31. McKinley begins to be called upon by people, such as William Randolph Hearst, to do something about the atrocities occurring in Cuba. What is McKinley's response?

32. Why did Roosevelt say, "I should welcome almost any war, for I think this country needs one."