AS3 Assignment: Modern Name:

Read How to Look at a Piece of Art on the final page of this document to help you complete your assignment:

Make sure to read and respond to both Modern Architecture and Modern Art. Read all the prompts and answer all parts of the prompts.

If you need additional assistance, complete some additional research and ask your facilitator for clarification.

Modern Architecture

Complete some research and select a piece of architecture that has been built in the last 50 years that interests you. (Note: just because it was built recently doesn’t mean that it has to ‘look’ new. Retro or classical styles are often ‘modernized’.)

·  Using what you read in the How to Look at a Piece of Art write a brief editorial identifying and explaining what is the most appealing and the least appealing about the piece of architecture you selected.

·  Copy and paste or give a working link to a picture of the architecture you selected.

·  Cite 2 resources you used in your editorial.

Modern Art

Find a sample of each of the artistic styles listed below on the Internet.

·  Using what you read in the How to Look at a Piece of Art critique them.

Style / Your Response
Abstract Expressionist painting
Cite information for the graphic (name of page, url, date of capture)
The name of the painting and artist
Create a review of that art including TWO of the elements that you read about
And Your Personal reaction to the piece
A photograph by a well known photographer
Cite information for the graphic (name of page, url, date of capture)
The name of the painting and artist
Create a review of that art including TWO of the elements that you read about
And Your Personal reaction to the piece
Cubist painting
Cite information for the graphic (name of page, url, date of capture)
The name of the painting and artist
Create a review of that art including TWO of the elements that you read about
And Your Personal reaction to the piece
Pop Art painting or sculpture
Cite information for the graphic (name of page, url, date of capture)
The name of the painting and artist
Create a review of that art including TWO of the elements that you read about
And Your Personal reaction to the piece

How to Look at A Piece of Art

Art comes to you proposing frankly to give nothing but the highest quality to your moments as they pass. Walter Pater

When you are looking at a piece of art you can consider three areas:

1.  The Elements of Art

2.  Content

3.  Viewer's Response

While not all these areas will be relevant for all art, in examining and considering art, you will discover that many aspects of art correspond to elements of literature.

The Elements of Art

Style: Art usually has certain basic elements. Is it realistic or abstract, Eastern or Western, ancient or modern?

Medium: Art has a particular medium. The medium may be watercolor or oil paint, stone glass, ink, or some other material. The medium affects the style and for of the art.

Composition: Composition refers to the arrangement of parts within an area. Is the work symmetrical or unbalanced? How is the design organized?

Space and Distance: Every work of art exists within certain spatial limits. How does the artist express distance is it infinite? Closely limited? Is there perspective? Is everything equally close or far away?

Rhythm and Accent: Like music, fine art has a rhythmic basis-indicated by dark and light accents, line pattern, and color—to keep the eye moving around the piece of art.

Color, Light, and Shadow: The artist’s use of color or gradations of black and white is central to the work of art. Color and shadow can express mood, contour, form, distance, and depth.

Style: The overall approach of the artist, or how he or she “sees” the subject is the artist’s style. Style directly reflects the culture and era of a particular artist.


Subject or Theme: Most realistic or recognizable images have a subject such as a landscape, a person, a sports event, or a battle. (Abstract art, however, is pure form; unlike realistic art it has no recognizable subject.)

Viewer’s Response

Reaction: Simply put how does the piece make you feel? Does it inspire you, captivate you, or unsettle you? The response that you have to a work of art is paramount to a conversation with the artist that created the work. It is important that you articulate your response.