Appendix S: Course-Level Curriculum Maps

Curriculum Map for Psyc 200/201 – Principles of Psychology

Mapped by: Mike Boyes

Course Learning Outcomes / Program Learning Outcomes Met
Primary / Second
Demonstrate a basic understanding of the diverse sub-fields of Psychology / 1 / NA
Demonstrate a basic knowledge of the terminology used in different areas of Psychology / 2 / NA
Demonstrate a basic knowledge of psychology as a biological and social science, as well as a basic understanding of the key theories and research methods in Psychology / 3 / NA
Demonstrate critical thinking skills with regards to psychological issues / 3 / 8

Notes. PLO numbering corresponds to the left column in the table below.

Program Learning Outcomes / Level Met / Primary Instructional Method / Secondary Instructional Method / Primary Assessment Method / Secondary Assessment Method
1. Demonstrate knowledge of psychological sciences / I / Direct / Independent / MC / NS
2. Think critically and solve problems / I / Direct / Independent / MC / NS
3. Conduct research and analyze data: Research methods / I / Direct / Independent / MC / NS
4. Conduct research and analyze data: Data analysis / I / Direct / Independent / MC / NS
5. Communicate effectively in writing and in person: Written communication / I / Direct / NI / W Assign / NS
6. Communicate effectively in writing and in person: Oral communication / I / Direct / NI / W Assign / NS
7. Communicate effectively in writing and in person: Teamwork and interpersonal effectiveness / I / NI / NI / NT / NS
8. Demonstrate information literacy / I / Direct / Independent / MC / W Assign
9. Operate ethically and with integrity / I / Direct / Independent / MC / NS
10. Apply psychological knowledge and skills / I / Direct / Independent / MC / NS

Notes. Level met: I = introductory level, C = competency level, A = advanced level, N = not met. Instructional methods: Direct, Interactive, Indirect, Independent, Experiential, NI = not instructed. Assessment methods: MC = multiple choice tests/exams, W Exams = written tests/exams, W Assign = written assignments/papers, Oral = oral, Demo = demonstration of ability, NA = not assessed, NT = not taught, NS = no secondary method.

Curriculum Map for Psyc203 – Psychology for Everyday Life

Mapped by: Mike Boyes

Course Learning Outcomes / Program Learning Outcomes Met
Primary / Second
Understand key concepts the theories in selected areas of psychology / 1 / NA
Understand the difference between scientifically founded psychological knowledge and folk knowledge or common sense / 1 / 3
Understand the role research plays in building psychological knowledge / 3 / 2
Understand how to identify scientifically grounded psychological knowledge claims in the media internet and research literatures / 2 / NA
Acquire an understanding of the basic vocabularies of psychological research methodology and some of the limits associated with statements of research results / 3 / NA
Acquire skills needed to locate and interpret psychological information and apply it appropriately to one’s own or another’s life situation / 8 / 2
Understand the role of psychological and related professionals in providing individual assistance and understand how to connect with those or related resources / 10 / 9
Use psychological principles to generate solutions to personal, social, organizational, and societal problems / 10 / 1
Understand the practical importance and uses of the concepts and methods of psychology / 10 / 9

Notes. PLO numbering corresponds to the left column in the table below.

Program Learning Outcomes / Level Met / Primary Instructional Method / Secondary Instructional Method / Primary Assessment Method / Secondary Assessment Method
1. Demonstrate knowledge of psychological sciences / I / Direct / Experiential / MC / NS
2. Think critically and solve problems / I / Direct / Experiential / MC / NS
3. Conduct research and analyze data: Research methods / I / Direct / NI / MC / NS
4. Conduct research and analyze data: Data analysis / I / Direct / NI / MC / NS
5. Communicate effectively in writing and in person: Written communication / I / NI / NI / NT / NS
6. Communicate effectively in writing and in person: Oral communication / I / NI / NI / NT / NS
7. Communicate effectively in writing and in person: Teamwork and interpersonal effectiveness / I / NI / NI / NT / NS
8. Demonstrate information literacy / I / Direct / Experiential / MC / NS
9. Operate ethically and with integrity / I / Direct / NI / MC / NS
10. Apply psychological knowledge and skills / I / Direct / Experiential / MC / NS

Notes. Level met: I = introductory level, C = competency level, A = advanced level, N = not met. Instructional methods: Direct, Interactive, Indirect, Independent, Experiential, NI = not instructed. Assessment methods: MC = multiple choice tests/exams, W Exams = written tests/exams, W Assign = written assignments/papers, Oral = oral, Demo = demonstration of ability, NA = not assessed, NT = not taught, NS = no secondary method.

Curriculum Map for Psyc305 – History of Psychological Thought

Mapped by: Hank Stam

Course Learning Outcomes / Program Learning Outcomes Met
Primary / Second
Identify and name the major precursors (individuals and movements) from the 16th to 19th century in the history of psychology / 1 / NA
Contrast the three major historical streams that made the discipline of psychology possible: clinical science, individual measurement and experimentation / 1 / NA
Analyze complex historical questions through group discussions and write a summary of the answers proposed / 2 / 7
Propose ways of analyzing the demise of major schools of psychology in the early 20th century / 2 / NA
Evaluate the relationship between important individuals in the history of psychology and the times in which they participated / 1 / NA

Notes. PLO numbering corresponds to the left column in the table below.

Program Learning Outcomes / Level Met / Primary Instructional Method / Secondary Instructional Method / Primary Assessment Method / Secondary Assessment Method
1. Demonstrate knowledge of psychological sciences / C / Direct / Interactive / W Exams / W Assign
2. Think critically and solve problems / C / Direct / Interactive / W Exams / W Assign
3. Conduct research and analyze data: Research methods / N / Direct / Interactive / W Assign / W Exams
4. Conduct research and analyze data: Data analysis / N / Direct / Interactive / W Assign / W Exams
5. Communicate effectively in writing and in person: Written communication / C / Direct / Interactive / W Assign / W Exams
6. Communicate effectively in writing and in person: Oral communication / C / Indirect / Interactive / Demo / Oral
7. Communicate effectively in writing and in person: Teamwork and interpersonal effectiveness / C / Interactive / Indirect / Oral / Demo
8. Demonstrate information literacy / C / Direct / Interactive / Demo / Oral
9. Operate ethically and with integrity / I / Indirect / Interactive / Demo / Oral
10. Apply psychological knowledge and skills / C / Direct / Interactive / W Exams / W Assign

Notes. Level met: I = introductory level, C = competency level, A = advanced level, N = not met. Instructional methods: Direct, Interactive, Indirect, Independent, Experiential, NI = not instructed. Assessment methods: MC = multiple choice tests/exams, W Exams = written tests/exams, W Assign = written assignments/papers, Oral = oral, Demo = demonstration of ability, NA = not assessed, NT = not taught, NS = no secondary method.

Curriculum Map for Psyc312 – Experimental Design and Quantitative Methods

Mapped by: Melissa Boyce

Course Learning Outcomes / Program Learning Outcomes Met
Primary / Second
Describe the theoretical underpinnings of various statistical analyses and assumptions that must be met to conduct these statistical analyses / 4 / NA
Accurately determine which statistical analysis is appropriate based on a study’s research question and methodology and draw appropriate conclusions based on the results of a statistical analysis / 4 / NA
Conduct statistical calculations by hand and using statistical software and collect, organize, and manipulate data using statistical software / 4 / NA
Contrast various research methodologies for strengths and weaknesses. Describe and provide recommendations for how to deal with ethical issues in research / 3 / 9
Design a study to test a novel research question using an appropriate methodology / 2 / 5
Create and orally present a poster to depict the results of an original study / 8 / 5
Write all elements of a laboratory report in APA format / 5 / 8
Use PSYCINFO to locate primary research relevant to a specific topic / 8 / NA
Critically evaluate research methodology and make recommendations for how to improve a research design. Critique all components of a published research paper / 2 / 5
Draw and interpret graphical depictions of data (single factor and factorial) / 4 / NA

Notes. PLO numbering corresponds to the left column in the table below.

Program Learning Outcomes / Level Met / Primary Instructional Method / Secondary Instructional Method / Primary Assessment Method / Secondary Assessment Method
1. Demonstrate knowledge of psychological sciences / C / Direct / Indirect / MC / W Assign
2. Think critically and solve problems / C / Direct / Indirect / MC / W Assign
3. Conduct research and analyze data: Research methods / A / Direct / Experiential / MC / W Assign
4. Conduct research and analyze data: Data analysis / A / Direct / Experiential / MC / W Assign
5. Communicate effectively in writing and in person: Written communication / A / Direct / Experiential / W Assign / NS
6. Communicate effectively in writing and in person: Oral communication / I / Direct / Experiential / Oral / NS
7. Communicate effectively in writing and in person: Teamwork and interpersonal effectiveness / I / Experiential / NI / W Assign / Oral
8. Demonstrate information literacy / C / Direct / Indirect / MC / W Assign
9. Operate ethically and with integrity / C / Direct / Indirect / MC / NS
10. Apply psychological knowledge and skills / N / NI / NI / NT / NT

Curriculum Map for Psyc321 – Industrial & Organizational Psychology

Mapped by: Derek Chapman

Course Learning Outcomes / Program Learning Outcomes Met
Primary / Second
Explain the history and origins of industrial and organizational psychology within the context of psychology in general as well as research in business schools / 1 / NA
Recognize common methodological issues related to conducting research in a work setting / 3 / 10
Identify legal issues related to assessing individuals for employment / 9 / NA
Explain how to develop performance evaluations that are accurate and perceived to be fair by employees / 10 / NA
Apply theories of leadership to practical problems in organizations / 10 / NA
Interpret basic personality and values feedback to assess employee fit for organizational employment / 4 / 2
Explain individual and situational factors that determine employee attitudes and behaviours / 1 / 10
List the components of organizational culture and show how they influence employee attitudes and behaviours / 1 / NA
Apply theories of employee attraction, retention and turnover to real world organizational challenges of competing for talent in the labour force / 10 / 2

Notes. PLO numbering corresponds to the left column in the table below.

Program Learning Outcomes / Level Met / Primary Instructional Method / Secondary Instructional Method / Primary Assessment Method / Secondary Assessment Method
1. Demonstrate knowledge of psychological sciences / 2 / Direct / Interactive / MC / NS
2. Think critically and solve problems / 2 / Experiential / Interactive / MC / W Assign
3. Conduct research and analyze data: Research methods / 2 / Direct / Interactive / MC / NS
4. Conduct research and analyze data: Data analysis / 2 / Interactive / Direct / W Assign / MC
5. Communicate effectively in writing and in person: Written communication / 2 / Experiential / NI / W Assign / NS
6. Communicate effectively in writing and in person: Oral communication / 2 / Experiential / NI / W Assign / NS
7. Communicate effectively in writing and in person: Teamwork and interpersonal effectiveness / 2 / Experiential / Interactive / NA / NA
8. Demonstrate information literacy / 3 / Experiential / Direct / MC / W Assign
9. Operate ethically and with integrity / 2 / Direct / NI / MC / NS
10. Apply psychological knowledge and skills / 3 / Direct / Interactive / MC / W Assign

Notes. Level met: I = introductory level, C = competency level, A = advanced level, N = not met. Instructional methods: Direct, Interactive, Indirect, Independent, Experiential, NI = not instructed. Assessment methods: MC = multiple choice tests/exams, W Exams = written tests/exams, W Assign = written assignments/papers, Oral = oral, Demo = demonstration of ability, NA = not assessed, NT = not taught, NS = no secondary method.

Curriculum Map for Psyc330 – Health Psychology

Mapped by: Lianne Tomfohr

Course Learning Outcomes / Program Learning Outcomes Met
Primary / Second
Describe basic biological mechanisms and physiological structures important in health psychology / 1 / NA
Understand foundational theories in health psychology / 1 / NA
Describe cognitive and behavioural principles that influence behaviour change and apply that knowledge to treatment of specific health conditions / 1 / 8
Describe how health psychology influences primary, secondary and tertiary prevention efforts / 1 / 2
Integrate knowledge about biological mechanisms and physiology and cognitive and behavioural principles of change to create a public policy intervention aimed at promoting individual health outcomes / 10 / 2

Notes. PLO numbering corresponds to the left column in the table below.

Program Learning Outcomes / Level Met / Primary Instructional Method / Secondary Instructional Method / Primary Assessment Method / Secondary Assessment Method
1. Demonstrate knowledge of psychological sciences / C / Direct / Independent / MC / W Assign
2. Think critically and solve problems / C / Direct / Experiential / W Assign / MC
3. Conduct research and analyze data: Research methods / C / Direct / Independent / MC / Oral
4. Conduct research and analyze data: Data analysis / N / NI / NI / NT / NT
5. Communicate effectively in writing and in person: Written communication / C / Direct / Independent / W Assign / NS
6. Communicate effectively in writing and in person: Oral communication / N / NI / NI / NT / NT
7. Communicate effectively in writing and in person: Teamwork and interpersonal effectiveness / I / Interactive / NI / NA / NA
8. Demonstrate information literacy / C / Independent / Indirect / W Assign / NS
9. Operate ethically and with integrity / C / Direct / Independent / W Assign / NS
10. Apply psychological knowledge and skills / C / Direct / Experiential / W Assign / NS

Notes. Level met: I = introductory level, C = competency level, A = advanced level, N = not met. Instructional methods: Direct, Interactive, Indirect, Independent, Experiential, NI = not instructed. Assessment methods: MC = multiple choice tests/exams, W Exams = written tests/exams, W Assign = written assignments/papers, Oral = oral, Demo = demonstration of ability, NA = not assessed, NT = not taught, NS = no secondary method.

Curriculum Map for Psyc345 – Social Psychology

Mapped by: Nancy Johnson Smith

Course Learning Outcomes / Program Learning Outcomes Met
Primary / Second
Describe how the emphasis on situational influence and construal defines the social psychological perspective / 1 / NA
Provide social psychological explanations for phenomena such as attitude change, conformity, prejudice, aggression, altruism, and attraction / 1 / NA
Describe the role of motivation and cognition in social psychological phenomena / 1 / NA
Describe how social psychological theory and methods have been employed to analyze and address important social issues / 10 / NA
Critique social psychological research with respect to internal and external validity and research ethics / 3 / 8
Describe how the social psychological perspective and related concepts can provide novel insight into their everyday experiences / 10 / NA

Notes. PLO numbering corresponds to the left column in the table below.

Program Learning Outcomes / Level Met / Primary Instructional Method / Secondary Instructional Method / Primary Assessment Method / Secondary Assessment Method
1. Demonstrate knowledge of psychological sciences / I / Direct / Independent / MC / W Assign
2. Think critically and solve problems / I / Direct / Indirect / MC / W Assign
3. Conduct research and analyze data: Research methods / I / Direct / NI / MC / NS
4. Conduct research and analyze data: Data analysis / I / Direct / NI / MC / NS
5. Communicate effectively in writing and in person: Written communication / I / Independent / NI / W Assign / NS
6. Communicate effectively in writing and in person: Oral communication / N / NI / NI / NT / NT
7. Communicate effectively in writing and in person: Teamwork and interpersonal effectiveness / N / NI / NI / NT / NT
8. Demonstrate information literacy / I / Direct / NS / MC / W Assign
9. Operate ethically and with integrity / I / Direct / Indirect / MC / NS
10. Apply psychological knowledge and skills / I / Independent / Direct / W Assign / MC

Notes. Level met: I = introductory level, C = competency level, A = advanced level, N = not met. Instructional methods: Direct, Interactive, Indirect, Independent, Experiential, NI = not instructed. Assessment methods: MC = multiple choice tests/exams, W Exams = written tests/exams, W Assign = written assignments/papers, Oral = oral, Demo = demonstration of ability, NA = not assessed, NT = not taught, NS = no secondary method.

Curriculum Map for Psyc349 – Language Development

Mapped by: Suzanne Curtin

Course Learning Outcomes / Program Learning Outcomes Met
Primary / Second
Describe the biological foundations of typical and atypical language development / 1 / 5
Identify stages and sequences present in typical language development / 1 / NA
Discuss the role of nature and other factors, such as the environment, on development / 1 / 5
Explain the weaknesses and strengths of different methodologies for studying language development / 2 / NA
Summarize how language development does and does not compare to development of other human skills / 1 / 8
Describe and compare typical and atypical language development / 1 / 8

Notes. PLO numbering corresponds to the left column in the table below.

Program Learning Outcomes / Level Met / Primary Instructional Method / Secondary Instructional Method / Primary Assessment Method / Secondary Assessment Method
1. Demonstrate knowledge of psychological sciences / C / Direct / Independent / MC / W Assign
2. Think critically and solve problems / C / Direct / Independent / W Exams / W Assign
3. Conduct research and analyze data: Research methods / N / NI / NI / NT / NT
4. Conduct research and analyze data: Data analysis / N / NI / NI / NT / NT
5. Communicate effectively in writing and in person: Written communication / I / Independent / NI / W Assign / NS
6. Communicate effectively in writing and in person: Oral communication / N / NI / NI / NT / NT
7. Communicate effectively in writing and in person: Teamwork and interpersonal effectiveness / N / NI / NI / NT / NT
8. Demonstrate information literacy / I / Independent / NI / W Assign / W Exams
9. Operate ethically and with integrity / N / NI / NI / NT / NT
10. Apply psychological knowledge and skills / I / Direct / Independent / W Assign / W Exams

Notes. Level met: I = introductory level, C = competency level, A = advanced level, N = not met. Instructional methods: Direct, Interactive, Indirect, Independent, Experiential, NI = not instructed. Assessment methods: MC = multiple choice tests/exams, W Exams = written tests/exams, W Assign = written assignments/papers, Oral = oral, Demo = demonstration of ability, NA = not assessed, NT = not taught, NS = no secondary method.

Curriculum Map for Psyc351 – Developmental Psychology

Mapped by: Susan Graham

Course Learning Outcomes / Program Learning Outcomes Met
Primary / Second
List the major developmental achievements of childhood / 1 / NA
Identify central research questions and debates regarding each developmental achievements / 1 / 8
Compare and contrast theories of child development / 1 / 2
Analyze research findings and draw appropriate conclusions about a developmental task / 1 / 3
Analyze and synthesize a journal article investigating a developmental topic / 3 / 2
Apply their understanding of child development to the evaluation of community-based child development resources / 10 / 5

Notes. PLO numbering corresponds to the left column in the table below.

Program Learning Outcomes / Level Met / Primary Instructional Method / Secondary Instructional Method / Primary Assessment Method / Secondary Assessment Method
1. Demonstrate knowledge of psychological sciences / C / Direct / Independent / MC / W Assign
2. Think critically and solve problems / C / Direct / Independent / MC / W Assign
3. Conduct research and analyze data: Research methods / I / Direct / Independent / MC / W Assign
4. Conduct research and analyze data: Data analysis / N / NT / NT / NT / NT
5. Communicate effectively in writing and in person: Written communication / C / Independent / Direct / W Assign / W Exams
6. Communicate effectively in writing and in person: Oral communication / N / NT / NT / NT / NT
7. Communicate effectively in writing and in person: Teamwork and interpersonal effectiveness / N / NT / NT / NT / NT
8. Demonstrate information literacy / C / Direct / Independent / W Assign / MC
9. Operate ethically and with integrity / C / Direct / Independent / MC / W Assign
10. Apply psychological knowledge and skills / C / Direct / Independent / W Assign / MC

Notes. Level met: I = introductory level, C = competency level, A = advanced level, N = not met. Instructional methods: Direct, Interactive, Indirect, Independent, Experiential, NI = not instructed. Assessment methods: MC = multiple choice tests/exams, W Exams = written tests/exams, W Assign = written assignments/papers, Oral = oral, Demo = demonstration of ability, NA = not assessed, NT = not taught, NS = no secondary method.