Allied Health Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes

Date: April 21, 2015

Time: 11- 1pm

John E. Miller Board Room

  1. Members Present
  • Tamara Bevill
  • Katie Wilson
  • Stacy Dale
  • Ruby D. Johnson
  • Serelda Johnson
  • Cheryl Denbow
  • Dawn Smith
  • Valerie West
  • Susan Thielemier
  • Stacy Dale
  • Joanne Sumrall
  • Mike Rogers
  • Kirby Gulley-CMC of IC
  • Roy Pace-Brookhaven in West Plains
  • Heather Busby-Brookhaven in West Plains
  • Debbie Stewart- Cave City Nursing Home
  • Carol Swanson-Cave City Nursing Home
  1. Purpose of the Advisory Committee:

Ruby shared the purpose of the advisory committee. Ruby asks everyone to introduce themselves.

  1. Old Business

Approval of Philosophy and Objectives, Cheryl Denbowmade the motion to accept them; Stacy2ndthe motion, the motion carried.

Approval of the minutes from last meeting, Roy Pace made the motion to accept them; Valerie made motion to 2nd, the motion carried.

Results from last year’s Advisory Survey was shared with each in a handout.

  1. New Business
  • Ruby shared with each of the facilities present their evaluations the students complete on them to give them insight on the experiences the students have in the facility.
  • Serelda shared the HIT program is going well. She is moving forward on the accreditation. Money restraints are holding up the process right now. She attended the AHIMA convention and spoke with an accrediting surveyor and has learned that there is more work that needs to be done in order to meet the rigor of accreditation standards.
  • RN program has 47 students. We have daytime and evening clinical. That seems to be working out great. We are taking applications until August 31, 2015 for the RN 2016 class. Some of the RN adjuncts will come to the Sim lab training session in the nursing building in May.
  • LPN program is the 2nd largest program in the state. We had a 98% pass rate last year. Ruby told the group, this has been a challenging semester with students not wanting to follow the rules, absenteeism, and personal challenges for some of our students. If the students leave in good standing they have one opportunity to re-enter the program only once. Those that do not succeed academically are placed on the Melbourne campus only.
  1. Cheryl Denbow- Mammoth Spring 2014 graduating had 10 students test so far and all have passed.
  2. Mike Roger-Mountain View started with 19 students now has 15. This is Mikes first year and his clinical experience for his students is excellent. The Mountain View Cohort graduating 2014 is 100%.
  3. Susan Thielemier- Melbourne Junior class has 13 students. Good group.
  4. Joanna Sumrall- Melbourne Senior class has 15.
  5. Valerie West- Melbourne Freshman Class has decreased this semester to 8 students.
  6. Cheryl Ekenes- Ash Flat has 10 students.
  7. Charlotte Davis-Night/Weekend has 15 students.
  • EMT has been having trouble with students not taking the registry exam after completing the course. So from now on, if a student gets funding, they have to take the registry exam or they have to pay the money back. This information has been added to the catalog.
  • C N A have 32 completed. Just finished state testing. Pass rates are good. Everyone discussed social media. Tamra mentioned strict attendance policy and it was going to be even stricter than before.
  • Kirby Gulley mentioned students don’t quit doing patient care just because they are in LPN school. She wanted the instructors to be aware that some students don’t think they should help with patient care.
  • Roy Pace said he was very glad to be partners with Ozarka College Nursing department. That he also serves on several boards for SMSU and the Career Technical Center and he really likes what he sees with Ozarka. He is very interested in hiring some of our CNA’s as well.

V.With no more discussion the Surveys were completed and taken up for documentation and the benefit for program approval.

Meeting adjourned 12:30