Minutes of the Billinghay Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 14th September 2015 at the Village Hall, Ringmoor,Billinghay

Present:Cllr. Liles in the Chair, CouncillorsMiller (RM), Chatten (RC), Underwood (SU), Greetham (RG), Passfield (MP), Locke (KL), Long (GL) and Kirk (CK)

District Councillor Ogden (GO)

County Councillor Bradwell (PB)

Parish Clerk Carol Willingham (CW)

Minutes Secretary Lou Hird (LH)

1member of the Public attended

Public Session

Rev. Rose updated the Parish Council regarding the Church heating project. The Public Consultation phase will be completed by the 5th October and work should then commence. Tenders for the work had already been requested so that there was a minimal delay before it could be started. Grant Applications had been made and an application would be made to the Parish Council prior to the deadline date of the 30th September.

Possible repairs to the footpath caused by the work will not now occur.

93Chairman’s Remarks

The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and expressed the need for brevity due to a clash with another important meeting.

94Apologies for Absence

Apologies for absence and reasons had been received fromCouncillorsBall, Harper, & District Councillor Matthan. It was proposed by GL, seconded by RMand carried unanimously that these be accepted.

95Declarations of Interest in Items on the Agenda & Dispensations


96Notes of 3 August 2015 to accept as minutes

It was proposed by RM,seconded bySU and carried unanimously that the notes for the3 August 2015 meetingbe accepted as a true record.

97Matters Arising

It was reported that the complaint regarding the tree and fence in the cemetery had been resolved and the offending tree removed.

98County & District Councillors Reports and Updates

GO advised Local Plan Briefings were taking place during October.

99 Clerks Report

The Clerk advised that a meeting had taken place with NKDC regarding the proposed office move and a draft lease had been received. This needed some amendment to fit the Parish Council situation. There would be a rent charge in future but this would not be unreasonable and not have a major impact on finances.

100Financial Matters

a)List of payments - list circulated prior to meeting - see Appendix A

b) To agree payment for BCP expenditure

There were no new items for consideration.

c)To agree to provide prizes for the Scarecrow Competition (up to £50)

It was proposed by SU seconded by RC and carried unanimously that £50 be given to the organisers of the Scarecrow competition as prizes.

d) Expenditure and arrangements for the Christmas tree illumination event

Expenditure had already been agreed for certain items at the last meeting but the Clerk reported that the Xmas Tree may have to be bought this year. It was proposed by RG, seconded by KL and carried unanimously that £100 be allowed for this purchase.

e) Flower boxes – agree expenditure for planting & maintenance

It was felt that this was a job for the handyman but he is currently incapacitated. Several people had “volunteered” to maintain individual boxes but the general feeling was that we ought to have a specific arrangement in place to ensure that the work was done. The Clerk already had a quote for maintenance of the Market Place and it was agreed that the maintenance of the flower boxes be incorporated with this and a revised quote obtained from that person and another “handyman” who had enquired about work in the village. Other Councillors felt that other maintenance jobs could be included and the Clerk was asked to compile a full list and obtain quotes for the work. KL had already started to compile a list and will pass this to the Clerk. RG asked that the tidying up of the Car Dyke Bridge be included.

In addition, a resident from Shire Close had offered some plants for the flower boxes and added that he would plant these for the Council. It was agreed that he be thanked and asked to do this.

f)Agree expenditure for any other items that need attention before the next meeting.

The Village Hall Committee had asked that three new rubbish bins be purchased for the Playing Field area as existing ones had been damaged by various means. The Clerk was requested to get quotes for these for the next meeting.

The Swimming Pool Committee had approached the Council for the possible acquisition of a new pool cover as the current one was damaged.

82Planning Matters

a) Approved

15/0734/FUL94 -96 Walcott Road: Demolition of workshop and erection of 2 detached dormer bungalows.

15/0885/HOUS38 Victoria Street – erection of single storey extension

b) Draft Local Plan

Already mention in 79 above. Consultations with residents etc. are being planned

c) Other

It was reported that work was starting on the social housing in Princess Square.

83Items for inclusion in Budget and future projects

The new Ashes Plots identified as being needed in the future at previous meetings had now been completed. The Office were instructed to send a letter of thanks to the volunteers who carried out the work.

KL advised that revised costs for the Newsletter production will need to be factored into the budget when the proposed development from the Local Plan is in place. She also suggested that we budget for entry in the Best Kept Village Competition as well as the possible purchase of land to set up Garden Allotments.

RC reminded Council that the path in the Churchyard would still need some work even if not affected by the Church heating plans.

RG asked that consideration be given to the provision of a footpath from Fen Road to Skirth Road via Gravel Hills. He was told that this was for Lincolnshire Highways to consider but it was agreed that the Clerk would try to obtain a rough estimate of the cost at the meeting with Rowan Smith of Highways on 29 September. It was thought unlikely that they would have any budget for such a project.

84Review of Billinghay PC Logo

MP had produced some revised logos after the last meeting and these had been circulated round the Councillors. In addition a local resident had submitted a design with a more “local” theme. Various opinions were expressed and there was no consensus on design. It was eventually agreed that MP would take a copy of the resident’s design and have this professionally produced for consideration with the others.

85Community Plan Update

KL had circulated notes prior to the meeting and these are contained in Appendix B. She also advised that the necessity for a Housing Needs Survey had been identified and this was being initiated.

86 Correspondence

The Clerk reported that the Office had received a letter of thanks regarding new signage in the High Street.

Notification of the LALC AGM had been received and the Chair and the clerk proposed to attend. Other Councillors were asked to put their name forward if they wished to go.

87Highways Matters

The Chair confirmed that a meeting had been arranged with Rowan Smith of Highways for 2.30pm on 29 September at the Village Hall to discuss the current issues in and around the village including the High Street. Councillors were asked to attend if at all possible.

PB updated the Council with the current position regarding the A153. A complex soil construction survey had taken place and the root cause of the major problem had been identified. A possible solution had also been identified and this work would take place next year. This was to cure the badly undulating areas. The other problems would be fixed immediately that Kirkstead Bridge was fully opened to traffic.

88Police Matters

PCSO Page had not yet been in contact.

89Burial and Allotment Matters

The Rent Increase letters for 2016 to 2017 and the rent demands for the past year are prepared and about to be issued.

90Emergency Plan Review

The current Emergency Plan is out of date and needs updating. The main author of the previous plan has agreed to do this. A lot of updated information will be requested through the Newsletter.

91Reports from Councillors

CK reported that people were still using the bins at the cemetery incorrectly mainly by putting wrapping from flowers in with the green waste. He was complimented by the other Councillors for his daily efforts to ensure the correct bins were used.

SU commented that she would like to see more Council money spent on the provision of amenities.

RG mentioned the footpath issue raised in para 83 and confirmed he would be interested in a viability study. At this stage it was suggested that a footpath between the two bridges on the A153 would be more suitable but this has been discussed before and not supported by the Authorities as it could weaken the river bank.

GL thanked Highways for the repair to the road outside Twells’ garage.

RC commented that the Social Media policy discussed at the last meeting had already been adopted. All that was now required was for the sub-committee to meet to set up procedures.

92 Closed Session

Appendix APayments since last meeting

Date / Payee / Details / Amount / Authority
20/07/2015 / Hayley Chew (Old Butchers) BCP / BCP / £100.00 / Community Plan
20/07/2015 / Roy Baumber / Defibrillator / £115.20 / S137
22/07/2015 / BT / Office Phone / £234.32 / LGA1972 S111
02/08/2015 / Paul Riddel Skips Ltd / Skip Hire Cemetery / £96.00 / OSA1906
02/08/2015 / KR Badges / Councillor Badges / £9.04 / LGA1972 S111
03/08/2015 / LALC / Training Lunch / £7.50 / LGA1972 S111
10/08/2015 / Jewsons / Materials for Cemetery / £936.24 / OSA 1906 9/10
10/08/2015 / Paul Riddel Skips Ltd / Skip Hire Cemetery / £96.00 / OSA1906
10/08/2015 / Twells of Billinghay / Oil & Petrol / £13.00 / OSA 1906 9/10
13/08/2015 / The Old Butchers BCP / BCP / £10.00 / Community Plan
15/08/2015 / Mrs C Willingham / Salary / £1,146.82 / LGA1972 S111
15/08/2015 / Mr M Hird / Salary / £182.72 / LGA1972 S111
15/08/2015 / Mrs P Gilbert / Salary / £260.00 / LGA1972 S111
15/08/2015 / Mr R Harper / Salary / £256.00 / LGA1972 S111
15/08/2015 / Lincolnshire CC Pension Fund / Pension / £416.35 / LGA1972 S111
17/08/2015 / Claire Markham / BCP / £26.00 / Community Plan
24/08/2015 / Jewsons / Machine Hire Cemetery / £102.60 / OSA 1906 9/10
01/09/2015 / S J Harper Services / Grave Digging / £200.00 / OSA 1906 9/10
01/09/2015 / Anglian Water / Water Rates Cemetery / £62.36 / LGA1972 S111
01/09/2015 / Anglian Water / Water Rates Office / £18.89 / LGA1972 S111
01/09/2015 / NKDC Dog Bins / Annual Fee for emptying / £850.40 / Litter Act 1983
01/09/2015 / Petty Cash Reimbursement / Petty Cash / £100.00 / LGA1972 S111
01/09/2015 / Post Office Ltd (HMRC) / Tax & NI / £395.27 / LGA1972 S111
17/09/2015 / Eon Market Place / Electricity / £25.56 / S137
17/09/2015 / BT Internet / Internet / £158.10 / LGA1972 S111
11/09/2015 / Mr P Rowitt / Refund of Reserve Fees / £100.00 / LGA1972 S111
11/09/2015 / Notice Me / BCP / £299.94 / Community Plan
11/09/2015 / Twells of Billinghay / Oil & Petrol / £42.00 / OSA 1906 9/10

Appendix BCommunity Plan Update

World Youth Day on 27th August: 176 children and young people (at least) attended the celebration of world youth day. Feedback and evidence suggests that this should be a regular holiday occurrence. The day was held in conjunction with LCC Youth Workers, NK Outreach, the village hall and park regeneration fund, and the Children’s Centre. 4 prizes with a value of up to £4.00 (to be spent at the swimming pool) were given out. The pool, on receipt of the “prize voucher” will send an invoice to Carol at the Parish Office. The majority of families were from Billinghay but some children had travelled from as far away as Chesterfield, Knaresborough and Grantham, with some children/YP from Sleaford, Digby and North Kyme.

Meeting with Hannah Barter from Locality on 2/9/15. Please see attached minutes.

Noticeboard for outside the Co-Op: After much negotiation Kelly Greig has sourced a waterproof, shatter proof noticeboard for the budget agreed. The invoice has been sent to Lou.

Funding: An expression of interest form has been completed to request up to £8,000 for expert advice on the completion of the plan. David Chetwyn, Hannah Barter’s boss, will hopefully be able to continue to support. NKDC will pay for the referendum.

Expenditure- Lou/Carol to provide up- to -date figures.

Call Connect: Following a successful live Twitter event during Lincs Hour (Monday 8-9pm and hosted by BCP), Nina Lightfoot from Call Connect will be attending the BCP meeting on 16/9/15.

Social Media: A meeting with Jackie Elton, social media expert took place on 8/9/15. KL, SR and CM attended. Improving ways to promote Billinghay and BCP for the consultation were discussed, such as Facebook, Twitter, Periscope and Blab.

In July, 6% of BCP Facebook followers were aged over 66 years. Children and young people were the least likely to use FB to follow events.

Website: This is now live. Cory has made the changes as requested. The website has already received excellent feedback from RIBA.

Commendation by the Royal Institute of British Architects: RIBA have commended BCP on not just focusing on housing needs. Links have been forged with arborist, Jeremy Barrell, to look at the benefits of trees within a landscape for healthy living, to reduce/manage flooding and provide cleaner air (and more). Jeremy has offered to check the draft plan and support with tree references.

Fen Rd site: According to the Children’s Centre staff, both tree and land surveys have been carried out on the site.

Housing Needs Survey: Hannah Barter recommends completing a housing needs survey. The last survey was completed for Billinghay and Tattershall Bridge in 2007 so will be out of date and inaccurate. Having an up to date housing needs survey will provide exact an up to date information for both the community plan and NKDC/local plan. Hannah has also supplied a sample of a draft housing needs survey. This can be amended for Billinghay and distributed.

Draft Local Plan: Hard copy awaited but can be down- loaded from:

The consultation period opens on 1/10/15. KL is attending a meeting for Neighbourhood Plan leads on 29th September in Sleaford at 6pm. Stephen Priestley is hoping to meet with the BCP group to discuss, as arranged earlier in the year. An event for residents of the village is being arranged by NKDC for 15th October at the village hall. NKDC would be grateful for help in promoting this event.

Leader Funding: KL and SR are attending the information on Leader funding at Horncastle on 13th October. As yet though, it is unclear when this funding will become available.

Scarecrow Trail: 3rd October. Lesley Moore, the winner of the South Kyme scarecrow competition is going to be the judge. So far there are 17 entries.

ArtsNK: A meeting with Marion Sander from ArtsNK has been arranged for 2pm on Tuesday 22nd September at The Old Butchers. All welcome.

BCP next steps: All evidence is now in and collated. The aims and objectives are being scrutinised by David Chetwyn then it will writing the plan. The housing needs survey will delay the completed draft plan. Once, completed and checked by an independent examiner, consultation days will need to be held with the community so they can share their views.

BCP meeting dates: 16th September; 21st October; 18th November; 7pm at the Coach and Horses. ALL WELCOME!


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