FSHE 110

Module 02: Stocks

Lecture Notes


Four Classifications of Stocks



NOTE: Vegetable stock is quickly gaining popularity and may an addition to the list of classifications one day.


French word for stock White Stock


Brown Stock Vegetable Stock


Stock in which the main flavoring ingredient is allowed to simmer with wine and fresh aromatics.

Fish fumet is most common.


Second wetting or extraction from bones and other elements.


To tremble, describes the action of the bubbles as stock cooks


French verb, "literally to skin", describes the skimming process


Use of protein with liquid to remove impurities and cloudiness


Highly reduced stock


Highly clarified and concentrated forms of stock.


A food, usually an herb, spice or vegetable which is added to a preparation primarily to enhance its aroma and flavor.

SACHET d' ESPICES "Bag of Spices"

Aromatic ingredients, encased in cheesecloth, used to flavor stocks & other liquids.


parsley stems, dried thyme, bay leaf and cracked peppercorns


A bundle of fresh herbs & vegetables tied with a string into a bundle.

Used to flavor stocks, braises, soups, sauces & other preparations.


bay leaf, parsley, thyme, celery, carrots, etc.


French meaning for "pricked onion."

A peeled, halved onion either raw or seared on flat top or in skillet.

Used to enhance the color and flavor of stocks, consommés and sauces.


Liquid in which meat, fish, vegetables are simmered.

Basis for soup, sauce, gravy and stew.

If improperly made, the final product will be inferior.


French for stock

Comes from the word foundation, base for much of cooking

Fond Blanc White stock

Fond Brun Brown Stock

Fond Maigre Vegetable or Neutral


Classifications refer to contents & method, not necessarily to color.


For all practical purposes, stock & fond have the same meaning.

White Stock: - made w/ white meat or beef, veal bones, chicken carcass and aromatic vegetables

- bones/meat put in cold liquid and slowly brought to boil

- mirepoix (flavoring base of diced vegetables) sweated in a suitable fat and added to liquid before it develops any color.

- mixture is simmered to finish cooking

Brown Stock:

- made with beef, veal, and poultry

- bones roasted until golden brown in color, not burnt

- mirepoix added top bones when 3/4 roasted.; tomato may also be added at this time.

- when bones & mirepoix golden, cold liquid is added , brought to boil slowly & turn to simmer to finish cooking.

Vegetable Stock:

- neutral in color and flavor, composed of vegetables & aromatic herbs sautéed gently in butter, then cooked in liquid.

Court Bouillon:

- not actually a stock preparation but used in a similar manner

- flavorful poaching liquid used for fish & shellfish

- made up of 3 items: aromatics, salt & liquid


- prevents sealing of product, allows for flavor extraction


- clear, clean appearance




use of protein with liquid to remove impurities and cloudiness

• use of albumin, protein complex found in muscles, blood. milk, egg white and many vegetable tissues.

• soluble in cold water

• coagulates when exposed to heat (forms a mass)

• slower the application to heat the better for removal of impurities.

• as proteins coagulate, as they attract particles in the liquid, action similar to that of a magnet.


Stock in which the main flavoring ingredient is allowed to simmer with wine and fresh aromatics; fish fumet is most common


Second wetting or extraction from bones and other elements. Yields a weak stock but richer than water.

Usually used for making a new stock.


Beef, Veal, Chicken

8 # Bones + 6 Quarts Water + 1# Mirepoix + 1 Sachet/Bouquet Garni

White Beef Stock 8-10 hours

Brown Veal/Beef 6-8 hours

White Poultry 4-6 hours

NOTE: For brown stock add 6 oz tomato product

Fish Stock or Fumet

11# Bones + 5 qts + 26 oz Mirepoix + 1 Sachet/Bouquet. Garni

Fish 30-60 minutes

Sachet d' Epices: "Bag of spices"

Aromatic ingredients, encased in cheesecloth, used to flavor stocks & other liquids.

Bouquet Garni:

A bundle of fresh herbs & vegetables tied with a string into a bundle. Used to flavor stocks, braises, soups, sauces, and other preparations.

Oignon Pique':

French meaning "pricked onion" A peeled, halved onion either raw or seared on flat top or in a skillet. Used to enhance the color and flavor of stocks, consommés and sauces.

General Aromatics in Stock Making:

parsley stems, thyme, bay leaf, peppercorns

Cooking Times (guideline)

Beef 6-8 hours ++

Veal 6-8 hours ++

Chicken 3-4 hours ++

Fish 30-60 minutes


• White Stocks

A. Bones must be cut into small manageable pieces.

B. Rinse bones in cold water.

C.  Cover with cold water & bring to boil.

Continue to steps D & E or directly onto step F.

*D. Optional to drain and rinse bones.

*E. If bones are drained and rinsed, place bones into clean pot, cover with cold water.

F. Bring to boil, reduce heat to slow simmer.

G.  Add mirepoix & sachet the final stages of cooking.

H. Do not let water level fall below the bones, adjust accordingly and continue skimming to remove impurities during cooking process.

I. Strain through a china cap & double cheesecloth

J. Vent & cool stock in metal container (not plastic)

utilizing an ice bath

K. Store cooled stock in plastic, cover, label

L. Normal shelf-life of stock is approximately one week at a constant of 30-40˚ F or frozen for several months.

• Brown Stocks

A. Bones must be cut into small manageable pieces.

B. Rinse bones in cold water & drain well.

C. DON'T BLANCH BONES, instead rub the bones with a small amount of vegetable oil place and place into roasting pan, single layer, do not stack or shingle bones, roast till golden brown.

Roasting temperatures are as follows:

Beef/Veal 450-475 degrees

Poultry 350-375 degrees

Roasting times will vary from 3/4 to 1 1/2 hours

E. Remove bones from pan, drain off excess fat, reserve roasting pan & dripping for Step H, now add bones to stock pot, cover bones with cold water, bring to boil, reduce heat to slow simmer

F. Skim impurities from surface throughout the cooking process.

G. Don't allow water to drop below the level of the bones, adjust accordingly.

H. Drain off excess fat from roasting pan, begin to sauté mirepoix in stages; first the onions, second carrots and thirdly the celery.

The goal is to extract sugars and caramelize vegetables, enhancing the color and flavor of the final product.

I. Incorporate tomato product with vegetables in roasting pan and cook till au sec, reserve and add to stock along with sachet during final 3-4 hours of cooking.

J. Strain stock through china cap and cheesecloth.

K. Vent, cool, and store as listed under white stock.