Student Name A, B, C
Props needed: blankets, board game, Warmie blanket, poster board with telephone number and price, table and chairs
Costumes: Mary and Ellie will wear comfy sweatpants and T-shirts. Don will wear a collared shirt and jeans.
Product summary: A blanket with holes for your arms. The blanket senses when to heat up and cool down to keep your body at the ideal temperature.
The Warmie Blanket
Intro scene: Mary and Ellie are sitting in their living room playing a board game. It is a cold room, so they have on blankets.
Mary:(throwing the dice on the game board)It’s freezing in here! I can’t even role the dice without my arm feeling like it’s going to get frostbite!
Ellie: (her teeth are chattering loudly) I know! I wish Mom would just turn up the heat a little bit.
Mary: I wish we had a way to play this board game and still keep our arms warm in the blanket.
Ellie: Yeah, me too. Dream on, though. We’re just going to have to bundle up in as many blankets as we can while Mom keeps the house as cold as the freezer!
(both girls sigh and continue playing the game)
Don: (pops up from under the table; loud, excited voice) Girls, girls, girls! Don’t fret about those chilly arms anymore! I have a product that will answer all your dreams. It’s the new and improved, fabulous and fantastic, Warmie!!
Mary and Ellie: (in unison) Wow! Just what we need!
Don: The Warmie is the new and improved version of other blankets with arms. How is it different you might ask? Well, its patented digital heat technology senses your body temperature and automatically adjusts its heating and cooling sensors inside the fleece lined sleeves and body.
Mary: I can’t wait to try this out! (throws off the blanket and slides into the Warmie) Oh, Ellie! It’s so warm and snuggly in here. You have to try one on.
Ellie: (Puts on the Warmie) How cozy! Now we can finally play Monopoly without our fingers turning into icicles!
Don: (loudly to the audience) Buy the Warmie today for only $19.95! Call now to order your very own cozy, and heated Warmie blanket! It’s only $19.95! For a limited time only, if you call the following number (holds up a poster with the phone number) you will receive the Warmie slippers! These slippers include the same heating and cooling technology of the Warmie to keep your toes toasty all winter long.
All: So call now to buy a Warmie for $19.95!!
Script Requirements on the back!
You MUST include the following in your script!
Props needed
Costumes needed
Summary of the product
Title of the product
Character names
Character’s speaking lines
Character’s actions (in parentheses)
Intro scene-where are you? What are you doing? Who is there?
Demonstration of the product
Price of the product and a special offer price
How to order/buy the product