Miss Olbon’s 2017 Summer Reading List

REQUIRED BOOK: Hoot by Carl Hiaasen



The Odyssey- Homer

The Iliad- Homer

Jane Eyre- Charlotte Bronte

Little Women- Louisa May Alcott

Anything by Jane Austen

Any Shakespeare play

Anne of Green Gables- LM Montgomery

Mythology- Edith Hamilton

White Fang- Jack London

The Little Prince- Antione de Saint-Exupery

Black Beauty- Anna Sewell

The Hunchback of Notre Dame- Victor Hugo

The Three Musketeers- Alexandre Dumas

Oliver Twist- Charles Dickens

Great Expectations- Charles Dickens

War and Peace- Leo Tolstoy


Bridge to Terebithia- Katherine Paterson

Walk Two Moons- Sharon Creech

Chasing Redbird- Sharon Creech

Paper Towns- John Green

The House on Mango Street- Sandra Cisneros

Julie of the Wolves- Jean Craighead George

My Side of the Mountain- Jean Craighead George

Izzy, Willy-Nilly- Cynthia Voigt

Tangerine- Edward Bloor


Fever 1793- Laurie Halse Andersen

Heart of a Samurai: Based on the True Story of Manjiro Nakakama- Margi Preus

Streams to the River, River to the Sea- Scott O’Dell

Lyddie- Katherine Peterson

Catherine, Called Birdy- Karen Cushman

Matilda Bone- Karen Cushman

The Witch of Blackbird Pond- Elizabeth George Speare

Letters from Rifka- Karen Hesse

The Devil’s Arithmetic- Jane Yolen

Out of the Dust- Karen Hesse

Nory Ryan’s Song- Patricia Reilly Giff

Lily’s Crossing- Patricia Reilly Giff

The Mostly True Adventures of Homer P. Figg- Rodman Philbrick

The Chosen- Chaim Potok

The Killer Angels- Michael Shaara

The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle- Avi

Juba!- Walter Dean Meyers

The Water Seeker- Kimberly Willis Holt


The Graveyard Book- Neil Gaiman

Anything by John Bellairs

Anything by Agatha Christie

Anything by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Dracula- Bram Stoker

Frankenstein- Mary Shelley


Any book by Madeline L’Engle

Gathering Blue- Lois Lowry

Matched (first in a series)- Ally Conde

The Maze Runner- James Dashner

A Journey to the Center of the Earth- Jules Verne

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea- Jules Verne

Dune- Frank Herbert

Jurassic Park- Michael Crichton

A Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy- Douglas Adams


Here, There Be Dragons- James A. Owen

The Eragon series- Christopher Paolini

Any of the Narnia series- C.S. Lewis

The Eye of the World- Robert Jordan

The Redwall Series- Brian Jacques

The Blue Sword- Robin McKinley

The Hero and the Crown- Robin McKinley

Any of the Harry Potter series by JK Rowling

Gypsy Rizka- Lloyd Alexander

The Arcadians- Lloyd Alexander

The Wind on Fire Trilogy- William Nicholson

The Thief- Megan Whalen Turner

Any Rick Riordan book

Ella Enchanted- Gail Carson Levine

Anything by J.R.R. Tolkien

A Series of Unfortunate Events- Lemony Snicket

The Neverending Story- Wolfgang Petersen

Any of the Earthsea Quartet- Ursula K. LeGuin

Howl’s Moving Castle- Diana Wynne Jones

Any of the Abhorsen Trilogy by Garth Nix

The Wizard of Oz- L. Frank Baum

The Dark is Rising- Susan Cooper

The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Own Making- Cathrynne Valente


An American Plague- Jim Murphy

The Nazi Hunters: How a Team of Spies and Survivors Captured the World’s Most Notorious Nazi- Neil Bascomb

The Greatest: Muhammad Ali- Walter Dean Myers

This Land Was Made for You and Me- Elizabeth Partridge

Revenge of the Whale: The True Story of the Whaleship Essex- Nathaniel Phillbrick

The Notorious Benedict Arnold: A True Story of Adventure, Heroism, and Bravery- Steve Sheinkin

Chasing Lincoln’s Killer- James L. Swanson

The Family Romanov: Murder, Rebellion, and the Fall of Imperial Russia- Candace Fleming

Strong Inside Young Reader’s Edition: The True Story of How Perry Wallace Broke

College Basketball's Color Line- Andrew Maraniss

Harriet Tubman: Conductor on the Underground Railroad- Anne Petrey

The Boys in the Boat: Nine Americans and Their Epic Quest for Gold at the 1936 Berlin Olympics- Daniel James Brown

The Boys Who Challenged Hitler: Knud Pedersen and the Churchill Club- Phillip Hoose

The Duel: The Parallel Lives of Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr- Judith St. George


Brown Girl Dreaming- Jacqueline Woodson

Enchanted Air- Margarita Engle

I Will Plant You A Lilac Tree- Laura Hillman

Every Falling Star: The True Story of How I Survived and Escaped North Korea- Sungju Lee

Bad Boy- Walter Dean Myers

Autobiography- Benjamin Franklin

The Diary of a Young Girl- Anne Frank

Zlata’s Diary: A Child’s Life in Sarajevo- Zlata Filipovic

Hello 7th & 8th Grade!

For your summer reading, you are required to read BOTH the book Hoot by Carl Hiaasen AND at least one book from the “Reader’s Choice” list. For Hoot, you are required to write a book report using the Standard Book Report Format below.

For the book from the “Reader’s Choice” list, you may choose any ONE response option from the menu below.

Should you choose to read more than one of the “Reader’s Choice” books and create a response from the menu, you may accrue extra credit for Literature class. Throughout the school year, you may return to the “Reader’s Choice” list and response menu for extra credit for Literature class.

Standard Book Report Format

All of the following should be addressed in paragraph form. The report may be hand-written or typed.

• Name the title, author, and the number of pages.

(Remember to underline or italicize the title of the book.)

•Identify the main characters.

Write 2-3 descriptive sentences about each.

Include both physical and personality traits whenever possible.

•Describe the book's setting.

Include the mood.

•Give a brief summary of the plot. (Address beginning, middle, and end)

What were the goals of the character? Were the goals met? Why or why not?

What was the conflict or conflicts in the story?

What type of conflict/s were they? Were they resolved? How?

•What was the theme of the book?

Was there a message for the reader?

What was it?

•Explain why you liked or disliked the book. Be specific!


1. Create a musical playlist (at least 5 songs) based on your book. The playlist can be focused around the theme, time period, characters, plot, etc. Each song should have a short written rationale explaining why you chose the song and how it relates to your book.

2. Create a travel brochure for your book. Why would someone want to visit the place where your book takes place? What are some of the interesting things that have happened there?

3. Write a newspaper article about the major event in your book.

4. Write a poem based on your book.

5. Write a new last chapter for your book. How do you think it should have ended?

6. Write a book report using the Standard Book Report Format.

7. Should I read this book? Write a convincing position essay about your book. (one page)

8. Make a poster advertising your book- why should someone read it? Include the main characters, setting, title, author, and a BRIEF, spoiler-free plot summary.

10. Create a short comic strip illustrating a scene you liked, a chapter that stood out to you, or a major plot point of the book.

11. Record a podcast! This can be done with a partner. In your podcast, you can interview “the main character” or “the author,” discuss the book & its major themes, or just talk about whether you liked the book.

12. Create a timeline of the major events of the book. Make sure it is illustrated and annotated.

13. Create a collage or other work of art based on the book. Write a rationale explaining your artistic choices and connections to the book.

14. Make a video trailer for the book- convince someone to read your book! This can also be a partner project.

15. Curate a recommendation list for someone who liked your book- what books, poems, or plays have you read that remind you of this one? What movies or TV shows have you seen that are similar? What musical artists might someone who likes this book like? Be sure to include a written rationale explaining your choices and how they relate to the book.