Tuesday 25th April 2017
Dear Parents/ Carers,
Re: Y4 Residential Visit to Thornbridge (3rd- 7th July 2017)
As you may be aware the Year 4 children take part in a residential visit to Thornbridge. The dates for the visit are as follows:
Y4R together with the Y4 children from Y3/4H will depart Monday 3rd July and return on Wednesday 5th July.
Y4TG will depart Wednesday 5th July and will return Friday 7th July.
We would like to invite you to a meeting about thetrip. This is an opportunity to find out more and a chance for you to ask questions. For those of you with older children who have previously taken part in this residential, the arrangements will be very similar to previous trips.
The meetings will be held on Thursday 4thMay.
The first meeting will be at 9.00am in the Key Stage 2 hall.
The second meeting will be held at 6.00pm in the Key Stage 2 hall.
At this stage the possible activities include canoeing, high ropes, low ropes, bike skills and problem solving. The evening activities will hopefully include a barbecue and outdoor games.
The details below outline the estimated cost for each individual child:
2 nights, 3 day stay at Thornbridge (including instructor cost and food): £87.00
Return Coach: £8.00
In total the visit will cost £95.00
Methods of payment:
Payment towards the trip can be made in several instalments or one full amount. Payment can be made by cash or cheque. It can either be given to your child’s class teacher or directly to the school office, who will keep a record of the amount that has been paid for each child. Payment may also be made using SIMS Agora.
In order to confirm bookings we will need to begin gathering confirmation of the number of children attending. If your child would like to go on the trip please complete the permission slip below and enclose a deposit of £25.00. The medical form attached will also need to be completed for each child.
If you would like to discuss any questions or queries before making a decision please speak to your child’s class teacher or contact us directly on the email addresses below.
Yours sincerely
Grace Turner
Y4 Residential trip to Thornbridge (tick the correct statement)
I give permission for my child to take part in the Y4 Residential Visit to Thornbridge.
I enclose a deposit of £25.00 and would like to pay in instalments.
I enclose the full amount of £95.00
I give permission for my child to be photographed/filmed whilst on the residential.
Child’s name ……………………………………… Class ……………… Signed ………………………….……………………