Held: October 4, 2011 4:30 PM –6:30 PM Page 1 of 2
The Canaan Township Trustees of Madison County met at the Canaan Twp. Bldg., 8055 US Highway 42 S., Plain City, Ohio 43064
In Attendance Trustees: Monroe Harbage, Jim Meeker & Mark Ishmael
Fiscal Officer: Lisa Beachy
Visitors: Don Schrock and Mike Aitchison
Draft copies of the September 6, 2011 and minutes had been deliverd to the Trustees in advance of the meeting. Ishmael moved and Harbage seconded that the minutes be accepted as delivered. The file copy was signed by all members of the Board and made available to the visitors present for inspection. Roll Call; Ishmael yes, Harbage yes and Meeker yes
Fiscal Officer Beachy presented the September 30, 2011 “Richwood Bank Reconciliation and Fund Balances” report that the Trustees reviewed and approved with their signatures. Ishmael asked if there was a bank balance to cover the presented checks, to which Fiscal Officer Beachy responded “yes”. Purchase orders and checks were signed.
Administration: The Fiscal Officer’s “September 2011 Activities Report” was reviewed by the Trustees.
(See attachment).
The trustees approved with their signatures:
Resolution 2011-10-1 See Resolution Book
*Misc Expenses
Resolution 2011-10-3 See Resolution Book
*Avizent BWC pool
Trustees agreed that it is too late to overseed the Cemetery so Resolution 2011-10-2 was cancelled. Ishmael opened the meeting to any comments from our visitors. Mike Aitchison said he could speak at the end of the meeting but the Trustees reassured him that anytime is ok to speak. Mr. Aitchison said that he is interested in the politics of the Township and has been trying to make to earlier meetings. He asked what triggers a request to the County for a zoning violation. Ishmael responded that there are multiple ways to handle a complaint. Complaints to the Township can be handled but may go to the County. If it is a zoning violation the County may be notified. Meeker said that any other complaints can be handled at the Township level but zoning issues are handled at the County level. Mr. Aitchison received a letter from the County regarding his property having too many vehicles but Mr. Aitchison said the letter was vague. Mr. Aitchison said that he has removed several of the vehicles from the property and cleaned up the landscape. Ishmael said that he likes to be very specific and contact the resident about the complaint. Ishmael suggested two things: Contact the Township first and then call Dave Hughes with any questions. Meeker appreciated Mr. Aitchison coming to the meeting and communicating his concerns.
The following items were discussed:
Health & Safety: Meeker said that he saw Mary Ann Webb @ the office. They are still in discussions with the County Commissioners regarding additional insurance. Meeker distributed the flu shot scheduled dates & locations.
Zoning: Ishmael said there is no word on the issues with the Hayden Run or the PC Georgesville properties. He has heard that Mahoney has filed bankruptcy to avoid penalties. The open foundation in Amity is still ongoing with Dave Hughes. Harbage talked with Pronai regarding the Winn Property on Rt. 42 & Price Hilliard. Apparently there are signs that state to exit the property on Price Hilliard. Harbage drove by last weekend and the chain was across that exit. Ishmael said that he is still trying to get all parties together to develop a policy on rentals that are not maintained.
Fire: Meeker reported that BC Communications donated $9227.00 for 2 new base radios. The Fire Dept. would like to purchase a propane generator for $4500.00 from JD Equipment. They passed a resolution for the roof repairs from the hail damage.
Roads: Meeker reported that we are still mowing since it has been wet & raining & the grass is still growing. We have mowed approximately 6 times this year, normal years is about 4 times. Meeker said that he talked with Steve Pronai regarding the campaign signs in the ditches and how to handle them. Mr. Pronai said that the signs can be removed and stored at the shop for the candidates to pick up. Meeker said that since he is also a candidate, he does not want to remove the signs but asks the candidates to place the signs farther back along the ditch line but not into the fields to interfere with the farmers harvesting their crops. Mr. Schrock said that he had received permission from all the land owners to place his signs. Meeker explained how the County has the right of way onto the property owners property in order to maintain the ditches for mowing. The County pays the Township a fixed rate to mow the ditches in the Township for them.
Ishmael said that he picked up the Dual Digital radios for the trucks from the County. Mr. Aitchison asked how the snow plowing is handled with the County and Township. Meeker explained the relationship between the County and Township.
Held: October 4, 2011 4:30 PM – 6:30 PM______Page 2 of 2
Roads: Ishmael asked Meeker if he had received the quote for the new tractors from JD Equipment. Meeker said that they are still in the process. Harbage said that gravel is needed at the intersection of Lucas Pike and PC Georgesville Rds. Meeker said that he will contact Levin. Harbage said he is still waiting on snow plow bids. Meeker talked with the County and they are having problems with their truck electronics & Darby Twp is having electrical problems.
Cemetery: Harbage said that there is another burial on Friday. Fiscal Officer Beachy said that there have been 22 burials in the last 4 years. Harbage would like to have permission from the Trustees to purchase a new metal detector. Our current metal detector is too expensive to fix. Harbage did borrow the County’s metal detector but it does not work with our Cemetery. Our pins are made of aluminum and brass so their metal detector did not recognize that material. Harbage said that he checked with Grainger and the cost of a new metal detector would be roughly $400 with a 2 yr warranty. Harbage moved and Meeker seconded to purchase a new metal detector from Grainger and spend no more than $400.00. Roll Call: Ishmael yes, Harbage yes and Meeker yes. Fiscal Officer Beachy said that she needed to re-do the Cemetery deed for David and Dottie Boggs because she was given the incorrect spelling of Dottie on the original deed. Harbage said that Pete Hammond calls John Lewis to see if he wants to mow. Ishmael said that the deck is too low and we should consider putting a lock on it. Ishmael also reminded Harbage that it is time to put the gator blades on the Cemetery mower. He said that we should spray and apply Baracade for crab grass prevention next spring.
Building: Ishmael said that Gingerich finished painting the IH Truck exterior and the inside of the bed. Ishmael said that he is replacing the vent on the building after removing a birds nest. Meeker asked the other Trustees if we should seal the driveway this fall. He received a quote from Ace Seal & Coating for $1425.00. Mr. Headlee would be willing to put one coat on this fall and another on in the spring. Striping would have to be done both times. Ishmael moved and Meeker seconded to spend no more that $1500.00 to fill cracks and seal the parking lot, once in the fall and once in Spring 2012. Striping for the fall should cost no more than $200.00 if done before the November 8th election. Roll Call: Ishmael yes, Harbage yes and Meeker yes. Meeker asked if the door opener could be moved from the far wall. He received an estimate for $650.00. Ishmael asked if we could table this until next month. All agreed. Ishmael said he has received 2 quotes for new Township signs and is still waiting on quotes for replacement signs that are similar to what we currently have. Ishmael said that we are still waiting on Gingway to finish the Stainless Steel post to replace the one that was run over.
Misc: Fiscal Officer Beachy asked if we could change the meeting time for the November 7th meeting from 7pm to 1pm so we can set up for the November 8th election. Harbage moved and Ishmael seconded to change the meeting time for the November 7th meeting. Roll Call: Ishmael yes, Harbage yes and Meeker yes. Fiscal Officer Beachy will contact The Madison Press with the meeting time change.
Harbage moved that the meeting be adjourned and Ishmael seconded. Roll Call; Ishmael yes, Harbage yes and Meeker yes
______Trustees ______
Fiscal Officer