Rev 2 - 1/4
1 Introduction...... 3
2 Purpose of the competition...... 3
3 Conditions to enter the competition...... 3
4 Entries...... 3
5 Judging...... 4
6 Prize...... 4
7 Requirements...... 4
The purpose of this document is to provide advice, information and rules concerning the procedures to be followed for the Leroy Prize competition.
2Purpose of the competition
IIW organises a two-yearly competition (every even year) for the award of the André Leroy Prize created in 1980.
3Conditions to enter the competition
3.1The competition is open to large circulation multi media document (including video and computer programmes) intended for use in Education and Training in any aspect of welding and allied processes (brazing, hot spraying, thermal cutting, etc.) at any level (engineers, technicians, welders, etc.).
3.2To be eligible for entry, the material shall contribute to scientific and/or technical training or teaching relating to:
3.2.1the welding processes or allied processes;
3.2.2the application of these processes, including the safety problems to which they may give rise;
3.2.3the quality control of welded joints or of the results of the application of allied processes;
3.2.4the problems raised by the behaviour of materials and welded constructions.
3.3Multi media documents produced by commercial firms may be entered for the competition if it has been made for Education and Training purposes, and is not restricted to promoting a particular piece of equipment or consumable. It is incumbent upon each national delegation to judge whether material is eligible for the competition, taking into account the indications given above.
3.4The multi media documents entered for the competition may include a commentary in the official language of IIW or in any other language. In the latter case, it is obligatory to submit with the document a comprehensive written document describing the multi media document in the official language of IIW.
3.5To be eligible for the competition, the documents shall have been presented in the public domain in the four years prior to the date of the meeting of the Jury.
4.1A call for nominations is launched by the IIW Secretariat one year in advance (every odd year).
4.2Each member country may submit two multi media documents.
4.3Each entry shall be submitted by the appropriate delegation; in no circumstances can a submission by the producer or distributor of the films or video systems be accepted.
4.4A copy of the entry form, together with one copy of the multi media document, the text of the commentary in English and the entry fee shall be sent to:
IIW Secretariat
Z.I. Paris Nord II
BP 51362
95942 Roissy CDG Cedex
and shall be delivered not later than 30 November of the current year.
4.5Each competitor shall be prepared to deliver copies of the multi media system to the Jury members, following the instructions received from the IIW Secretariat. The copies provided might be either covered by a Copyright or under the form of demo versions.
4.6To meet the expenses incurred in the organisation of the competition, an entry fee shall be fixed on each occasion by the Board of Directors. This fee shall be paid to the IIW Secretariat.
5.1The documents entered shall be considered by a Jury composed of the members of the Technical Management Board. The Chairman of the Technical Management Board shall act as the Chairman of the Jury and will have a decisive vote. The TMB decision shall be approved by the Board of Directors.
5.2The Chairman of the Technical Management Board may at his discretion invite one or two specialists in subjects covered by the films or video systems entered to attend the meeting of the Jury in order to provide its members with expert advice, if this is requested.
6.1The Prize shall consist of a commemorative medal bearing the effigy of André Leroy, donated by the FrenchDelegation.
6.2The Prize will be presented at the Opening Ceremony of the IIW Annual Assembly which follows the meeting of the Jury. The prize winning document will be shown on this occasion or during the Annual Assembly week, depending on the nature of the document and the technical requirements for it to be shown.
Entry for the competition implies the acceptance without restriction of the present rules.
B.P. 51362 - 95942 Roissy CDG Cedex - FRANCEPhone: + 33 1 49 90 36 08 / + 33 1 49 90 36 79 / + 33 1 49 90 36 15
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