Candidate Name: / Position:
Interviewer Name: / Interview Date:
Did you conduct a phone screen with this candidate? o Yes o No / If yes, on what date:
This interview guide is interactive and allows you to select interview questions from the four sections outlined below. After selecting/inputting your preferred interview questions, you can print a hardcopy of the guide to complete or use an electronic version to record responses.
1. Opening Questions: These questions allow you to learn about basic information related to the candidate’s background and assess their interest in the position.
2. Values Based Questions: These questions focus on the candidate’s embodiment of our organization’s values. This approach falls in line with UPMC’s performance evaluation criteria for current employees.
3. Motivational Fit Questions: These questions will help to evaluate whether the candidate will find things like the job responsibilities, environment, pace, schedule and the department personally satisfying
4. Skills/Technical Questions: These questions will ensure the candidate has the right technical skills required for the job. You will develop these questions yourself based on the specific skills needed for the position.
Please be sure to review the Interviewing Tips for Managers document prior to beginning the interview process.
In addition to assessing the candidate’s background, it is important to ensure that they are comfortable with the basic job requirements such as shift, location, etc. Discuss the following with the candidate:
Q: / □ Inquire about the candidate’s interest in the position/UPMC
□ Review the candidate’s most recent positons and discuss their background, relevant skills, etc.
□ Ask the candidate why they left their most recent position and/or what are they looking for in a new role
Q: / □ Provide an overview and discuss the position responsibilities
□ Discuss the schedule required for the position and ensure the candidate can commit (days/hours/shifts)
□ Discuss the location of the position and ensure the candidate can commit (discuss if travel b/t locations is required)
□ Discuss any type of clearances, uniform guidelines/costs, etc. that are required for this position
□ Review the anticipated start for the position and ensure the candidate can commit
SECTION 2 – Values Based Questions
Quality & Safety We create a safe environment where quality is our guiding principle.
§ Monitors own work to ensure quality
§ Follows all safety procedures
§ Immediately reports unsafe incidents and conditions / § His/her work meets standards of quality, thoroughness, and timeliness
Q: Please select the most relevant question to your position and evaluate against the above criteria:
DIGNITY & RESPECT We treat all individuals with dignity and respect.
§ Builds trust and agreement through open communications, consistent words/actions, and personal accountability
§ Understands what influences his/her way of thinking and responding to others
§ Has a good sense of how others perceive him/her / § Is mindful of his/her words, actions, and responses toward others
§ Treats others as they want to be treated
§ Communicates respectfully; acknowledges different perspectives; and finds common ground
§ Considers others’ perspectives
Q: Please select the most relevant question to your position and evaluate against the above criteria:
CARING & LISTENING We listen to and care for our patients, our health plan members, our fellow employees, our physicians, and our community.
§ Considers the needs of the internal/external customer when providing service
§ Pursues service recovery when needed
§ Listens; shows care and empathy while providing service / § Identifies problems in service; resolves simple and/or routine issues that impact the overall customer experience
§ Asks for customer feedback on service provided
Q: Please select the most relevant question to your position and evaluate against the above criteria:
RESPONSIBILITY & INTEGRITY We perform our work with the highest levels of responsibility and integrity.
§ Supports the team by getting involved when requested; makes a positive difference
§ Meets attendance and punctuality guidelines. Adapts to changes and incorporates new information / § Demonstrates honesty and integrity
§ Takes ownership and responsibility for his/her own words and actions
Q: Please select the most relevant question to your position and evaluate against the above criteria:
EXCELLENCE & INNOVATION We think creatively and build excellence into everything that we do.
§ Seeks and applies new knowledge and skills
§ Is open to new ideas and new ways of doing things / § Considers solutions, and recommends ways to improve work processes
Q: Please select the most relevant question to your position and evaluate against the above criteria:
SECTION 3 – Motivational Fit Questions
These questions will help assess the degree to which someone finds the work responsibilities, schedule, pace, leadership, the environment, etc. personally satisfying. A good motivational fit can help to decrease absenteeism and turnover and increase overall employee satisfaction.
Q: Please select the most relevant question:
Q: Please select the most relevant question:
SECTION 4 – Skills/Technical Questions
These questions will ensure that the candidate has the right technical skills required for the job. Examples of these could look like “rate your Microsoft Excel skills on a scale of 1-5” or “rate your ability to administer injections based on whether you need assistance, can complete with minimal supervision, or complete independently.”
Q: Please enter a question that will best assess the candidate’s skills/technical abilities
Q: Please enter a question that will best assess the candidate’s skills/technical abilities
Q: Please enter a question that will best assess the candidate’s skills/technical abilities
SECTION 5 – Additional Questions (optional)
Whether it be values, motivational fit, or technical ability you want to further assess, this is a good opportunity to ask the candidate additional questions related to any of the previous sections. This section is optional, but is dedicated to allow for additional exploration into the areas and characteristics that make a candidate ideal for your position and department.
Q: Please enter a question here
Q: Please enter a question here
Q: Please enter a question here
Q: Please enter a question here
Please rate your candidate’s overall interview below:
Section 1 Opening Questions / o More than acceptable / o Acceptable / o Less Than Acceptable
SECTION 2 Values / o More than acceptable / o Acceptable / o Less Than Acceptable
Section 3 Motivational Fit / o More than acceptable / o Acceptable / o Less Than Acceptable
Section 4 Skills/Technical / o More than acceptable / o Acceptable / o Less Than Acceptable
Section 5 Additional Questions / o More than acceptable / o Acceptable / o Less Than Acceptable
Please indicate your final decision: Not sure about this candidate just yet? Conduct an additional interview and/or engage another manager to interview this candidate to get an additional opinion to help you make a final decision
o Hire / Congrats! This is the candidate you want to hire. NEXT STEPS: Mark candidate as “Final Candidate” and enter interview date in MyHub and contact Talent Acquisition to initiate the offer process.
o Reject* / You are rejecting this candidate from further consideration for this position. NEXT STEPS: Select the appropriate rejection reason below, enter this reject reason and the interview date in MyHub
*you must indicate an appropriate reason / o Candidate Not Interested / o Less Preferred / o Poor in-person Interview
o Poor Work History / o Second Choice / o Selected For Other Position
Notes: Use the space below to provide reasoning for your above selection and include relevant interview notes:
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