Clinical Benefits of the OQ
What type of information will I be able to get about my clients from looking at their OQ scores? You can track overall change, looking at the total score. You can track specific symptoms or behaviors using subscale scores. The OQ, administered and scored in the waiting room, also offers the opportunity to see a detailed snapshot of how a client is doing before the session starts. This includes a set of critical items that may require immediate attention.
How do I interpret this data? The computerized OQ scoring program will tell you if the client is making reliable improvement, possible improvement, no change, possible worsening, or reliable worsening. Furthermore, it will recommend general next steps such as continuing things as they are, considering discharge, treatment plan review, or intensive and immediate intervention. Your best interpretive tool, though is talking with them about their own scores and what they mean.
What scores will I see? For adult clients you will see a total score, critical items, and subscale scores on interpersonal distress, social relationships, and social role functioning. For children and adolescents, you will see a total score, critical items, and subscale scores on intrapersonal distress, somatic symptoms, interpersonal relations, social problems, and behavioral dysfunction.
Will my client’s OQ scores get them kicked out of treatment? No! The OQ scores should never be used as the sole determinant of whether a client needs treatment. Your clinical judgment and supervisory supports are still the mainstay of your client’s care.
How shall I explain the OQ to my client?
- All clients being asked to complete an Outcome Questionnaire will be given an introductory pamphlet that explains the instrument.
- In addition to the pamphlet, the therapist should take the opportunity to explain to the patient, parent, or guardian that the OQ is a routine questionnaire that monitors the patient's sense of well being, just like a lab test.
- The patient, parent, or guardian should be informed that completing the OQ is encouraged, but voluntary.
- Patients should be told that completing the OQ is becoming a routine part of treatment for all psychotherapy patients and that they are not being singled out.
- The clinician can describe how reviewing the scores together can be both interesting and helpful.
- Experience with the instrument shows that the attitude, and of patients toward completing the measures, and ultimately their willingness to do so is highly dependent on therapists’ positive or negative attitudes. Few patients reject the measures if clinicians suggest they will be valuable and helpful to the patient.
How can I use the OQ to enhance my client’s treatment?
- The OQ provides a very early, statistically validated read on how the client is doing and whether they are having the desired or expected response to treatment.
- Results can be used to provide encouragement for clients who are doing well and to have a focused discussion about what is working and what is not if clients are not having the expected or desired improvement.
- The subscale scores can be used to identify and target particularly problematic areas as a focus of treatment
- Client responses to particular items can draw provider attention to areas that need investigation during the current session.
- The results allow the provider and client to jointly monitor the client’s progress from a shared point of reference, allowing the client to participate more fully in assuring that their treatment is as effective and efficient as possible.