Physical Science Course Syllabus
Instructor: Mrs. Julie Boyles Team: 8-2 F Room: 204
Phone: 770-651-5025 E-mail:
Course description: The Georgia Performance Standards, which are aligned to the National Science Education Standards, will drive our instruction at CHMS. Our program will entail hands-on, students-centered, and inquiry-based approaches. Students will be given an overview of the common strands of physical science including, but not limited to, the nature of matter, laws of energy, matter, motion and forces and energy transformation.
The class instruction will consist of organized class discussions, group activities, hands-on lab activities and in-class/out of class research.
Materials: CHMS One-Notebook System, paper, pencils, pens, agenda, and 2-spiral bound notebooks
Optional: highlighters, 8-function calculator, index cards, color pencils and markers, dry erase marker
Textbook/CD-Rom/Online Textbook: Prentice Hall Science Explorer Georgia Edition- ISBN 978-0-13-364588-0
We also use many supplemental material such as the internet and CRCT Prep Materials.
Lost Textbook/CD-Rom: The student will be charged full replacement cost for any lost textbook or CD-Rom, regardless of condition.
Anticipated Classroom Format:
1. Lecture, independent projects, group projects, activity-based learning, labs and video presentation
2. Strategies for Student Learning: Instruction types: direct, experiential, independent, indirect, and interactive
3. Homework: The purpose of assigned homework is to explore and reinforce concepts as well as prepare for class. This means that you may not be able to answer every question correctly or there may be multiple ways to answer a question. Therefore, it is of no benefit to you to copy someone else’s work. Each student is expected to attempt all of their homework to the best of their ability. If the question is too difficult to complete, do as much as you can. Write comments to help you remember where help is needed. No credit will be given for homework where no attempt was made.
*Spend at least 15 minutes nightly reviewing previous material covered plus additional time to complete homework*
4. Make-up work: Students must have an excused absence to make up missed work.
- Homework is due when you enter the classroom
- Exams/tests must be made up the day student returns.
- Projects (long and short term assignments) must be turned in on the due date, or when a student returns from an absence. Projects may be turned in late for partial credit (10 points subtracted for each day after the due date).
- Student Activity (ex. Field trips) days do not constitute an absence. Student projects must be turned in at the appropriate time.
5. Late Work: Work is considered late if it is not turned in at the moment it is due. Late work will be accepted for 3 days after it is due. 10 points will be deducted for each day that an assignment is late. (Assignments will NOT be accepted if they have already been returned to other students.)
6. Academic Dishonesty: Any form of academic dishonesty/cheating will result in a zero for that particular task and could also include a call home to parents/guardians, or an office referral.
7. Course Evaluation:
Classwork - 30%
Homework - 15%
CATS - 10%
Assessments- 35%
Projects - 10%
8. Tardiness: You must be in your seat when the bell rings. CHMS tardy policy will be followed.
9. Conduct: Any conduct that disrupts the education of others will result in disciplinary action.
10. Attendance: Attendance is CRITICAL if you are to succeed in this course.
11. Required Readings: Textbook, various relevant journal/web articles
12. Assessment Types: Tests will be given approximately every 1 ½ to 2 weeks, depending on the amount of material covered. Students will be required to take four Common District Assessments this year. Other quizzes, both announced and unannounced, will be given regularly throughout the semester to evaluate student progress and understanding. Other evaluations include (but are not limited to) labs, projects, worksheets, and notebook checks.
Cut and return to your teacher
The teacher reserves the right to modify the syllabus in order to best serve the needs of students and/or classes.
Please sign and return to your 8th grade science teacher. Signature acknowledges that you have read the course syllabus.
Student Name (Print)______
Parent/Guardian Signature______