Name ______
Osmosis Lab Make-Up Possibilities
You did not score well on the Osmosis Lab. You need to make-up the grade and I have some options for you.
- Re-write the lab. Use your rubric and re-write the lab to get some more points. This is a good option if you only missed a section or two or just made a few minor errors.
- Redo the lab. This option takes time, planning, and materials. You will need to soak an egg in vinegar for up to three days. Then choose a new liquid to put the egg in and leave it there for two to three days. Each day you will need a way to weigh your egg and take its volume. Collect and record your data everyday then write up your lab. The rubric and the inquiry boards will help you do this. They can be found on my website.
- Come up with a new lab you can do at home. When you get your idea write your problem question and hypothesis and bring those to me. Once I approve your lab, do it and write it up. The rubric and the inquiry boards will help you do this. They can be found on my website.
Parent Signature ______
Name ______
Plant Webquest Brochure Make-Up Possibilities
You still do not have a passing grade on your Plant Webquest Brochure. When your team did not finish the brochure on December 5, 2007 you needed to finish it on your own and turn it in right away. When you didn’t turn it in by winter break it was assigned as homework over the break and due the Thursday and Friday after winter break. When you didn’t turn it in by that deadline I accepted requests for extensions for students to keep working on it. After that I told students to just answer the nine questions on the plant webquest website ( The answers to the nine questions won’t get full credit but it might raise your grade to passing on this assignment and definitely give you more points overall.
So as of this point you are still required to answer the nine questions fully using the research websites on the plant webquest website or by performing Google searches. You can use the after school homework help in room 501. All you need is a computer, a pen or pencil, and some paper.
Parent Signature ______