International conference “Algebraic groups and related structures”

in honour of Nikolai Vavilov on the occasion of his 60th birthday

St.Petersburg, Euler International Mathematical institute, 17-22 September 2012

Programme committee: A. Bak, L. Di Martino, N. Gordeev, A. Merkurjev, J. Morita, I. Panin, A. Pasini, R. Rao, A. Shalev, M. C. Tamburini, N. Vavilov, E. Vdovin, M. Vsemirnov, E. Zelmanov

Organizing committee: M. Vsemirnov (chair), A. I. Generalov, A. Luzgarev, I. Panin, V. Petrov, E.Plotkin, A. Stavrova, A. Stepanov, T.Vinogradova (secretary), N. Zalesskaya (secretary)

The conference is organized by St.Petersburg Department of the Steklov Mathematical Institute and the Euler International Mathematical Institute. It will be held from September 17 till September 22, 2012 at the Euler International Mathematical Institute (St.Petersburg, Pesochnaya naberezhnaya, 10).

If you want to participate, we kindly ask you to fill in the registration form ( If you want to present a talk, please send us the title and a short (not longer than one page) abstract. If you need a Russian visa, please check the corresponding field in the registration form and fill out the visa form. The Institute will provide you with an invitation needed for visa formalities. If, besides the invitation described above, you also need one for the administration of your institution, please, contact the Euler Institute programme coordinator Ms. Nadya Zalesskaya ()

Accommodation is available at nearby hotels (see We shall be happy to assist you in making reservations. Budget accommodation in a hostel may also be possible. If you have some special accommodation requests (say, you prefer a downtown hotel, or you come with accompanying persons, etc.), you are invited to contact Ms.Zalesskaya.

Transport information will be given in the next announcement. If you need a transfer from the airport, please, inform us about your arrival time as soon as this is available.

Conference proceedings: Abstract of talks will be published before the conference. Participants, if they wish, may consider a possibility of publishing a full-text version in the special volume of Zap. Nauchn. Sem. S.-Peterburg. Otdel. Mat. Inst. Steklov. (POMI) dedicated to N. Vavilov. English translation of the journal is published by Springer as Journal of Mathematical Sciences. Submissions to that volume can be made either in English or in Russian. All papers will be refereed. We expect that the volume will be ready by the end of 2012. If you wish to submit a full-text paper to that volume, please send a message to indicating the authors, the title and the expected size of the paper. The deadline for the final submission is September 1, 2012.

Registration fee: 200 Euro. It covers conference pack, coffee-breaks, lunches, airport pick-up service and an excursion. The fee is to be paid in cash at the registration desk upon arrival. For Russian participants, the registration fee is 1000 Roubles (it covers the conference pack and coffee-breaks only). If we have a support from RFBR, the fee for Russian participants will be waived.

Important dates: August 1, 2012 – Abstract submission

August 1, 2012 – Proposals of full-text papers (optional)

September 1, 2012 – Full-text papers submission (optional)

Conference web-page:

Contacts: Conference e-mail address:

Maxim Vsemirnov

Nadya Zalesskaya

Tatiana Vinogradova