Installation Environment

1.  To run Mr_Buggy application download and install the MySQL database. Known and supported versions are as follows:

2.  To download the installer, go to web page:

3.  In order to perform a MySQL database installation, run the installer mysql-installer-community-

4.  In the first step agree to make changes on your computer.

5.  Then select the “Install MySQL Products”:

6.  Please refer to the rules, accept it and press “Next >” button:

7.  On the next screen, select “Skip the check for update” and click on“Next >”:

8.  On screen “Choosing a Setup Type” select “Custom”:

9.  Then choose “MySQL Server 5.6.12” and in “Applications” section choose only “MySQL Notifier 1.0.3” option:

10.  In section “MySQL Connectors” select “Connector/NET6.6.5” and press “Next >”button:

11.  On the “Check Requirements” press “Next >” button.

12.  On the “Installation Progress” press “Execute” and click on “Next >”:

13.  On the “MySQL Server Configuration” click “Next >”.

14.  In the MySQL configuration, define your password to the database and REMEMBER it and press “Next >”:

15.  On the next screen press “Next >”:

16.  On the “Configuration Overview” press “Next >”.

17.  On the “Installation Complete” press “Finish”.

18.  Then run Start -> MySQL 5.6 Command Line Client. Having run it, enter the password which you used during installation an press enter:

19.  Then type the command: CREATE DATABASE mr_buggy; and press enter:

20.  Now you can start the application for the championship – MrBuggy.exe. In the first window, enter details:

Username: root
Server address: localhost
Database name: mr_buggy
Select the check box “new installation”
Press “OK” button

21.  After successful database connection, a window will open to create a super administrator account in the MrBuggy application
CONGRATULATIONS – the installation process has been done correctly.
If the problem occurs, when using the database, you should reinstall it.
1. Delete MrBuggy.cfg file from the application folder
2. Delete the database using command: DROP DATABASE mr_buggy;
3. Repeat steps from 16 in the installation process.

Mr Buggy – Installation Environment