Kokan Zone, Administrative Building,

Nachane Road, Ratnagiri - 415 639

Fax :(02352)226504

Phone : (O) 225853

(P) 225852

Invitation of Tender and instructions to the Tenderer


Tender No. : CE/KZR/T-10/2007-08

Name of the work : Supply of Hot dip galvanized

8’ D.P. Set

Estimated cost : Rs. 05.50 Lakhs

Earnest Money Deposit : Rs. 5500/-

Last date for submission of : 22.08.2007 up to 13.00 Hrs.


Date of opening of Tender : 22.08.2007 at 15.00 Hrs.

(If possible)

Cost of tender form : Rs. 550/-

D.D. No. & Date :

Chief Engineer (KZR)


Conditions of Tender and Supply

1. Extent of work

This tender is for supply of the materials as specified in schedule `A' or any part or portion thereof offered for by the supplier, to the Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the `Company ') and accepted by the officer, duly authorised in the behalf of the Company at the rates and deliveries to the place or any places, at or within the time specified and without any extra charges or expenses to the Company on any account.

2. Validity of tender

All tenders shall be opened for acceptance by the Company for a period of 60 days from the date of opening of the tenders and the tenderer shall be bound to supply on such acceptance. All quotations submitted against this tender shall be deemed to comply with this condition unless otherwise agreed by the Company .

3. Quoting of rates

The tenderer must quote his rates per unit specified in the schedule `A' in figures as well as in words.

Any variation in the rates will not be allowed on any ground such as, a mistake, misunderstanding, etc. after the tender has been submitted. The Tendered rate must include,

a) all charges for containers and packing.

b) all charges necessary to effect free delivery of materials at store as specified.

c) all charges such as freight, insurance, customs excise and town duties, and other import of a similar nature, clearing in case of materials to be supplied ex-stock or on forward delivery.

Tenderer is prohibited from making any additions or alterations in the description of articles mentioned in the schedule. They should either rate for the articles described in the Schedule ‘A’ or write the words `No rate' against each item. If they wish to quote for any similar item they may do so by adding such items at the end of the schedule.

All tenders must be submitted on this form and must be clearly and legibly filled in either in ink or typewritten.

The rates should be quoted on firm price quotation basis. Price variation clause will not be considered.

Tenderer should, if not in a position to quote for entire quantity and for delivery as required, state specifically the quantities which they can deliver at the price quoted and according to the required delivery. Silence on this point will entail responsibility for supply full quantities at quoted price, as per required delivery.

All corrections whatsoever made in the tender must be signed by the tenderer.

4. Earnest Money Deposit

The amount payable as Earnest money to the Company @1% of the estimated cost of the tender and should be paid in cash or by demand draft payable on any nationalised bank at Ratnagiri drawn in favor of M.S.E.D.C. Ltd., Kokan Zone, Ratnagiri.

Tenders without cost of tender & Earnest money deposit will not be considered.

The relevant receipt/demand draft on local Nationalised Bank should be enclosed to the tender form and D.D. No. or receipt No. shall be mentioned on the envelop without fail.

No interest will be allowed on the Earnest money deposit.

Earnest money deposit will be liable to forfeiture if,

a) the tenderer withdrawn his offer before any decision is taken in regard to his tender and

b) the tenderer fails to deposit the security deposit.

After finalization of tender order Earnest Money Deposit will be refunded to unsuccessful tenderers on submission of original receipt.

5. Sample

Tenderer shall, if required, submit sample of the supplies he is tendering for.Samples must be as per specification & drawing, if any representing the bulk supply..

All samples must be properly labeled and sealed by the tenderer. The label must give the following particulars,

a) tender number, b) name and address of the tenderer and c) brief description of the sample.

6. Addressing the tender

Tenders must be submitted in envelops which must be properly sealed by the tenderer and must be superscribed with,

a) the tender number and the name of material.

b) the due date for submission of the tender.

7. Opening of the tenders

All tenders received will be opened by an officer of the Company on the specified date and time. The tenderer or his representative may be present at the time of opening of the tenders.

8. Acceptance of the tender

The Company does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender. No any reason will be assigned for the rejection of any tender or part of the tender. It is also not binding on the Company to disclose any analysis reports on tenders/samples. The tenderer on his part binds himself to supply any item or items selected from his offer in part or whole at the option of the Company.

The Company shall reserve the right to order out quantities in excess or less specified in the tender. The quantity specified may be for dispatch to one destination or several.

The M.S.E.D.C. Ltd. reserves the right to reject any or all tenders or part thereof without assigning any reason.

9. Security Deposit

Every tenderer whose tender is accepted either in whole or in part must deposit money @10% of value of contract within 7 days from the receipt of intimation by way of security for the due and proper fulfillment of his contract. The ordered work is to be completed within 30 days by the successful bidder.

In the event of contractor failing to deposit such security within the stipulated period, the Company shall have full discretion to cancel the acceptance communicated to the said tenderer.

The Security deposit will be refunded in the normal course along with the final payment of the bill except when a period of a guarantee is specified and forms a condition of contract. No interest will be allowed on this deposit.

10. Material to conform specification :

The material supplied shall be strictly conform to relevant Indian Standards and / or as per the approved sample. In case of material for which there is no standard /approved sample, the supplies shall be of the best workmanship and quality obtainable.

You will keep this office informed of the progress of manufacturing of the material.

11. Guarantee / Warrantee

All items should have minimum 12 months guarantee from the date of supply.

12. Delivery

In the event of the tender being accepted as the whole or any portion of the articles in the tender, the successful tenderer (hereinafter referred to as the `contractor'), shall execute all orders from the date of receipt of the Company 's purchase order within the time stipulated in the tender.

The delivery period specified shall be strictly adhered to, time being the essence of the contract.

The material should be delivered at the location mentioned in Schedule ‘A’

13. Liquidated damages for late delivery

In case the materials are not delivered within the period stipulated in this order, supplier will be liable to pay the liquidated damages to the Company @ half percent per week or part of week thereof, maximum to ten percent of the contract value.

Due consideration may be given in the levy of liquidated damages for reasons absolutely beyond the control of the supplier, for which documentary evidence shall be produced to the satisfaction of the competent authority of the Company.

The Company shall be entitled to deduct / recover the amount of liquidated damages from the bill payable to the supplier or any other amount payable to him against any other contract.

For computing the liquidated damages for delayed supplies, the date of receipt of material at Stores shall be the date of delivery.

14. Replacement of goods lost, broken, damaged

The supplier is responsible for safe arrival of material in good condition and without any loss/damage at the destination, until the same is received by Company at stores. In the event of any material or part thereof being lost / broken / damaged during transit, the supplier shall replace the same free of cost.

The supplier should ensure that material reach the stores sufficiently in advance so as to arrange their unloading during office hours, falling which the Company shall not be liable for inconvenience caused. The materials shall be subject to the approval of the consignee after receipt as stores.

15. Failure to supply

On failure to supply of the materials as per contract terms, the Company has liberty, without further notice or reminder to the contractor, to purchase the same or any portion there of on account of and at the risk of the Contractor and to claim for the difference in price and for all expenses whatsoever incurred in purchasing the same, which the Company is wholly authorised to recover from any money due to the contractor on bills or deposits or on any account. Such expenses will include 15 % supervision charges.

16. Acceptance of supplies

All or any stores and materials supplied against this contract will be subject to the approval of the Officer-in-Charge of the Stores or any other officer deputed for the purpose. He is at liberty to reject any or the whole lot without assigning any reason and his decision in respect of such rejection will be final.

17. Payments

Payment will be made after 100% supply of the material. Utmost effort will be made to effect payment after receipt of Stores Receipt Note from Stores & the bill from the supplier, subject to availability of funds.

18. Deduction

Any amount or amounts which become payable by the contractor to the purchaser under a particular contract may be deducted by the purchaser from any amount or amounts due or becoming due by him to the contractor under the same or any other contract.

19. Save and except

Amount or amounts due on account of damage or compensation for default or breach of contract by the contractor in which case instead of the said amount or amounts shall be retained and the purchaser shall have the right or lieu on amount or amounts so retained or withheld.

20. Jurisdiction

All disputes or difference arising under out of or in connection with the contract if concluded shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of district court, Ratnagiri.

21. Documents to be submitted

The tenderer should submit the following documents alongwith the tender.

a) Documents showing experience for similar work

b) Bank Solvency Certificates for at least 75 % of the estimated cost.

c) PAN Card Xerox

d) MVAT Registration

e) Labour Licence

f) Service Tax Registration.

g) Registration Certificate

22. Disregard of tender conditions

The Company reserves the right to reject any tender which does not confirm to any of the above conditions.

23. Other Conditions

Any conditional tender will not be accepted.

Postal delay will not be considered.

Telegraphic / FAX / Email offers will not be accepted.

In no case the R/R, L/R will be accepted through a Bank.

The tenderer will be deemed to be fully aware of the Company's General conditions of Contract for the supply of plant machinery manufactured and equipments and electric works and any ignorance of these conditions will not exempt his liability to abide by the same.

Tenderer is requested to sign the form of tender and schedule ‘A’ and if not so signed, the tender shall be rejected.

In case of any dispute regarding definition of terms, specifications, etc. decision of the undersigned is final and binding on the tenderer.

In case of variation between the rates in ‘Figures’ & in ‘words’ it is allowed to consider the rates most favourable to the M.S.E.D.C. Ltd.

Offers not confirming to F.O.R. destination basis will not be considered even though they are lowest.

Please quote your lowest net rate F.O.R. destination including packing, forwarding, freight charges & earliest delivery for supply of the materials as per Schedule ‘A’ & return this tender from duly signed on or before due date & time of submission of the tender.

Form of Agreement


The Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Ltd.

I/We agree to supply the materials specified in schedule `A' at the rates offered by me/us subject to the conditions of the Tender and Supply as above, which I/We have carefully read and which I/We have thoroughly understood and to which I/We agree.

I/We hereby agree to keep this offer open for 60 days after opening of the tender and shall be bound by a communication of acceptance dispatched within the prescribed time.

Yours faithfully,

Date: Seal & Signature of the tenderer

with detail address and phone number.

Schedule ‘A’

No. / Description of the material / Quantity / Unit / Rate per MT F.O.R. destination in Rs. / Time of delivery
Material Cost / Labour Cost / Total
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
Supply of Hot dip galvanized 8' DP Set made out of MS Channel / Angle as per Co’s specification / 24 / MT
One set contains :
1 / Power Channel made from MS Channel 100 * 50 mm. having weight 7.9 Kg./Mtr. / 2 No.
2 / D.O. Channel made from MS Channel 75 * 40 mm. having weight 5.7 Kg./Mtr. / 1 No.
3 / Transformer Guard Angle (Bracing) 50 * 50 * 6 mm. / 2 No.
4 / Transformer Guard Angle 50 * 50 * 6 mm. / 2 No.
5 / Transformer Bracing Angle 50 * 50 * 6 mm. / 2 No.
6 / Transformer Base Channel made from MS Channel 100 * 50 mm. having weight 7.9 Kg./Mtr. / 2 No.

1) The materials should be delivered at M.S.E.D.C. Ltd., Major Stores `A',

Kuvarbav, Ratnagiri.

2) Rate of MVAT : 4 % on material cost only.

3) MVAT registration number : date :

4) Certified that the MVAT indicated is payable by us to the Government

against the above materials.

5) Service Tax Registration No. : Date :

6) Labour License No. : Date :

Seal & Signature of the tenderer