Texas School Health Advisory Council Meeting

Texas Department of State Health Services

Tower Building, Room T607

1100 W. 49th Street

November 14, 2016

10:00 a.m.


TSHAC Members Present:

Debra Burnett, Health Services

Cynthia Cardenas, Parent

William Coon, Parent

Barney Fudge, Texas Education Agency

Gilbert Handal, Physician

Danielle Housley, Health Education

Carmela James, Counselor

Lisa Lauter, Parent

Scott Moger, School Administrator

Josette Saxton, Organization, Assistant Presiding Officer

Mandy Tyler, Organization

Anita Wheeler-Hill, Texas Department of State Health Services

Tamara Gilstap, Physical Education

Maureen Smith, Governor’s Advisory Council on Physical Fitness

TSHAC Members Absent:
Alexandra Molina, Nutrition Services
Wrennah Gabbert, Organization, Presiding Officer

Jaclyn Cantu, Texas Department of Agriculture

Carrie Zamora, Parent

Joan Guerin Lavis, Parent

Fancy Flores, Organization

Staff Present:

Crystal Beard, Texas Department of State Health Services

Lisa Stafford, Texas Department of State Health Services

Kathryn McCaslin, Texas Department of State Health Services

YahitzaNuñez, Texas Department of State Health Services

Guests Present:

Eric Ratliff, University of Texas Public Health – Houston

Emily Babcock, Texas Medical Association

Agenda Item 1 was tocallthe meeting to order at 10:04am by Ms. Saxton, assistant presiding officer, and the introduction of members and guests.

Agenda Item 2 was the approval of the minutes from the September 12, 2016, TSHAC meeting. A motion was made by Mr. Coon to approve the minutes. The motion was seconded by Dr. Handal and passed.

Agenda Item 3was the discussion and possible action regarding research and recommendations on health issues and parent involvement. Ms. Wheeler-Hill stated that she went through the previous TSHAC meeting minutes and made revisions to the document based on the motions from the previous meetings. Ms. Wheeler-Hill suggested that the final document include a link to the U.S. Department of Education’s Dual Capacity-Building Framework for Family-School Partnerships document and possibly a pdf of the document. A motion was made by Ms. Smith to approve the document with the suggested link. The motion was seconded by Mr. Coon and passed.

Agenda Item 4 was the discussion and possible action regarding recommendations on sleep and late school starts. Dr. Handal stated that the document was reformatted. Ms. Tyler asked if the document addressed substituting late school starts with scheduling school activities during the morning. Ms. Tyler suggested adding “including extra-curricular activities” to first paragraph in the Recommendations section. Dr. Handal also noted that transportation, class schedules, and school calendars may serve as barriers to later school start times. A motion was made by Mr. Coon to approve the document with the suggested change. The motion was seconded by Dr. Handal and passed.

Agenda Item 5 was the agency updates from the Texas Education Agency by Mr. Fudge, Texas Department of Agriculture by Ms. Cantu, and Texas Department of State Health Services by Ms. Wheeler-Hill. Ms. Cantu was not present at the meeting, therefore, no update for TDA was given.

Texas Education Agency – Barney Fudge

  • Brief discussion on the reorganization of TEA.
  • Update on the TEKS - prescription drug use and misuse. This item will be addressed at the next Committee on Instruction meeting.
  • Update on the School Health Survey, which is available and open. All districts should participate.
  • Discussion on the federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). Ms. Saxton stated that ESSA includes a new grant program (Student Support and Academic Enrichment Grants) that provides funding for schools to support strategies that focus on “Safe and Healthy Students”. ESSA also allows Title II funds to support professional development and training relating to things like making referrals for students with mental illness and forming partnerships with community health providers.
  • Discussion of a Call to Action from the PTA regarding physical health and ESSA by Ms. Lauter. Ms. Lauterwill share the resource with interested members.

Department of State Health Services – Anita Wheeler-Hill

  • Discussion onupdating the School Health website and selecting the best resources for the revision of the School Health manual. The School Health Program will draw resources from Board of Nursing (BON) and update all links periodically.
  • Discussion on School Nurse Notes. School Nurse Notes will be a publication that will support school nursing practice by providing research and resources on specific school nursing topics and promoting best practices from the BON and other resources.
  • Update on the Stock Epinephrine Committee. The Stock Epinephrine Committee met on October 28th. The School Health Program will begin drafting rules for the committee.
  • Update on Awards for Excellence. The 2016 winners have been notified. The School Health Program would like to see more applications in the coming year. More advertising will be implemented in 2017.
  • Discussion on tracking bills in the upcoming session. Ms. Wheeler-Hill will be updating her bill tracking system before and during the session. Ms. Wheeler-Hill recommended reading the details of each bill to determine their true impact.
  • Update on the School Based Health Center (SBHC) Biennial Report. The report is in its final draft and is almost ready for submission.
  • Update on the TSHAC member selection process. TSHAC will have vacancies in 2018, and theapplicationprocess will begin in 2017.

Agenda Item 6 was the update from the Texas Education Agency regarding Fitnessgram®. Ms. Wheeler-Hill discussed TSHAC’s recommendations from 2009. Ms. Wheeler-Hill stated that recommendations for improving coordinated school health need to be provided based on Fitnessgram® results. It was decided that TSHAC will form a subcommittee to draft recommendations for improving coordinated school health based on Fitnessgram® results. Volunteers for the subcommittee include Ms. Saxton, Dr. Handal, Ms. Gilstap, Ms. Housley, and Ms. Smith. It was discussed that more comprehensive measures of health, beyond just physical health are needed in the future. The recommendations will also potentially be supplemented with Mr. Fudge’s survey and the Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS), if it is appropriate to do so. The recommendations can be finalized after the legislative session.

The meeting recessed at 11:50am for lunch. The meeting was called back into session at 1:17pm.

Agenda Item 7 was the discussion and possible action regarding new Coordinated School Health data websites, agenda topics for local school health advisory committee (SHAC) meetings, the revised TSHAC document revision schedule, and the TSHAC annual report. Ms. Wheeler-Hill stated that Coordinated School Health data websites and topics for local SHACS are included on every agenda for the purpose of adding helpful resources to the School Health Program website. Ms. Wheeler-Hill stated that the School Health Program will email the current SHAC topics list to the members for review and input. Ms. Wheeler-stated that the School Health Program will look into contacting the Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) Program to update the Sodium Reduction in Schools document. Mr. Coon volunteered to help update the “Sample Resolution on Recess for Elementary School Students” document. Ms. Lauter informed the group that the PTA updated their resource manual. It was decided that the link to the updated manual would be added to the “Research and Recommendation on Health Issues and Parent Involvement an Engagement in Student Academic Success” document. Mrs. Wheeler-Hill confirmed that the due dates for the revision schedule can be revised at the group’s discretion.

Agenda Item 8 was the discussion and possible action regarding the next TSHAC meeting on January 9, 2017, including possible future agenda topics and future TSHAC meeting dates. The location of the January 9th meeting will be at Brown Heatly Building in Austin, TX. Topics for the next meeting include:

  • Recommendations for coordinated school health related to the Fitnessgram®,
  • Bullying Prevention Toolkit,
  • School Health Survey results,
  • Potentially having a ESSA Representative come speak
  • Legislative updates (bills) from TEA, DSHS, and TDA.

The future TSHAC meeting dates are:

  • March 27, 2017in Tower 607
  • May 8, 2017 in Tower 607
  • September 11, 2017 in Tower 607
  • November 13, 2017 in Tower 607

Agenda Item 9 was public comment. During this item, Mr. Coon asked Mr. Ratliff, a member of the public, if the local SHACs use the resources developed for schools. Mr. Ratliff stated that additional resolutions are needed to tackle ongoing problems. A Wellness Plan is needed with more measurable outcomes overtime to demonstrate the impact of school based programming. Ms. Wheeler-Hill noted that TSHAC could collaborate with TDA to discuss what the implementation plan looks like for the Wellness Plan.

Agenda Item 10 was adjournment. A motion was made by Dr. Handal to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Mr. Coon and passed. The meeting adjourned at 1:55pm.


Assistant Presiding Officer




Crystal Beard, MS, CHES – TSHAC Contact

P.O. Box 149347 (MC 1925)
Austin, TX 78714-9347


MinutesPage 1

November 14, 2016 TSHAC Meeting