Syllabus: AP Literature and Composition 2006-2007

Ms. Hinson, Instructor

Room I-126 634-3437

Texts: Literature: Structure, Sound, and Sense $55.00

Other text books and novels as assigned, prices vary


Loose-leaf binder (1 ½” – 2”) Loose-leaf paper

Sectional dividers Presentation supplies as needed

Journal Highlighters

Blue or black pens ONLY- no assignments will be accepted written in pencil or gel pens

1.44MB Diskettes or jump drive (64 MB min)

Course Description:

The purpose of AP Literature is to develop the student’s ability to read selected poem and prose passages analytically and to write critical or analytical essays based on given critical statements, poems, and prose that are one of the following: narrative, exposition, or argument. Students in the AP Literature and Composition class are required to take a national exam at the conclusion of the course and may earn college credit depending on their score and selection of a participating college. Students should realize this course is academically challenging.

Course Objectives:

Speaking & Listening – students will engage in activities including in seminar discussions, in-class debates, presentations, speeches, and writer’s workshops to develop speaking and listening skills.

Language & Writing – students will review and practice language skills in writing mechanics (syntax, grammar, punctuation, vocabulary) as well as composition. Students will define and analyze several works of literature, both fiction and nonfiction, engage in opportunities for creative and reflective personal writing, and develop a 6-10 page research paper.

Reading & Literature – students will practice methods for reading comprehension. Students will read nonfiction, poetry, drama, and prose (including cultural narratives), studying and discussing various aspects of structure theme, and purpose.

Critical Thinking – all objectives of English III will incorporate strategies and practices of critical thinking and problem solving.


Grades for each nine-week quarter will be based on total points. Assessment will include points for quizzes and exams, in-class group work, writing assignments, unit projects, presentations and extra credit assignments.

Breakdown of weight (per semester):

Class participation/Daily work: 15%

Quizzes/ exams: 20% (includes quarterly exams but not semester exams)

Writing assignments: 30%

Unit projects: 35%

Semester grade: 1st quarter: 40%, 2nd quarter: 40%, semester exam: 20%

Grading Scale Conversion:

A= 90-100 B= 80-89 C= 70-79 D= 60-69 F= 59 or below, No Show