CANG "...for a better world"

27th August, 2004

Dear Colleague,


We write to invite your good self to the 2004 Conference of NGOs in the Commonwealth organized by the Commonwealth Association of Non Governmental Organisations, CANGO tagged "CANGO Johannesburg 2004 Conference" taking place at Intercontinental Hotel, Sandton Johannesburg South Africa December 13 - 17, 2004 . Attached to this invitation is a registration form. The form can also be downloaded online at our website

The Commonwealth Association of Non-Governmental Organisations, CANGO is a free association of non-governmental organisations and voluntary associations in the Commonwealth united in the pursuit of common values of peace, global security, democracy, development, human rights and free trade. Inaugurated during the Abuja 2003 CHOGM, at Protea Hotel (Bolingo Centre), Abuja Nigeria on December 6 2003, with over 100 NGOs from 12 Countries of the Commonwealth in attendance, CANGO is set to promote global peace, strengthen civil society and democratic values around the world. CANGO is not an arm of the Commonwealth Secretariat or Foundation. Details about our Inaugural Conference is available online at

Conference Theme: Global Development & The Renaissance of Civil Society

Conference Dates: December 13 - 17, 2004

Paper Presentation: Representatives of NGOs, INGOs and interested stakeholders wishin to present paper on any related subject matter in the area(s) of Human rights, fund raising, networking, HIV/AIDS, Gender, Social Justice, Accountability and Transparency and other specialized areas or research findings deemed vital to the NGO community should send in an abstract of not more than one A4 page to complete with a CV. Time allotment for paper presentation is 20 minutes maximum. Deadline for submission of abstract is December 16, 2004 while deadline for submission of full text of paper is December 16, 2004.

Registration: Participation at the CANGO Johannesburg Conference 2004 is open to interested members of the civil society, representatives of intergovernmental, governmental, international, multilateral, bilateral and corporate organizations and also NGOs in any country of the world, especially NGOs operating in the 54 Countries of the Commonwealth of Nations.

To participate, duly complete the registration form together with applicable fees: Registration Fee of $400 (or equivalent in Nigerian Naira) covers conference materials, conference bag, conference meals, attendance and access to all sessions, and an International Visitors Tour.

The Registration Fee and any other payments including membership registration (optional) should be made payable to "Commonwealth Association of Non-Governmental Organisations" in certified bank draft, money orders, traveller's cheques, Western Union (Receiver: Dele-Israel) and sent to the CANGO Secretariat Address below by courier, post or hand delivery. Payment is accepted in US Dollars or the Nigerian Naira equivalent at current official exchange rates. Payment can be made directly to the following Account:

Account Name: Commonwealth Association of Non-Governmental Organisations, CANGO Bank: Omegabank Plc, Ahmadu Bello Way, Kaduna Nigeria Account No.: A010A 5535-6

Or at the registration desk at the Johannesburg Venue. Please note that all registration at the venue would attract additional charges. (see form fro details) at

Vital Information: Visit this website: South Africa at a Glance. All the information you need to assist you can easily be found. or

Air Travel, Accommodation and Visa arrangements: are to be borne by prospective participants. Information about South Africa, accommodation, weather, currency, exchange rates and other pertinent information can be obtained online at

Visa: This can be obtained from any South African Embassy anywhere in the World. Detail information can be obtained at the South African Department of Foreign Affairs website Click here: or Department of Home Affairs website

Visa documents can be downloaded from South African Home Affairs Department Website or Application for a visa

Please note that all fees payable for Visa should be made to the Embassy in your country. For a list of embassies worldwide click . or

Benefits of Attending: Attending the Johannesburg 2004 Conference of NGOs in the Commonwealth provides participants with

1. Opportunity to meet and network with other NGOs from across the world 2. Gain fresh insight into new trends in the non-profit sector 3. Acquire new skills and capacities for effective non-profit management 4. Build bridges for resource development for your organization 5. Secure international and local partnerships 6. Contribute to civil society development and be active in the global civil society movement 7. Opportunity to meet people who are making a difference, share experiences 8. market your organization and promote your organizational mission and image.

Towards achieving a conducive environment for a better world, CANGO is mobilizing a global partnership and relationship paradigm with governments, intergovernmental organisations, well meaning individuals and business, and NGOs. The Conference seeks to provide a matrix and platform for the cross fertilization of business and civil society voices.

The 2003 Abuja Inaugural of CANGO was sponsored by Development Clinic International, DECI, the United Nations Children's Fund UNICEF, FedEx Red Star Express and the Conference was held under the Commonwealth Social Platform organised by the Commonwealth Foundation. Please note that CANGO is not an arm of the Commonwealth Secretariat or the Foundation, but an independent association of voluntary organizations and NGOs in the Commonwealth. The 2003 Report is available on request and further information is available on our website

Deadline for all paper abstracts and all first registration status December 16, 2004. All registrations not confirmed on or before December 13, shall be considered as late registrations and shall attract fees applicable.

Please direct all further enquiries to or call the Convenor at +234 8035999921 (Mobile). Should you require any further information and/or explanation, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Kindest regards,

Dele-Israel Ikeorha, Ambassador For Peace


CANGO Social Platform Conference, 2004

Johannesburg, South Africa

December 13 - 17, 2004

Deadline for all applications and paper abstracts:

December 16, 2004

Theme: Global Development & The Renaissance of Civil Society

Conference Application Booklet &
Frequently Asked Questions Q & A

Commonwealth Association of Non-Governmental Organiations, CANGO


Tick þ as appropriate

REGISTRATION o I/We hereby express my/our interest to register/participate in the CANGO Social Platform Johannesburg 2004 Conference. (Send an email complete with the following information: names, designations, address, emails, phone contacts of participant(s) interested in attending the CSP from your organization, and your organisation’s name. Limit your response to one page) Participation Fee: $100 per day.

PAPER PRESENTATION: o I/We are interested in making a paper presentation at CANGO 2004 Johannesburg Conference. Deadline of abstract and full text submission: December 15, 2004

(Tick area of interest)

Capacity Building & Institutional Development

q  Children & Youths

q  Civil Society

The Commonwealth Organisation System

q  Democracy & Society

q  Environment

Ethics, Responsibility & Standards

q  Global & Community Development

q  Global Challenges

q  Globalisation

q  Governance & Politics

q  Government/NGO Relationship

q  International Organisations

q  Health

q  Information Technology

NGO Governance, Leadership & Management

q  Media

q  Networking

q  Peace and Human Security

q  Poverty

Project Management & Development

q  Religion

q  Resources for NGOs

q  Resource Development

q  Social Justice and Human Rights

q  Sustainable Development

q  Volunteerism

q  Women

q  Any Other(s) Please specify ______

(Include name of presenter, name of presenting organization, paper topic, an abstract of not more than 200 words, brief biodata of presenter and brief information about organization (max 200 words each)

o I wish through my paper presentation to provide expert perspective and/or guidance on practical topics of importance to NGOs (experts will be allowed 25 minutes to present their papers)

o I wish to introduce my organization and discuss my/our activities and concerns (limited to 15 minutes at the panel sessions)

EXHIBITION: o I wish to exhibit at CANGO 2004. “Table top space available” Exhibition Fee: $350

SPONSORSHIP: Sponsorship is solicited from various individuals, donor agencies, private and public organisations. Benefits of sponsorship include, placement of logo on all publicity materials, branding the conference venue with sponsors’ logo and/or product(s), provision of stand to distribute flyers and opportunity to address the audience

o I/Wish to Sponsor CANGO 2004 Johannesburg Conference (tick area of interest)

q  Air Travel Scholarships

q  Accommodation Scholarships

q  Administration & Logistics

q  Feeding (Tea break, lunch & dinner)

q  Publications

q  Postage, Courier & Telecommunications

q  Workshop Materials

q  Conference Proceedings


All payments in certified bank draft, money orders, traveller’s cheques, Western Union (Receiver: Dele-Israel) direct transfers etc must be made payable to “Commonwealth Association of Non-Governmental Organisations”. Payment is accepted in US Dollars or the Nigerian Naira equivalent at current official exchange rates. Method of Payment: Please send cheques or money order for the full amount payable to Commonwealth Association of Non-Governmental Organisations, CANGO, 18/19 Ahmadu Bello Way, Suite TF3, NNDC Building, Third Floor, Box 3266 Kaduna 800001, Nigeria. Telefon: +234-62-246201 –4, 246253 –6 Ext 2303, Mobile: +234-803-35999921

email: web: (no www please).

CANGO Social Platform, 2004

Johannesburg, South Africa, December 13 - 17, 2004

Theme: Global Development & The Renaissance of Civil Society


he CANGO Social Platform 2004, Johannesburg, South Africa Conference holding between November 24 – 28, 2004 is a follow-up conference to the Inaugural conference held at Abuja Nigeria.

Held alongside the Abuja 2003 Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting, CHOGM, the Inaugural Conference of the Commonwealth Association of Non-Governmental Organisations, CANGO at Protea Hotel, Hall A, Abuja Nigeria December 6, 2003 was attended by 157 delegates from over 100 NGOs from across the Commonwealth and provided individuals and representatives of civil society, non-governmental organisations, intergovernmental and government representatives with a unique opportunity to share experiences, present their ideas, identify networking interests, build new and strong partnerships, establish intra-national and international alliances, acquire inspiration for greater volunteerism, and be a part of a whole range of events that will impact positively in shaping the future, enriching our world, empowering new progress in civil societies, and enlightening participants in ways that will enhance the fulfillment of their individual and organisational missions, promote world peace, enhance social, political and economic well being within the Commonwealth of nations and beyond its frontiers. Details, papers, pictures, and reports of the Inaugural Conference is online at

In like manner, the CANGO Social Platform, CSP, which henceforth would be an annual fiesta for civil society organisations in the Commonwealth; provides participants with a forum to discus issues of common interests, introduce their organisations, discus their activities and realise better networking partnerships that will advance cooperation and sustainable impact, build governmental, intergovernmental, business and NGO relationships, expand areas of cooperation, enlarge your NGO competence and influence at an international forum.

HIGHLIGHTS OF CANGO’S 2004 CONFERENCE include panel sessions for experts to share their experiences, for participants to introduce their organisations and their activities; interactive sessions to share ideas, symposia, discussion of topical issues affecting local and global NGOs and states with a view to forwarding communiqué , resolutions to intergovernmental and international organisations such as the UN etc.As a follow-up conference to the Inaugural Conference, the maiden edition of the CANGO Social Platform in Johannesburg South Africa with the theme “Global Development and the Renaissance of Civil Society” will provide a forum for NGOs and its actors to discuss the growing expectation, responsibility and roles of NGOs in local, national and global development. The emergence of organised civil society phenomena is predominantly a modern creation, which in certain instances incurs the envy of governments as a result of the growing power and trust reposed on it from the peoples of the world.

Once, NGO involvement was seen as voluntary, even perfunctory; now it is emerging as a functional part of the global power structure. The 2004 Conference takes the theme of the rising global power of NGOs and emerging responsibilities and challenges to a new level. The emergence of civil society elitism and ‘aristocracy’ in recent times, the display and manifest character of the ruling class and increased global acceptance of NGOs worldwide are redefining civil society from its basic paradigms at times with pseudo-civil society paradigms occurring alongside the abuse of this power.

NGOs make a difference in the world today. They have proven that they are better than governments and can respond to needs than governments. As at today, NGOs deliver more development service than the United Nations and the European Union combined. The CANGO Social Platform Conference presents you with the opportunity to see different tools that can help NGOs achieve their objectives, and fulfill their missions and to contribute to this global phenomenon..

NETWORKING IS POWER: CANGO promotes networking beyond frontiers; opens up the communication channels and expands possibilities about what can be done and what should be done; mobilizing and tapping the conscience and commitment of good people who are able to make a difference in their world. Our focus is to expand and build the capacities of effective organisations for volunteerism and humanitarian service in the Commonwealth.

ELIGIBILITY: NGOs and individuals in any of the 54 Commonwealth Countries are eligible to register as members of CANGO and to participate at the Conference. Also read our “Frequently Asked Questions” section. Details about eligible citizens and countries can be found online at the Commonwealth website Citizens and NGOs of Non-Commonwealth nations can also be members under our Non-Commonwealth membership status.