Aretha F. Marbley
TexasTechUniversity, College of Education
Box 41071, Lubbock, TX79409-1071
806/742-1997 x268 (Office) 806/742-2179 (Fax)
University of Arkansas, PhDCounselor Education & Supervision (CACREP), 1998
Northeastern Illinois University, MAGuidance and Counseling: Specialty Area: Career, 1990
University of IllinoisSchool of Sociology, 1980-82
University of Illinois, BA, BSLiberal Arts and Sciences: Sociology & Psychology, 1980
Professional Certifications and Licensure
National Board Certified Counselor (NCC-registry #30072)
Licensed Professional Counselor (Texas) #16307 (Arkansas) (1995-2001)
Approved Licensed Professional Counselor Supervisor (Texas)
Awards and Honors
National Association for Multicultural Education Carl A. Grant Multicultural Research Award (2007)
Texas Tech Office of the President's Excellence in Diversity and Equity Faculty Award (2007)
Honored Participant to (Faculty Academic Contribution Exhibit (F.A.C. E.) 2007
African American Educators Hall of Fame Inductee (2007)
Annual Community-Wide Black History Month Recognition Award (2007)
Key to City of Hobbs (2007)
Culture and Diversity Lecture Series, Tech Tech Health Sciences and Student National Medical Association Certificate of Appreciation (2007)
Outstanding Submission to (Faculty Academic Contribution Exhibit (F.A.C. E) 2006, 2007
National Association for Multicultural Education Certificate of Achievement (2006)
Outstanding Submission to (Faculty Academic Contribution Exhibit (F.A.C. E) 2006
Faculty Appreciation Award (2005-06)
National Summit on Black Issues in Education, American Association of Higher Education-Black Caucus Appreciation Award (2004)
Commencement Speaker, WaylandBaptistUniversity, Lubbock, Texas (2003)
Chi Sigma Iota Excellence Award, Faculty Advisor (2003)
TECH Pride Appreciation Award, TexasTechUniversity (1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003)
Black Faculty and Staff Association Award, Chancellor’s Office, TexasTechUniversity (2002)
Black Graduate Student Association Appreciation Award (2001)
Emerging Leader, American Counseling Association, 2001
Class Reunion Speaker, DollarwayHigh School (Class of 1975), Pine Bluff, Arkansas (2000)
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Recognition (Lubbock Alumnae Chapter) Community Award (2000)
Council on Career Development for Minorities, Appreciation Award, Faculty, CCDM Institute (1999)
National Holmes Scholar, University of Arkansas, 1995-1997
Nominee and Recipient of Outstanding Volunteer Award of the YWCA (1991, 1992, & 1993)
Student Support Services Service Appreciation Award, (1994)
Recipient of numerous appreciation and service awards (childcare, community, and clergy programs)
Academic Experiences
2004 to presentAssociate Professor/Director of Community Counseling, Counselor Education (CACREP Accredited), TexasTechUniversity, Lubbock, TX.
2007 to present Teaching Faculty, Office of Curriculum, School of Medicine, Texas Tech
University Health SciencesCenter
1997-2005Clinical Director, TexasTechUniversity, Counselor Education, Lubbock, TX.
1997-2004Assistant Professor,TexasTechUniversity, Counselor Education, Lubbock, TX.
1998 to presentFaculty, Texas Tech University, Counselor Education Committee Member Administering the Interdisciplinary Graduate Minor in Risk-Taking Behavior
1998 to presentFaculty Associate, TexasTechUniversity, Center for Child and Adolescent Development and Resiliency
1994-1997Holmes Scholar/Graduate/Teaching Assistant, University of Arkansas, College of Education, Fayetteville, AR.
1987-1994Academic Counselor (1991-1994);East-West University, Chicago, IL Director of Student Services/Dean of Students (1989-1991), Revell Training Center, Chicago, IL; Resource Specialist (1988-1989), Day Care Action Council, Chicago, IL; Interim Social Worker (1987-88), St. Matthews United Methodist Head Start Day Care Center, Chicago, IL.
1977-1987Vocational Coordinator (1984-85), Somerset House, Chicago, IL; Social Worker (1984-1986), Salvation Army Head Start, Chicago, IL; Respite Worker (1981-1986), North Center for Handicapped Children, Chicago, IL; Instructor (1981-1984), Note taker Reader (1981-1984), & Vocational Counselor (1981-1982), City Colleges of Chicago, Chicago, IL; House Supervisor, Renaissance House (1977-1978), Chicago, IL.
Other Professional Experiences
2003-08 Chair for the Black History Month Symposiumfor Black Faculty Staff Association at Texas
TechUniversity, Lubbock, TX.
Responsible for coordinating the efforts of committee members in organizing a scholarly symposium highlighting research and artistic work of students and faculty on Blackpeople or issues relevant to people of African descent.
2005- A Member of a MultidisciplinaryResearch Team at Texas Tech University and Health
Sciences Center
A Collaborative Team Investigating the exposure to and transmission of HIV/AIDS and other infectious diseases in Vietnam.
2005-06 Co-chair for Texas Chapter and Regional Conference of the National Association for
Multicultural Education, Lubbock, TX.
Responsible for coordinating the efforts of committee members in developing viable programs and initiatives to enhance the status of multicultural issues in education, both within and outside of academe.
2004Committee Education Sessions Co-chair for National Summit on Black Issues in Education,
American Association of Higher Education-Black Caucus, Greensboro, NC.
Responsible for coordinating the efforts of committee members in developing viable programs and initiatives to enhance the status of Black issues in higher education, both within and outside of academe. Served as convener for the capstone sessions (Think Tank).
2002-3Chair for the Panel on Women Faculty of Color for the All University Conference on Advancement of Women in Higher Education at Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX.
Responsible for organizing a panel of women faculty of color from different ethnic, and racial groups across various disciplines within academe to discuss leadership, equity, and empowerment and to share personal and professional challenges facing women faculty of color as scholars.
2001Coordinator for a Panel on Responding to a Global Crisis for the College of Education at TexasTechUniversity, Lubbock, TX.
Responsible for organizing a panel of experts to provide information, resources, and referrals to public school personnel, faculty, and students to the anthrax crisis and the 911 tragedy facing our nation. The speakers including clinical faculty and mental health professionals in several disciplines and featured speaker, Dr. Lou Chiodo, Research Director for the Admiral R. Zumwalt Jr. National Program for Countermeasures to Biological and Chemical Threats.
2000Expert Witness forCommittee on Criminal Jurisprudence of the Texas House of Representatives in Austin, TX on April 28, 2000.
One of three participants: Invited to provide expert testimony in the area of criminal
expungement. The focus of the testimony was to address the effects of the high incarceration of inmates of color on communities of color and the need for state legislature to amend the expunction statute to serve those people with any criminal conviction below a Class A misdemeanor who are released after serving their time.
1984-88Coordinator forSalvation Army Head Start Programs in Chicago, IL
Developed and implemented a parent volunteer training program for economically marginalized parents. Program received both city and national recognition for 95 % success.
Research Foci: Critical Social Justice Activist Scholarship
- The Voices of Women and People ofColor in Health, Mental Health, and Education,
- CulturalCompetencies
- Global and Domestic MulticulturalDiscourse
- Community, Indigenity, Marginality, Inequities, and Invisibility
Marbley, A. F. (1998). Factors affecting underutilization, negative outcomes and premature
termination of minority clients: The voices of ethnic/racial minority counselor educators-in-
Training. (Doctoral dissertation, University of Arkansas, 1998). Dissertation Abstracts
International, 51, 417.
Master’s Thesis
Marbley, A. F. (1989). The effects of racism and sexism on Black women.Unpublished Master's
Thesis, Northeastern IllinoisUniversity, Chicago.
Publications (Refereed)
Journal Articles (Editorial Reviewed)
Marbley, A. F., McGonagill, R. G. (In Press). Sports Counseling: The New Kid on the Block.
Association for the Study Higher Education Reader.
Marbley, A. F., & Bennett, G. V. (In Press). CCDM partnership in the retention and advancement
of students of color: Forty-two years of career services to aid students, colleges, and
employers. Multicultural Business Magazine.
Marbley, A. F., Denham, A., Simpson, D. (2007). Special Issue on Hurricane Katrina: schools,
culture, and trauma. Multicultural Education: Special Issue: Katrina
Marbley, A. F., (2007). A call to consciousness: Lessons learned from Katrina.Multicultural
Education: Special Issue: Katrina
Marbley, A. F. (2006, September). Reviewer or roadblock? Diverse-Issues in Higher Education:
Special Issue: State of Education: Georgia, 23(15), 48. (also online)
Journal Articles (Peer Reviewed)
Stevens, T., Agnello, M. F., Ramirez, J., Marbley, A.F., Hamman, D. (in press). Project future:
Opening doors to diverse West Texas teachers. Teacher Education Quarterly.
Bonner, F. A., II, Jenning, M., Marbley, A. F., Brown, L. A. (In press). Capitalizing on leadership
capacity: Gifted African American males in high school. Roeper Review.
Owusu, J., Marbley, A. F. (In Press) Institutional racism within the print media: A contentanalysis
of Sports Illustrated’s media coverage of Black NFL head coaches in the NFL.
Marbley, A.F. (2007). In the wake of hurricane Katrina: Delivering crisis mental health
services to humanitarian host communities. Multicultural Education: Special Issue: Katrina.
Burley, H., Marbley, A. F., & Bush, L., V. (2007). Apologia for K.W.: A brief tale of wounded
love, schools, and being Black in America. Multicultural Education: Special Issue: Katrina
Marbley, A. F., Hull, W., Polydore, C., & Bonner, F. A., II, & Burley, H. (2007). African American
Millennial college students: Owning the technological Middle Passage. NationalAssociation
forStudent Affairs Professionals Journal: Special Theme Issue on African American Millennial
College Students, 10(1), 17-19.
Marbley, A.F., Shen, Y. J., Bonner, F. A., II, Wimberly, C., Stevens, H., McGonagill, R., & Williams,
V. A. (2007).Real cases with African American clients.Reports of racially diverse
practitioners. Journal of Humanistic Counseling, Education, & Development, 46, 211-227.
Marbley, A.F. (2007). Black women and the other “N” word. Teachers College Record. (Online)
Marbley, A.F., Bonner, F. A., II, McKisick, S., Henfield, M. S.,Watts, L. M., & Shen, Y.-J. (2007). Interfacing cultural specific and Black pedagogy with counseling: A proposed diversity-
sensitive trainingmodel forpreparing pre-service teachers for diverse learners. Multicultural
Education, 14 (3), 8-16.
Marbley, A. F. (2007, winter). Finding my voice: An African-American female professor at a
predominantly White university. Advancing Women in Leadership.(Online).
Marbley, A.F. (2006). Closing the Gap between Incarceration and Education of African
American College-Aged African American Males. Teachers College Record. (Online)
Marbley, A.F. (2006, spring).Indigenous Systems—the 100 Black Men of West Texas:Celebrating
the empowerment and resiliency in the African American community.Black History Bulletin,
69, (1), 9-16. (also online).
Marbley, A. F., Bonner, F. A., II, Wimberly, C. Stevens, H., & Tatem, B. (2006). Harambee: Working
together to engender change in communities of color. The Educational Forum, 70, (4), 320-336.
Portman, T., Walker, J., & Marbley, A. F. (2006). Self-perceptions of multicultural competency:A
developmental study.NationalAssociation forStudent Affairs Professionals Journal, 9, 36-49.
Marbley, A. F. (2005). African-American women’s feelings of alienation from third-wavefeminism:
A conversation with my sisters. Western Journal of Black Studies, 29, 605-614.
Marbley, A. F., & Ferguson, R. (2005). Responding to prisoners reentry, recidivism, and incarceration
of inmates of color: A call to the communities. Journal of Black Studies, 35, 633-649.
Evans, K., Kincade, E., Marbley, A. F., & Seems, S. (2005) Feminism and feminist therapy: Lessons
from the past and hopes for the future. Journal of Counseling and Development: Special Issue:
Women and Gender Issues, 83, 269-277.
Kees, N. L., Carlson, L., Parmley, R., Dahlen, P., Evans, K., Marbley, A. F., Rozdzial, M., & Seems,
S., Snyder, B. (2005) Women and Counseling: A Vision for the Future. Journal of Counseling
and Development: Special Issue: Women and Gender Issues, 83, 381-383.
Marbley, A. F., & Ferguson, R. (2004). Putting back together our communities of color: A systemic
model for criminal rehabilitation. Journal of African American Studies, 7(4), 75-85.
Marbley, A. F., Bonner, F. A., II, & McKisick, S. (2004). Peer mentors of color uplifting each other in
predominantly white institutions. National Association forStudent Affairs Professionals, 1, 79-92.
Bonner, F. A., II, Marbley, A. F., & Agnello, M. F. (2004). The diverse learner in thecollege
classroom. E-Journal of Teaching and Learning in Diverse Settings, 1(2), 246-255.
Marbley, A. F. (2004). His eye is on the sparrow: A counselor of color’s perception of facilitating
predominantly White groups.Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 29, (3), 247-258.
Marbley, A. F. (2003). Hey There Ms. Jones: A qualitative study of African-American professional
males’ perceptions of the selection of African-American females as partners. Journal of African
American Studies, 7, (3), 15-30.
Marbley, A. F., Butner, B. K., Burley, H, Bush, L. V, Causey-Bush, T., & McKisick, S. (2002). It
takes a village: The retention of students of color in predominantly white institutions. National
Association forStudent Affairs Professionals Journal, 5, 40-49.
Burley, H., Butner, B., Marbley, A., & Bush, L. (2001). Standardized testing: For richer or poorer, for
democracy or meritocracy? Connections: Journal of Principal Development and Preparation,
Butner, B. K., Burley, H., & Marbley, A. F. (2000). Coping with the unexpected: Blacks at
predominately white institutions. Journal of Black Studies, 30(3), 453-462.
Kottler, J. A., Montgomery, M. J., & Marbley, A. F. (1998). Three variations on a theme: The power
of being understood. Journal of Humanistic Education and Development, 37, 39-45.
Book Chapters
Morgan-Fleming, B., Marbley, A. F, & White, J. (2005) Letters from my grand-students:
Recommendations for future teachers. In J. Brophy & S. Pinnegar (Eds.), Advances in
Research on Teaching, Vol. 11. Learning from Researchon Teaching: Perspective,
Methodology, and Representation (pp. 75-100). New York: Elsevier.
Parr, G., Lewis, J., & Marbley, A. (2003). Loretta Bradley: Advocacy: A voice for counselors, clients,
and community. In J. D. West, C. J. Osborn, & D. L. Bubenzer (Eds.), Leaders and Legacies: Contributions to the Profession of Counseling (pp. 126-134).New York: Taylor & Francis/Brunner Routledge.
McAuliffe, G., Montgomery, M. J., Contreras, M., Marbley, A. F., Kurtines, W. M., & Eriksen,
K.(2002). Activities for Increasing Multicultural Awareness. In G. McAuliffe, & K. Eriksen (Eds.), Teaching Strategies for Constructivist and Developmental Counselor Education (pp. 79-115). Westport, CT: Bergin & Garvey.
Kottler, J. A., & Marbley, A. (2000).Group work with marginalized groups. In J. A. Kottler (Ed.),
Learning Group Leadership: An Experiential Approach (pp. 64-75).Needham, MA:Allyn/Bacon.
Montgomery, M., Marbley, A., Contreras, R., & Kurtines, W.(2000). Transforming diversity training in counselor education. In K. Eriksen, & G. McAuliff (Eds.), Preparing Counselors: Creating Constructivist and Developmental Programs (pp. 148-169).Washington, DC: Donning Press.
Marbley, A. F., Ferguson, R., & Henderson, E. (2000). Correctional systems: Rethinking the notion of
education in rehabilitation in Interim Rep. 2000, House Committee on Criminal Jurisprudence,
77th Texas Legislature, (Appendix C-2).
Marbley, A. F., Ferguson, R., & Henderson, E. (2000). Correctional systems: Rethinking the notion of
education in rehabilitation in Interim Rep. 2000, House Committee on Criminal Jurisprudence,
77th Texas Legislature, (Appendix C-2).
Marbley, A. F., Ferguson, R., & Henderson, E. (1999). Correctional systems: Rethinking the notion of
education in rehabilitation. [CD-ROM] Resources of Education.
Marbley, A. F., Ferguson, R., & Henderson, E. (April 1-7, 1999). Correctional systems: Rethinking
the notion of education in rehabilitation (Part 1). Dallas Post Tribune 52, (14).
Marbley, A. F., Ferguson, R., & Henderson, E. (October 21-27, 1999). Correctional systems:
Rethinking the notion of education in rehabilitation (Part 2). The Black Voice.
Marbley, A. F. Got that Man.Our Texas:Special Women’s Issue, 8(1), p. 23.
Marbley, A. F. (1996). There’s more to the apple than meets the eye: Perceptions of an African-
American co-facilitator of a predominantly majority group. In C. B. Roland & R. J. Conneely
(Eds.), [Monograph]. Current Issues and Perspectives in Group Work: A Counseling
Monograph Educational ResearchInformationCenter.
Submitted Manuscript
Marbley, A. F.,Tiet, L. N. The Global Fight of the Century: Vietnamese Families Surviving
Marbley, A. F.Gender and HIV/AIDS in the Mekong Delta Region of Vietnam: A view from the
backseat of a moped.
Marbley, A. F., Bonner, F. A., II, Hughes, R. L., & Hull, W. Non-traditional approaches to examining
the African American community’s resilience: A tribute to Black fraternal, social, and civic
Marbley, A. F., Burley, H., Bonner, F. A., II, Ross, W. (In Review). Teaching diversityacross
disciplines:Reflections from African American faculty in four different academic settings.
Bonner, F. A., II, Evans, M. P., Marbley, A. F. (In Review). Effective leadership and the professional
Marbley, A. F., Bonner, F. A., II, Williams, V. A., Morris, P. A., Burley, H. (In review). African
American students—Unprepared, NOT underprepared for predominantly White campuses:
Reflections from African-American faculty collegiate experience.
Marbley, A.F. (In Review). Indigenous Systems within the African-American community:Stories,
studies, and statistics of the resiliency of the African-American family.
Marbley, A. F., & Bonner, F. A. II., & McGonagill, R. (In Review). Measurement and Assessment:
Conversations with Professional People of Color Self-Reports in the Field of Education.
Multicultural Education.
Marbley, A. F. (In Review). Counselors of color as clients in conversations about counseling
services: A qualitative study.
Bonner, F. A., II,Marbley, A. F., Evans, M.(In Review). Triple jeopardy: Theexperience of non-
traditional African-American female undergraduates in a Hispanic servinginstitution.
Books/ Journals/Monograph
Marbley, A. F., Denham, A., Simpson, D. (Winter 2007). Schools, Culture and Trauma [Special Issue].Multicultural Education, 15,(2).
Marbley, A. F. (2008). Multicultural Counseling: Perspectives from Counselors as Clients of Color.
Book contract secured with Routledge/Taylor Francis
In Progress
Books/ Journals/Monograph
Bonner, F. A. II, & Marbley, A. F. (in process). “Ain’t I a Scholar”: Narratives Among Black Faculty
in Predominantly White Institutions. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press
Bonner, F. A., II, Marbley, A. F., & Merchant, B. Contextualizing multicultural issues across
disciplines in higher education: Contemporary approaches to the development ofmulticultural
competencies and culturally responsive guidelines(Eds.)
Marbley, A. F., Bonner, F. A., II, & Hughes., R. (Eds.) (2008) A call to service:African American
faculty giving back to our community. Journal of Black Studies.
Marbley, A. F.,Denham, A., & McGonagill, R. (Eds.) [Monograph]. Current issues and
perspectives in multiculturalism and social justice: A counseling monograph.
Marbley, A. F., & McGonagill, R. (Eds.) [Monograph]. Current issues and perspectives in
consultation andcollaboration work: A counseling monograph.
Marbley, A.F., Gonzales Worthen, D., & Frederick, Helyne(2008). Equity and Access for All
Children: Colleges of Education Partnering to Reform Disciplinary Education Programs.
Marbley, A. F., & Bradley, L. (2008). Advocacy, diversity, and social justice.
Marbley, A. F., Burley, H., Hull, W., Polydore, C., & Bonner, F. A., II, & (2007). African American
Millennial college students:
Marbley, A.F., Stevens, H., Fox, K., & McGonagill, R.. (2008). Counselors Facilitating a Community
Diversity Dialogue.
Marbley, A.F., Stevens, H., McGonagill, R., Wimberly, C., Wikins, E., Stevens, H., & Berry, J.
V. A. (2008).Real cases with African American families.Reports of racially diverse
Marbley, A.F., McGonagill, R., Wimberly, C., Wikins, E., Stevens, H., Berry, J.
V. A. (2008).Real cases with African American families.Reports of racially diverse
Marbley, A. F.(2008). Bridging the Gap: A Patient-Centered Curriculum for Cultural Competence
Bonner, F. A., II, Murry, J. W., & Marbley, A. F. African American Administrators.
Marbley, A. F.,Lu, R., McGonagill, R., Wang, K., A study of the depression in international students.
Marbley, A. F., Bonner, F. A., II, Williams, V. A., Morris, P. A. Developmental Education in the New
Millennium: Implications to students of color.
Marbley, A. F. The multiple effects of sexual and racial discrimination on African-American
women: A 20-year-old study revisited
Marbley, A. F.An empirical investigation on the relationship between a multicultural counseling
course and multicultural awareness and sensitivity among counselor trainees.
Marbley, A. F. Hey there Mr. Jones: An empirical investigation of the perceptions of African-
American professional females regarding the selection of African-American males as partners.
Marbley, A. F. Clients’ of color experiences with psychotherapeutic services: A conceptual framework
Marbley, A. F., & Bonner, F. A. II. More African-American men being sentenced to prison than
enrolling in college: A call to the academy.
Marbley, A. F. Families of color: Indigenous systems’ the mental health safeguards for the African-
American Family.
Kimenia, V., Marbley, A. F., Mitcham, M., & Schooler, D. The role of the women’s and Black
movements play in the African-American female’s experience in 21st century feminist
educationand therapy
Bonner, F. A., II, Marbley, A. F., White, J. Ain’t gon’ lay my ligion down: African Americancollege
student’s attitudes toward religiosity.
Marbley, A. F., White, J., & Bonner, F. A., II. Life after tenure and promotion: An empirical
investigation of the experiences of tenure-track women and faculty of color in predominantly
White institutions.
Marbley, A. F. Rolling up our sleeves: A reciprocity model for counselors partnering with and
advocating on behalf of communities of color.