AUCTION NOTICE NO. 128/2012-2013
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VENUE OF AUCTION:- / CANTEEN HALL DMW/PATIALA.Subject to the general condition of sale by the auction and also those, which will be announced at the time of auction. Following Scrap material will be offered for sale: -
/ DATE OF AUCTION / TIME OF AUCTIONFerrous scrap containing of Turning & boring, plate off cuts, Cast steel, C.I., forging, Stainless steel and non-ferrous scrap containing of copper armature coil, cables, Commutator, copper pipes, boring of copper & brass, Aluminum scrap and other misc. scrap items like Scrap wood, Lead Acid Batteries, Used Oil, Condemned Machines, Electronic waste (computer, fax machine, UPS, printers etc.) and other similar scrap items. / 18/07/2012,
26/09/2012 / 10.00 Hrs.
1. / Catalogue giving details of scrap put up for auction and auction conditions can be had from scrap yard DMW/Patiala free of cost one week prior to date of Auction.2. / Purchaser may inspect the material on any working day from 9 AM to 4 PM starting from three days prior to date of auction.
3. / Each participant will have to bring an authority letter in duplicate indicating name and address of the person authorised to attend the auction from the firm whom he is representing. This authority letter should be on firm’s letterhead containing firms trade license, ST/CST No. and full postal address.
4. / Entry will be restricted to the authorized persons only. An entry fee of Rs.10,000/-(Rs. Ten Thousand only) refundable per person in the shape of demand draft only in favour of FA&CAO/DMW/Patiala payable at Patiala drawn by Nationalized Bank will have to be deposited with the DMS for participation in the auction at Canteen hall from 8.30 AM. Auction for Non-Ferrous items, Batteries & Used Oil where MOEF certificate is required shall be start after 12.00 hours on completion of auction of Ferrous & Misc. items. The demand draft and one copy of the authority letter will be retained by DMS during the auction-giving acknowledgement on the other copy. In no case any person will be allowed to participate in the auction without paying entrance fee. This entry fee is liable to get forfeited in the event of any untoward conduct on the part of the bidder.
5. / Sale Tax Registration No, will be compulsory for the bidders who want to purchase the lots having value 5 Lacs and delivery will be given only after submission of copy of Sales Tax registration No.
6. / On the fall of hammer the earnest money may be deposited in following scale with the Railway administration on same day in the form of cash/pay order/demand draft payable at Patiala drawn in favour of FA&CAO/DMW/Patiala.
i} / 100% for sale value up to & including Rs.10,000/-.
ii} / 25% for sale value from Rs.10,000/- to Rs. 1,00,000/- subject to a minimum of Rs. 10,000/-.
iii) / 10% for sale value above Rs. 1,00,000/- subjected to minimum of Rs. 25,000/-.
7. / If the auction does not complete on the same date, it will continue on next day on announcement.
Last Sold Rates at DMW/Patiala on dtd. 04/07/2012
SN / LOT NO. / Name of Purchasers / Description / Qty.In Kgs. / Rate
1 / DS/12/03/388 / M/s. Patiala Steel/MGG / Scrapold CondemnedPortable Air Compressor. / 01No.
150 / 9900/Each
2 / DS/12/05/027 / M/s. New Power Industries/MGG / Scrap old Condemned Batteries of Loco. / 15995 / 63.10/Kg
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Note: Current Rate of Interest on delayed payment is 17.00%
SN / LOT NO. / PL.NO. / Description / Qty. In
(Approx) / Location
Bin No.
1 / DS/12/06/041 / 98050096 / Scrap Ferrous Turning & Boring. / 99376 / 72
2 / DS/12/07/038 / 98090604 / Scrap Cut Pieces of 32 MM MS Plate. / 109030 / 45
3 / DS/12/07/056 / 98090604 / Scrap Cut Pieces of 32 MM MS Plate. / 100585 / 11
4 / DS/12/07/035 / 98050308 / Scrap Old condemned Steel Forging Connecting Rod and Cap with or W/O Bushing. / 34635 / 26
5 / DS/12/07/036 / 98050035 / Scrap Old Condemned Nut Bolt, Connecting Studs of sizes, Washers, wing nut Plugs etc. / 28785 / 37
6 / DS/12/07/037 / 98080015 / Scrap Old Condemned Cast Iron consisting of Liner sleeve, Turbo frame, FIP Support, Flush Tank, Water Flange, Elbow Pipe, Compressor Tank etc. / 39505 / 62
7 / DS/12/05/022 / 98090800 / Scrap ferrous Misc. consisting Cut Pieces of Loco Cabin, Old Condemned Radiator Compartment, Hood, Blower Ducting, Suspension Tank, Control Stand, Diffuser etc.
(Cutting allowed for loading purpose) / 34225 / 04
8 / DS/12/05/023 / 98050127 / Scrap M.S Bogie Frame of Loco with or W/O fittings.
(Cutting allowed for loading purpose) / 58815
15 / 33
NOTE:- / VAT/CST As applicable however present Rate is VAT = 4%, CST = 2% against C form + surcharge as applicable.
Next Auction date 08/08/2012 / Contd / Page—2
9 / DS/12/05/026 / 98050060 / Scrap Cast steel consisting old condemned end shield, Hub, Thrower, Bearing Caps, Sleeves, Locking plate, Rings & collars etc. / 50950 / 01
10 / DS/12/05/025 / 98050308 / Scrap Old condemned M.B. Cap with or W/O Nipple. / 55520 / 31
11 / DS/12/01/282 / 98057054 / Scrap Old Condemned Crank Shaft of Loco. / 38155 / F/O
12 / DS/12/01/286 / 98050308 / Scrap Old Condemned Small Forging Consisting Extension and Small Shaft, Valve Lever, Yoke, Valve Guide, Nozzle Holder, Cam Roller, Sling Hook, Lifter Push Rod Lifter Cross Head, Water Pump Shaft etc. / 45930 / 2
Left side
13 / DS/11/07/131 / 98050310 / Scrap Condemned Gear Consisting of Impeller Follower, Crank Shaft Gear with or W/O fitting of Coupling Bolt, Drive Gear LOP, Cam Shaft Gear with Nut Cam Shaft, Water pump Gear & Blank of Idler Gear etc. / 29015 / 24
14 / DS/12/03/357 / 98050310 / Scrap Old condemned Gears consisting Cam Shaft Gear with or W/O Shaft Nut Crank Shaft Gear with or W/O studs, Drive Gear LOP, Water Pump & fan drive Gear, Bull gear MG, Impeller follower etc. / 18235 / 76
15 / DS/12/03/360 / 98050127 / Scrap old condemned Lube Oil Tank of Loco. / 11880 / 39
16 / DS/12/01/295 / 98011807 / Scrap Steel Binding Wire. / 8910 / L/S along
the road from S/Yard to RPF post
17 / DS/12/01/296 / 98090926 / Scrap Old Condemned Various type of filters consisting carboy filters and Air Maize Oil bath filters etc. / 8205 / 9
Left Side
18 / DS/12/02/318 / 98090800 / Scrap old condemned Ferrous round pad with rubber fittings. / 4200 / Near bin no 30
NOTE:- / VAT/CST As applicable however present Rate is VAT = 4%, CST = 2% against C form + surcharge as applicable.
Next Auction date 08/08/2012 / Contd / Page—3
19 / DS/12/02/333 / 98011900 / Scrap old condemned M.S. Pipe of various sizes with or W/O fittings released from plants. / 2215 / Near bin no 30
20 / DS/11/12/260 / 98090800 / Scrap old condemned Chain Sling and Wire Rope. / 3005 / Back side of E.W bridge
21 / DS/12/03/366 / 98090616 / Scrap old Condemned thread roll. / 598 / Gd. 2
(01 pallet)
22 / DS/11/12/262 / 98090641 / Scrap old condemned Band Saw Blade. / 340 / Back side of E.W bridge
23 / DS/12/02/321 / 98090735 / Scrap old condemned Stainless steel bolt of TM/TG / 5481 / Gd-2 (02 Pallets & 01 w/Box)
24 / DS/11/11/246 / 98090735 / Scrap Old Condemned Stainless steel work Basket. / 732 / Gd No. 2
25 / DS/12/02/345 / 98090735 / Scrap old condemned stainless steel Compole liner of TM/TG. / 370.700 / Gd No. 2
26 / DS/12/03/356 / 98090732 / Scrap old condemned Stainless Steel Rotor Assembly W/O Shaft. / 558 / Gd-2
(01 pallet)
27 / DS/12/02/365 / 98090732 / Scrap stainless steel consisting old condemned rotor assembly with shaft. / 165.200 / Gd. 2
(01 pallet)
28 / DS/11/12/261 / 98090720 / Scrap old condemned Stainless Steel Slot Wedge. / 297 / Gd. No. 2
(01 wooden Box)
29 / DS/12/02/338 / 98090501 / Scrap old condemned G.I. Pad lock of various sizes. / 110 / Gd-2
(01 Drum)
30 / DS/12/02/311 / 98090809 / Scrap old condemned BKBL Motor of loco. / 19870
61 / Gd-5
31 / DS/12/07/039 / 98050127 / Scrap old Condemned Turbo support. / 11725 / 34
NOTE:- / VAT/CST As applicable however present Rate is VAT = 4%, CST = 2% against C form + surcharge as applicable.
Next Auction date 08/08/2012 / Contd / Page—4
32 / DS/11/02/388 / 98050127 / Scrap Turbo Super Charger Released from Tanzania Loco. / 615
01 No. / 13
33 / DS/12/02/328 / 98325103 / Scrap old condemned expresser component such as connecting rod, crank shaft, body etc. / 12320 / 38
34 / DS/12/02/377 / 98090809 / Scrap Techo Axle. / 1120 / Gd. 2
35 / DS/12/04/011 / 98057029 / Scrap old condemned armature shaft of TM/TG with or W/O Key. / 46470 / 52 & 53
36 / DS/12/04/012 / 98417344 / Scrap old condemned Alco Turbo super charges. / 17190 / 22
37 / DS/12/04/013 / 98090800 / Scrap old condemned dismantled ferrous racks. / 13500 / 07
38 / DS/12/04/015 / 98011900 / Scrap old condemned M.S. Pipe of sizes with or W/O fittings. / 47320 / 6
39 / DS/12/03/395 / 98010610 / Scrap old files of sizes. / 211 / Gd. No. 2
(01 iron drum)
40 / DS/12/07/040 / 98050310 / Scrap old condemned cam shaft gear. / 10000 / 12
41 / DS/12/07/042 / 98417400 / Scrap old condemned GE Governor. / 2865 / Gd. No. 4
42 / DS/12/07/043 / 98325092 / Scrap Lube Oil Pump Assembly of Loco. / 7540 / 12
43 / DS/12/07/044 / 98090640 / Scrap old condemned diamond cutting wheels of sizes. / 1249 / Gd. No. 2
NOTE:- / VAT/CST As applicable however present Rate is VAT = 4%, CST = 2% against C form + surcharge as applicable.
Next Auction date 08/08/2012 / Contd / Page—5
SN / LOT NO. / PL.NO. / Description / Qty. In Kgs./Nos
(Approx) / Location
Bin No.
MISC. ITEMS / TIME: 10.00 Hrs
Misc. items where registration with MOEF not required.
44 / DS/11/12/269 / 98415517 / Scrap Old Condemned Wooden Furniture Consisting Table, Chair, Side Rack, Sofa Chairs and Single Bed with or w/o Surface Board Etc. / 1300 / Gd. No. 5
45 / DS/12/02/336 / 98415517 / Scrap old condemned wooden doors. / 1690 / Near main gate
46 / DS/12/02/376 / 98415549 / Scrap Cut Pieces of Sunmica. / 1335 / Front of Gd. 3
47 / DS/12/02/347 / 98325061 / Scrap old condemned eddy current tester, make-Multifect. MW No – 241. / 01 No.
110 / Gd-4
48 / DS/11/07/155 / 98325061 / Scrap Welding Rectifier fully Thyristorised SSR- 600, Make: Esab, MW No. 1004. / 01 No.
165 / Gd. No. 4
(New Gd)
49 / DS/12/02/339 / 98310606 / Scrap old condemned Empty iron drums cut mouth cap-200/210 Liters. / 74 Nos. / 54
50 / DS/11/07/119 / 98325024 / Scrap Refrigerator 165 Liters
Make : Kelvinator. / 01 No. / Gd. No. 2
( Old R/ Ward)
51 / DS/12/02/346 / 98325061 / Scrap old condemned Rockwell superficial hardness tester Make-ATD-A400.MW No. 398. / 01 No.
75 / Cage
52 / DS/12/02/370 / 98986028 / Scrap Carbon dust with or W/O plastic bags. / 3265 / Back side
of Gd. 5
53 / DS/12/02/348 / 98414616 / Scrap old condemned Steel body hand torch W/O battery. / 26 / Gd-5
(01 drum)
54 / DS/12/02/349 / 98414616 / Scrap old condemned Plastic body hand torch W/O battery. / 6.250 / Gd-5
(01 drum)
Note:- / VAT/CST As applicable however present Rate is 12.5%
and CST 2% against C form + Surcharge as applicable.
Next Auction date 08/08/2012 / Contd / Page—6
55 / DS/12/02/332 / 98327112 / Scrap old Condemned Cycle Tyre. / 22 Nos. / Gd-5
56 / DS/12/02/340 / 98327100 / Scrap old condemned motorcycle Tyre. / 03 Nos. / Gd-5
57 / DS/11/01/340 / 98310148 / Scrap Empty Plastic Cane Cap-40 Ltr / 404 Nos. / Gd. No. 5
58 / DS/12/02/367 / 98310148 / Scrap empty plastic can Cap. 40 Ltrs. / 348 Nos. / Gd. 5
59 / DS/12/02/368 / 98310148 / Scrap empty plastic can Cap. 20 Ltrs. / 490 Nos. / Gd. 5
60 / DS/11/07/152 / 98310148 / Scrap Empty Plastic Can Cap. 10 Ltrs. / 1200 Nos. / Gd. No. 5
61 / DS/12/02/369 / 98310148 / Scrap empty plastic can Cap. 5 Ltrs. / 580 Nos. / Gd. 5
62 / DS/12/03/389 / 98325061 / Scrap old condemned centrifugal blower SS-316. / 01 No.
630 / 37
63 / DS/12/03/390 / 98325061 / Scrap old condemned centrifugal blower 2500 CFM. Make : Geauver. / 01 No.
265 / 37
64 / DS/12/03/397 / 98417265 / Scrap plastic Misc. Consisting reels, cans and drums of various sizes, bins, broom handle, chairs, grill of window A.C and frame of wall clock etc. / 1430 / f/o cage
Misc. items where registration with MOEF is required.
65 / DS/12/05/021 / 98413569 / Scrap used Transformer Oil with Iron drums cap. 210 Ltrs. / 11794
60 Drums / Gd. 04
66 / DS/12/05/028 / 98413569 / Scrap Used Oil with Iron drums cap. 210 Ltrs. / 11025
56 Drums / Gd-4
67 / DS/12/02/373 / 98414513 / Scrap electronic waste consisting old condemned, CPU, Key board, UPS, CVT, Telephone instrument, different printers, photocopy and fax machine, various type of cards, mouse, CRT, condenser, mobile & other chargers and Ethernet switches etc. / 2400 / Gd-5
Note:- / VAT/CST As applicable however present Rate is 12.5%
and CST 2% against C form + Surcharge as applicable.
Next Auction date 08/08/2012 / Contd / Page—7
SN / LOT NO. / PL.NO. / Description / Qty. In
(Approx) / Location
Bin No.
Non-Ferrous & other Items where registration with MOEF not required / TIME: 12.00 Hrs
68 / DS/12/03/382 / 98417320 / Scrap old Condemned TG Armature & Magnet frame W/O brush holder, with Fan & Bull Gear make: BHEL. / 43360
08 Nos. / CLS rectifier room CLS-2.
69 / DS/12/05/018 / 98210245 / Scrap Condemned Copper power Finger Assembly with Silver Tips. / 1018 / NF-1/J
70 / DS/12/02/308 / 98210245 / Scrap old condemned Copper reverser BKT with Silver Tips Consisting various sizes contact blocks. / 1777 / NF-I/K
(02 Pallets)
71 / DS/12/02/343 / 98210270 / Scrap old condemned Armature of A.G. 51. / 489 / NF-I/B (01 Iron box)
72 / DS/12/02/302 / 98210336 / Scrap old Condemned Copper intercooler of various sizes with ferrous fittings / 2110 / NF-II/ Between D&E
73 / DS/12/03/353 / 98210314 / Scrap Condemned Modified copper after cooler with ferrous & aluminum fittings. / 1102 / NF-I/B
74 / DS/11/12/250 / 98200069 / Scrap Condemned Bronze Suspension Bearing. / 8015 / NF-I/ Between
K & L
(08 pallets)
75 / DS/12/04/005 / 98200069 / Scrap Condemned Bronze Suspension bearing. / 5673 / NF-II/F
(07 pallet)
76 / DS/12/05/019 / 98210191 / Scrap Condemned Copper cooling coil with ferrous fitting released from AC plant. / 782 / NF-II/E
77 / DS/11/05/057 / 98230049 / Scrap Twin After Cooler with Copper Tubes, Aluminum Fins and Ferrous Fittings. / 926 / NF-I/F
78 / DS/11/02/379 / 98210314 / Scrap After Cooler Released from Tanzania Loco. / 149
02Nos. / NF-I/D
79 / DS/12/02/306 / 98230049 / Scrap aluminum casting consisting old Condemned base door cover of loco with ferrous fittings / 2938 / NF-I/J
NOTE:- / VAT/CST As applicable however present Rate is VAT = 5%, 2% against C form + Surcharge as applicable.
Next Auction date 08/08/2012 / Contd / Page—8
80 / DS/12/02/342 / 98230049 / Scrap Aluminum casting consisting old condemned impeller RH & LH of BKBL and armature fan of auxiliary generator AG-51 with ferrous fittings. / 825 / NF-I/D(03 Pallets)
81 / DS/12/02/354 / 98230049 / Scrap Condemned aluminum Misc. consisting with pressure gauge of various sizes with ferrous fittings. / 1039 / NF-I/B (03 Pallets & 01 I/Box)
82 / DS/12/02/344 / 98230049 / Scrap Aluminum casting consisting old condemned compressor wheel of TSC with ferrous fittings. / 607 / NF-I/L (02 Pallets)
83 / DS/12/02/355 / 98230037 / Scrap Aluminum Turning & Boring. / 70.5 / NF-I/ Between C&D
84 / DS/12/04/006 / 98417301 / Scarp Condemned Radiator Core of loco. / 6517
36 / NF-II/ between H&I
85 / DS/12/07/030 / 98417301 / Scarp Condemned Radiator Core of loco. / 7147 / NF-II/I&J
86 / DS/12/07/029 / 98210051 / Scrap Condemned Copper Armature & Equalizer Coil with insulation. / 7458 / NF-I/H
87 / DS/12/07/034 / 98200070 / Scrap Condemned Brass Misc. Consisting Bearing Liner, Cut Pieces of Brass, Valve DA, Regulator & Taps etc. / 2721 / NF-I/ J
Non-Ferrous & other Items where registration with MOEF is required
88 / DS/12/07/031 / 98210300 / Scrap Condemned Control Cable of various sizes with or W/O terminals. / 5094 / NF-I/C
89 / DS/12/07/032 / 98210312 / Scrap Condemned Copper lead Size 625/950 with insulation, with or W/O terminals. / 6584 / NF-II/B
90 / DS/12/07/033 / 98210281 / Scrap Condemned Copper Field coil of TM/TG, with insulation. / 7010 / NF-I/H&I
NOTE:- / VAT/CST As applicable however present Rate is VAT = 5%, 2% against C form + Surcharge as applicable.
Next Auction date 08/08/2012