PROGRAMME: ITAPA 2015 International Congress: No Borders!
3rd – 4thNovember 2015
Čas /3rd November 2015
7:30 – 8:30 /Registration of participants
8:30 – 9:15 / Opening Ceremony of the 1st Congress day – Opening speechesChairman: Alena Kuišová
Andrej Kiska, president of the Slovak republic
Dušan Chrenek, Head of Representation of the European Commission in Slovakia
Romana Kanovská, StateSecretary,Ministry of Education SR
9:15 – 9:45 / No Borders
Chairman: Alena Kuišová
Digital single market, III. pillar: Maximize Growth Potential of Digital Economics
Peter Weber, ITAS
Identity and encryption tools to enable digital sovereignty
Reinhard Posch, Bundeskanzleramt
Implementation of the EU in terms of CPAP eIDAS
Roland Takács, NASES
9:45 - 10:30 / Data Driven Economy
Chairman: Alena Kuišová
Keynote:Economic Vitality - Prosperity and Public Engagement In a Data Driven World
Dion Rudnicki, IBM Corporation
Keynote: How the IT industry and the education system in Slovakia can be mutually helpful
Emil Fitoš, Atos IT Solutions and Services
Keynote: Big data quickly and with affordable investment.
Július Slíž, ZSSK
Making cities both smart and fun
Julian Bowrey, 21cConsultancy
10:30 – 11:00 / Coffee-break
11:00 – 12:40 / eGovernment in Action
Chairman: Alena Kuišová
The importance of the OPIS
Peter Kostolný, RO OPIS
Building the basic components of eGovernment. What has been done and what has not?
Pavel Bojňanský, Ministry of Finance SR
Keynote: Cloud Automation
Tomáš Orieščik, Aliter Technologies
Electronic services of the Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family SR
Jozef Snopko, The Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the SR
Keynote: Benefits and Value of Enterprise Architecture for Public Administration
Marcel Bezák, BIZZdesign
Electronization of the Ministry of Interior
Pavol Maliarik, Ministry of Interior of the SR
Digitalisation of the civil register? We did achieve this - CISMA
Adrián Jenčo, Ministry of Interior SR
Electronic form as an effective means of communication in eGovernment
Daniela Navrátilová, FormServices
12:40 – 13:40 /
13:40 –14:30 /New Technologies
Chairman: Alena KuišováIndividualization of medicine through 3D printing
Andrej Thurzo, Company for Regenerative Medicine
Keynote: FaceRec (face biometrics) - success story
Branislav Panák, Atos
Marek Zeman, Tatrabanka
City Monitor – Slovak worldwide solution also for Apple Watch
Martin Hrnko, QBSW
14:30 – 15:00 /
15:00 – 16:30 /Digitalisation of the Cultural Heritage
/ Successful Projects / ICT in EducationChairman: Erik Kriššák
Opening speech of the minister of culture SR
Marek Maďarič, Minister of Culture SR
Priority Axis No.2 – the finale
Jaroslav Mendel, Ministry of Culture of the SR
National project - digital library and digital archives
Ján Kováčik, Slovenská národná knižnica
National project -digital gallery
Mária Bohumelová, Slovak National Gallery
DigitalMuseum - progress in the digitization of museum collections
Martin Pražienka, Museum of the Slovak National Uprising
National project – Digital Heritage Foundation as part of OPIS2
Ľuboslav Škoviera, The Monuments Board of the SR
National project - digital audiovisual
Peter Csordás, Slovak Film Institute
Digital Fund for Traditional Folk Culture - national project
Vladimír Kyseľ, Slovak Folk Art Ensemble / Chairman: Alena Kuišová
Electronization of services of the Municipal Office in Žilina
Dalibor Král, SEVITECH
Karol Krutek, City Office Žilina
Slovak geologic heritage available to all
Štefan Káčer, ŠGÚDŠ
Virtual cash register
Daniel Čech, Financial Directorate of SR
Development of electronic services of the judiciary
Mário Finka, IBM
Karol Janeček, Ministerstvo spravodlivosti SR
Gabriela Juráková, ANEXT
Project-based education
Peter Balco, Hewlett-Packard Slovakia
Electronic services in the social benefits field
Stanislav Straka, Softec
Network of multimedia info panels in Slovenske elektrárne Marián Sedláček, eTechnology
DISCUSSION – panelists / Chairman: Anna Surová-Čulíková
Digital education support
Martin Janáček, Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the SR
Digital education for vocational schools Oskar Kadlec, Atos IT Solutions and Services
Vojtech Andor, Auto-Impex
KOMPOSYT = the future of complex digital services in counselling is now
Anna Surová-Čulíková, VÚDPaP
Education with heart in a digital world
Dušan Meško, Univerzita Komenského Martin
Interactive houses of knowledge
Petronela Kolevská, Metodicko-pedagogické centrum
Milan Ftáčnik, SISp
Mária Slovíková, CVTI
Pavel Sadloň, Gymnázium Ladislava Sáru Bratislava
Dalibor Maco, MIM
Miroslava Schrimpelová, Raabe
Alena Jančeková, ZŠ
and panelists
16:30 – 17:00 /
End of the 1st congress day
Čas /4th November 2015
7:30 – 8:30 /Registration of participants
8:30 – 10:00 / Opening of the 2nd Congress day - eJusticeChairman: Alena Kuišová
Keynote: The importance of judiciary electronization
Tomáš Borec, minister of justice SR
Electronic code – SlovLex
Pavol Zarevúcky, Atos
Miloš Matúšek, Ministry of Justice of the SR
Keynote: RESS- videoconferences
Milan Paštrnák, bit-STUDIO Bratislava
Keynote: The project for electronic monitoring of people
Martin Terkovič, ICZ Slovakia
Keynote: Effective identification in prisons
Ľuboš Nejedlý, Fujitsu
Informačný systém register úpadcov (IS RU)
Vojtech Bálint, Hewlett-Packard
Austrian Justiz 3.0
Thomas Gottwald, Federal Ministry of Justice
10:00 – 10:45 / Data in a Digital World
Chairman: Alena Kuišová
Keynote: Estonia– Government data stored outside the country
Dejan Cvetkovic, Microsoft CEE
Our Role in higher network securityPetra Hochmannová, CSIRT
Martin Semrad, NIX.CZ
Keynote: Open data in practice – Czech treasury monitor
Tomáš Jindřich, C42
10:45 – 11:15 / Coffee-break
11:15 – 12:45 / Security and protection of personal data / The technological challenges / Efficientpublic administration
Chairman: Radoslav Repa
A European perspective on Trust Services
Sławomir Górniak, ENISA
ESET Cyber Security Services
Peter Dekýš, ESET
Trust – The key to cloud adoption
Ruediger Dorn, Microsoft Public Sector EMEA
New trends in personal data protection
Zuzana Valková, independent expert
Privacy vs. Law Enforcement -policy vs. technology: options and trade-offs
Rainer Hörbe, Kantara Initiative
Rastislav Janota, NASES
and panelists / Chairman: Marek Čanecký
Cloud for Europe
Peter Kišša, Interway
PostAR – Saas service of Slovenia Post
Boštjan Kežmah, PostAR
Damijan Poš, Slovenian Post
Current state of the supra-sectoral plan to provide cloud services in datacenters of the State
Richard Hollý, Interway
Electronic person monitoring system – from the theory to the praxis
Roman Hlubina,ICZ Slovakia
The Use of biometrics in the public sector
Pavol Vančík, Fujitsu
Pavel Bojňanský, Ministry of Finance of the SR
and panelists / Chairman: Renáta Kiselicová
Strategy of public administration reform
Adrián Jenčo, Ministry of Interior SR
Effective public administration
Samuel Arbe, Ministry of Interior SR
RIA as an example of public administration reform
Iveta Šimončičová, Ministry of Economy SR
How to use the enterprise architecture to effectively manage public administration information systems
Pavel Hrabě, BIZZdesign
iGovernance – the UMS point of view
Peter Druga, The union of towns and cities of Slovakia
Ján Domankuš, The union of towns and cities of Slovakia
Peter Ágh, Asociácia prednostov Slovenska
Lukáš Lukáč, Ministry of Finance SR
and panelists
12:45 – 13:45 /
LUNCH/Golden Crest Awards 2015
13:45 – 14:55 / How to get the mostout of the new programming period? / What to do with the available public data? / Long-term data storages
Chairman: Milan Ištván
An overview of ICT activity in the new operational programs
Milan Ištván, PPP
Novelizovaná NKIVS ako východisko relizácie projektov PO7 OPII
Lucia Pittnerová Fábryová, Ministry of Finance of the SR
It does not work without architecture repository!
Rastislav Cesnek, BIZZdesign
The amended NKIVS as the starting point of PO7 OPII project implementation
Lukáš Lukáč, Ministry of Finance of the SR
Vladimír Goldschmidt, Atos
ESIF Beneficiaries – Basic assumptions and risks
Luďek Mácha, CRIF
Pavel Bojňanský, Ministry of Finance of the SR
and speakers / Chairman: Alena Kuišová
Could information enhance security and cleanliness in the city?
Mariana Hurná, Mestský úrad Prešov
Natural disasters and open data
Marian Gajniak, exdwarf
Open Data Node - open platform for data management and recommended methodology
Peter Hanečák, EEA
Using open data in public procurement
Michal Ivantyšyn, ITAPA
Project eDemocracy
Ľubor Illek, NASES
Notifications and the route to citizen's e-participation in the era of mobility
Augustín Mrázik, The union of towns and cities of Slovakia
Data and open data in terms of quality and application in practice
Viera Bakošová, APHI
Milan Seliak, APHI
DISCUSSION –panelists / Chairman: Miroslav Širl
Digital continuity role in the implementation of eGovernment
Miroslav Širl, CNZ
Electronic Archive of Slovakia
Mária Mrížová, Ministry of Interior of the SR
How to preserve data for 500 years?
Michal Hanzalík, Piql
IBM Experience with Long-term Data Storage Dušan Slivka, IBM Slovensko
Implementation of the PO7 OPII begins! What are the differences between the OPIS and OPII projects?
Roland Takács, NASES
DISCUSSION –speakers
14:55 – 15:10 / Coffee-break
15:10 – 16:25 / The Annual Round Table
Chairpersons: Alena Kuišová andMichal Ivantyšyn
Keynote of the minister of economy SR
Vazil Hudák, Minister of Economy SR
Guests:Csaba Baráth (DITEC), Pavel Bojňanský (Ministerstvo financií SR), Zdenko Böhmer (HP), Jozef Čapuška (Ministerstvo vnútra SR), Milan Ištván (Partnerstvá pre prosperitu), Rastislav Janota (NASES), Denisa Saková (Ministerstvo vnútra SR)
16:30 –17:00 / Closing Ceremony and RAFFLE
invites you to the Closing Ceremony
associated event
8:30 – 10:30
Opening speech
Anton Ziolkovský, Konferencia biskupov Slovenska - portal of electronic services of the Catholic Church
Mário Minarovský
Example of a secure communication
Martin Keruľ, Rožňavská diecéza a Peter Šantavý, Bratislavská arcidiecéza
What we wanted, what we have and what we are planning. Cross section of activities for electronic provision tribunal
Antin Drahovzal, 602 a Tibor Hajdu, Bratislavská arcidiecéza
Changes in legislation relating to the process of proving the invalidity of marriage
Ján Duda, Spišská diecéza
Information system central management of reference data
associated event
14:00 – 15:00
Information system central management of reference data
Branislav Bayer, HP
Official communication model and work with reference data
Valent Gura, Ministry of Finance of the SR