Placer County Peer Court
Diversion and Prevention through Accountability and Education
Tutoring Agreement – BrandelJohnson (Case 0405-A076)
Part I – General Information
Tutoring takes place on the Placer High School campus in Room 628 (Portable classroom in front of the tennis courts) Monday through Thursday from 2:35pm- 4:30pm. You must stay for at least one (1) hour each day. You may not be required to attend Tutoring everyday. Tutoring Supervisor Karen Borja will assess your case and determine your schedule.
Part II - Academic Release
My son/daughter BrandelJohnson has been ordered to tutoring through Placer County Peer Court on 5/24/2005. I give permission for my child’s teachers and counselor to provide academic information to Placer County Peer Court to assist my son/daughter in improving his/her grades at school.
Part III – Tutoring Policies
The following policies apply to the Placer County Peer Court Tutoring Program:
- I understand the Tutoring Supervisor, Karen Borja, determines the frequency and length of tutoring.
- I understand that Tutoring is a term of the sentence that I have accepted, and that failure to attend Tutoring may result in my case being heard by a higher court.
- I understand that if I am scheduled for Tutoring and do not attend tutoring; I have to make that time up by staying an extra hour the following Monday or pay ten (10) dollars for the day.
- I understand that make-ups will be done on Mondays and that I will be responsible for covering the cost of any make-ups at the rate of ten (10) dollars per hour.
- I understand that I am responsible to bring assignments and be prepared to work during my scheduled Tutoring time.
- I understand that it is to my advantage to have a position attitude at Tutoring.
- I understand that I must adhere to the rules of Peer Court Tutoring and respect the tutors and other students being tutored.
I have read and agree to the above policies, Parts I-III.
Defendant Signature ______Date ______
Parent/Guardian Signature ______Date ______
Attention Teachers: Your student BrandelJohnson(Case 0405-A076) came through Peer Court on a truancy citation 5/24/2005. As a result of this hearing, the student is in court-ordered tutoring. Please fill out the appropriate grade and progress of the above-mentioned student. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
Period / Class / Grade / Missing Assignments / Teacher Signature / Comments0
Placer County Peer Court
Diversion and Prevention through Accountability and Education
Attention Teachers: Your student BrandelJohnson (Case 0405-A076) came through Peer Court on a truancy citation 5/24/2005. As a result of this hearing, the student is in court-ordered tutoring. Please fill out the appropriate grade and progress of the above-mentioned student. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
Period / Class / Grade / Missing Assignments / Teacher Signature / Comments0