Mr. Thompson’s Second Grade Handbook
Fairfield North Elementary
Fairfield, Ohio
Dear Parents:
Welcome to second grade! I am excited as a new year begins, and I am sure you are, too! I wanted to share some important information with you about first grade policies and procedures to help make this year run smoothly.
This is my ninth year at North, and I am looking forward to the opportunity of teaching first grade. I live with my wife, and we have 2 children—Alyssa, who is three, and Eli is now 18 months. We are currently moving to the Liberty Twp. community.
As you know, second grade is a vital year in a student’s academic career. Students will grow in leaps and bounds this year in all areas, and especially in reading. I will keep you informed throughout the year about your child’s progress or growth in academic, social, and behavioral areas.
Included in this handbook is information on testing, academic areas, behavioral expectations and a class schedule. I have outlined each academic area and included information about types of assessment we do. Please be sure to check out the information on homework, classroom expectations and volunteering. Please be sure to sign and return the Acknowledgement Form in the Parent Information Folder you received at the Open House.
Again, I am delighted to be teaching first grade. I know that we will work together for your child to have a successful school year.
Eddie Thompson
Second Grade Handbook
In our classroom, we follow the Responsive Classroom model. I personally believe in this model because it places a strong emphasis on social skills. In my opinion, these skills are just as important as the academic skills your child will learn throughout the school year.
The responsive classroom model begins by discussing your child’s hopes and dreams. We will also practice various procedures and expectations in the classroom for a few weeks of school. After students have had ample time to learn procedures and expectations in the classroom, we will emphasize the importance of rules to accomplish our dreams in class. After being generated, these rules lead us to explore the consequences and outcomes of those rules being broken.
Classroom Behavior Expectations
I expect students to take responsibility for their actions, behaviors and learning. Students choose consequences and rewards based on their choices. A discipline plan will help guide students to be responsible and make acceptable choices.
I expect my students to:
1. Let the teachers teach and let the kids learn.
2. Follow directions the first time they are given.
3. Turn in quality work every time.
4. Treat others with kindness and respect.
5. Be responsible for their own area and belongings (desk, papers, backpack, and homework).
My students can expect me to:
1. Praise and reward them for fulfilling these expectations.
2. Help them learn.
3. Give clear directions that are easy to follow.
4. Do quality teaching every day, all day.
5. Treat them with kindness and respect.
6. Be responsible for my area and belongings.
Behavior and Work Habit Goals Met: / RewardDaily / Sticker or stamp in their planners
Praise and Recognition
Tickets for daily drawing
Bubbles for positive behaviors
Weekly (4 or 5 days of the week) / Super Duper Drawing for prizes
Praise and Recognition
Monthly (Earned Every weekly prize) / Dinner Theater—lunch in the classroom at the end of the month
Praise and Recognition
I did not take care of Myself
I apologize for ______
“What can I do to mop it up and make it right?”
My plan is to ______
I appreciate all volunteers to the classroom. Including, volunteering on field trips, during parties, or for any other reason. The classroom helpers are expected to come on their scheduled day but if circumstances arise and you are unable to visit, please notify me in advance so that accommodations can be made here at school. I usually plan on your arrival and have a list of items or activities that you will help with during your stay. Typically, the mornings are most helpful. Our afternoon is filled with lunch, recess, special, calendar and mathematics. All of which require the students to be in attendance and does not allow for them to be pulled out of class for remediation or enrichment activities.
Parent Communication
I will communicate with parents through a daily log in the planner please sign or initial these boxes. It is here that I will write quick notes to you if needed and you are welcome to do the same. If the space does not allow for you to fully express your concerns or questions, please send a separate note and place a post-it on the page to notify me that one does exist. Second graders can sometimes become distracted and may forget to give them to me in the morning. Additionally, I send home a newsletter each Friday which has important information about upcoming events, classroom accomplishments, and updates. Specific information such as math newsletters, field trips, volunteer calendars, etc. will also be coming home. Therefore, it is vital to check your child’s daily School to Home Folder and their North Folder at the end of each day. Additionally, I am available to you by e-mail, phone, or note.
I can be reached at:
513-868-0070 ext.579
The best time to reach me is Monday through Thursday from 8-8:45 a.m. and 3.30-4.30 p.m. sometimes I may be available while the students are in special. If I am unavailable, due to a planning meeting, please leave a voicemail and I will return your call at my earliest convenience.
These need to go home daily and are returned to school each day. They will have useful information from your child inside. Feel free to communicate with me in the side bar and I will do the same.
Water Bottles/Snack
Our school building is not air conditioned. When the temperature goes above 85 degrees the students are permitted to bring a small water bottle. (Please allow your child to bring a sock to put around the bottle to prevent it from sweating on their work.) If appropriate use of the bottle is not followed, your child may be asked to leave it at home. Snacks are not typical in second grade but we can discuss this as a class to see if they would like to bring a healthy snack.
On the majority of papers I will record the number of correct answers on the paper. Sometimes I put a happy face or sticker on an activity or homework as a notice of completion. You will notice that some of the papers will have an percentages or fraction values on them. You can expect to see this on reading, math and spelling papers. We use the letter grades O, S, N, and U on papers in language, science, social studies, and health. When I grade writing, there will be a 4 point rubric scale that I can explain in detail later in the year. Most grades are visible from the Progress book website for your convenience.
We love to celebrate birthdays in first grade! We will sing to your child, ask them about their celebration and allow them to share their excitement in our birthday book. Your child will also receive an award from the office and classroom on their special day. However, school procedures are to celebrate monthly birthdays on the last Friday of the month. You are welcome to bring birthday treats on that day to help celebrate your child’s special day. It is safe to send enough treats for 30 students. Please send only commercially prepared and wrapped treats. Also, please make sure all the treats are the same (all chocolate, all vanilla, etc.). Sometimes the kids get upset if they really wanted a chocolate cupcake and the chocolate were all gone when it was their turn to be served. If your child has a summer birthday, you may pick a day during the school year to celebrate!
Allergies and Food Restrictions:
Please let me know as soon as possible if your child has any food allergies or food restrictions for health or religious reasons. If we are having treats, I would like to know so I can look at the ingredients in the treat to be sure your child can safely enjoy the treat. It is very important that I have this information, and that you have shared it with the school nurse so your child is safe at school.
Lunch Prices:
This years breakfast costs ($.80), lunch costs ($2.25), milk $.50, and juice ($.50). Prepayment for lunch and breakfast is accepted and encouraged. Students are to use their student id numbers to access their accounts in the lunch line. Please send all money in a sealed envelope with your child’s name and room number to ensure that it arrives safely. Parent helpers are available to assist first grade students for the first few days of the year so we ask that you practice their number with them at home to improve upon their ability to enter their numbers quickly and accurately. (see attached form)
School Fees:
$55.00 cash or check made payable to Fairfield North Elementary.
Dress Code/Attendance
Students must wear shoes with a back strap or closed back. (Please refer to the revised dress code for further details.) Also, a note must be sent in no more than three days after a student returns for being absent or the absence(s) will be deemed as unexcused. In addition, three unexcused tardies will be equal to an unexcused absence.
Latchkey, pick-ups and students in after-school activities will be dismissed at 3:20. Due to the large number of students in the hallway at dismissal we are asking everyone that picks up their child in the school to please wait in the lobby. We would like to keep the hallways clear for the students only. All students are encouraged to ride the bus to and from school but if your child needs to be picked up from school, please notify the school in advance. Bus riders will be dismissed at 3:25. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. If for some reason you experience any change in your child’s schedule for dismissal, please do not send an email. Call the office to verify the proper placement for your child at the end of the day.
If this schedule permanently changes during the year, I will be sure to notify you. We will have schedule changes due to assemblies and drills.
Studens are dismissed to rooms, and they begin morning assignment and silent reading.School Begins
Attendance, Pledge, Check Moose Binders Announcements, Question of the day activity
Morning Meeting/Routines for Calendar
Question of the day prompt cont~ Restroom and Drinks
Independent Reading Block/ Royal Reader/ Read Alouds
Spelling activities
Phonemic Awareness, LIPS and Working with Words Activities
Shared Reading (Anthology)
Writer’s Workshop/Journal writing
§ Mini-Lesson
§ Independent Writing
§ Peer and Teacher Conferences
§ Sharing
§ Grammar Instruction
Lunch and Recess
Recess, Restroom, and Drinks
Intervention block/Centers
Special Classes
Math Investigations/Routines for Calendar continued
Social Studies/ Science Block
Pack Up
Read Aloud or Self-Selected Reading Cont.
Dismissal of Latchkey, pick ups and after school act.
Dismissal of Bus Riders
Special Classes*
Day / Week A Classes / Week B ClassesMonday / Library / Library
Tuesday / Art / Art
Wednesday / Music / Music
Thursday / Gym / Gym
Friday / Art / Art
Language Arts Curriculum
Language/Creative Writing: Grammar skills are integrated with creative writing, using the writing process. (See attached sheet). Also, students write in their journals almost daily to build these skills. In addition, the reading series incorporates the identified language skills that are required for the students to master. The students will be assessed over many of the language and grammar skills that are used in the reading series.
Handwriting is D’Nealian style. (See attached sheet). Cursive writing will begin in January.
Our district has adopted the Treasures reading series by Macmillan McGraw- Hill. It incorporates reading with language arts: grammar, creative writing, handwriting, phonics, and spelling. Sight words are attached that your child needs to know. Practice these words until your child has mastered them.
During the school year, the students will be reading for Reading Counts. After testing your child’s reading level, each student will read a book and take a test on the computer to earn points. Students receive prizes for points earned.
Whole Group (Shared) Instruction:
Together as a class, we will read stories, write, edit, and practice grammar and spelling.
Guided Instruction:
I plan to meet with small groups of students to give them instruction that is on their current reading level. I conduct guided reading and writing conferences. I will read individually or in small groups with every student several times a week.
Self-Selected (Independent) Reading:
Students will read on their own daily. Students will eventually be responding in writing to their reading.
Cooperative Learning:
Students will participate in many cooperative activities to build on their learning. I plan many activities where students can edit, read, or write together.
We will work on many skills in second grade. These include:
§ Basic phonic skills and letter sounds
§ Decoding and identifying digraphs, blends, and high frequency words
§ Reading skills including predicting, summarizing, retelling, and sequencing
§ Connecting reading and writing to self, world, and other texts, Study skills
§ Sight words and word families
§ Spelling, grammar, and handwriting
§ The writing process—from prewriting to publishing
§ Following directions and being active listeners
§ Sharing, contributing, and respecting ideas
DIBELS Reading Assessment: This test is given individually to each student at three different times during the year. Usually one in October, January and May. I may have a substitute for the day and pull children out to read with them. This test will help me determine your child’s ability to meet specific reading benchmarks for first grade.
Running Records:
This is an informal assessment that I will occasionally do during guided reading with individual students. It allows me to monitor their instructional reading level by counting the number of words read correctly (usually out of 100 words) in a reading passage.
Spelling: There will be a spelling test each week. The students will get the words to study at the beginning of the week (typically on Monday) and they will be assessed over those words at the end of the week (typically on Friday).
Sight Word Testing: I will occasionally check off the sight words a student can read immediately (within 3 seconds) without help or sounding out. I will be sure to keep you aware of the words your child knows. See the website for additional information on the Fry list.
Mathematics Curriculum
We are very excited about Investigations Math, our new math curriculum. Investigations Math uses a hands-on approach to make math more meaningful to students. It is very different from our previous math adoption in many ways:
· Students will play games almost daily to reinforce basic facts and math concepts. I will use observation to assess during periods of game play. I will let you know in my weekly newsletter when I have introduced a new game.
· There are homework pages that will take 10-15 minutes to complete. It is extremely important to complete and return this homework, as we will use the completed assignments in the next day’s whole-group lesson.
· Students will not be bringing home many worksheets because second graders use their Math Journals. These stay in their desks all year. You are welcome to come look through your child’s Math Journal at any time.
· Investigations Math looks different than what you might be used to seeing. Reading the Family Math Newsletters and Homework pages will help you understand the different strategies we are introducing. If you feel you need further explanation, feel free to contact me.
Mathematics Assessment
These assessments will be administered during second grade:
· Investigation Tests: After administering a test at the end of the investigation t, you will receive your child’s progress.
· Units Benchmarks: At the end of each unit of study, a test covering all of the skills that have been learned up to that point will be given. We will report these scores to you as well and provide you with recommendations when benchmarks are not being met.
· Performance Tasks: These are problems that your child is expected to solve independently. The problem is usually multi-step and can usually be solved in more than one way. It is crucial to show work, or a child cannot receive full credit. We will be sure to show our work as we do problems throughout the year. Performance tasks may be included in the quarterly benchmarks.
Addition and subtraction facts tests are on Fridays. Practice sheets will go home to study for Friday’s facts test.
Science/Health/Social Studies:
These three subjects will be formally covered all day on Fridays. We call it “Discovery Day”. Read alouds and dialogue will take place during the course of the week pertaining to the topics covered.
Parent Letters:
Newsletters are sent home on Friday. These outline the units for the following week and share the skills and concepts being taught. I will try to post them to the internet for you to view from home. (Just in case one doesn’t arrive home!)
First grade students have the opportunity to be a Homework Hero by completing required homework. I will send home a reading log for the first full week of school. I expect students to complete around 30 minutes of homework a night, as outlined below: