Gold Crown Foundation

Accounting Position

-Gold Crown is a Colorado non-profit that provides over 35,000 kids to participate in sports and enrichment activities

-Gold Crown operates a $14 million sports complex in Lakewood featuring a 55,000 square foot Field House with six basketball courts and Coors Field replica baseball fie

Position Description:

-Report directly to Executive Director and CFO.

-Work with a great group of talented people, including former Denver Nugget CEO Bill Hanzlik, in a fun environment with a focus on how to positively impact the lives of Colorado youth

-Must be pro-active in making sure all duties are performed on a timely basis as once the candidate is trained, they will not have a lot of hands-on supervision

Daily duties:

- Track deposits and disbursements for operating checking account to ensure adequate cash flow management

- Transfer cash between money markets and operating accounts as necessary

-  Cut checks as needed before next check run is scheduled


-  Input payroll figures for approx 13 salary employees and approx 15 hourly employees and submit payroll service

-  Review and confirm bi-monthly payroll and quarterly filings

-  Submit 401k contributions for each payroll to 401k management firm

-  Check runs of approximately 30 to 60 checks (75-150 checks per month)

-  File paid invoices


- Write cover letters and prepare invoices for sponsorship payments due each month

- Reconcile 60-80 deposits (cash, check, and credit card) to bank statement and batch post to GL for two main operating bank accounts

- Reconcile credit card expense reports with bank statement and post to GL (approx 45-75 expense items per month)

- Use payroll registers to allocate payroll across approx 15 payroll codes on spreadsheet and batch post to GL

- Post money market transactions

-  Calculate sales tax for city and state, fill out form, and cut check

-  Produce 7 page cash basis financial summary statements packet and 13 page detail packet for each of Gold Crown’s 11 different operating programs/facilities

-  Distribute summaries to Executive Director, President, CEO, CFO, Finance/Audit Committee, and detailed program financials to each respective program director

-  Verify budget numbers are correct and investigate reasons for major differences in the budget and actual figures with program directors

-  Analyze statements and budget to predict and plan for where each program and the Foundation overall are headed

-  Meet with finance/audit committee chair to discuss financials

Throughout year:

-  Compile donation spreadsheet as donations are received broken out by program and month

-  Track deferred revenue for signage payments on spreadsheet

-  Give financial summary and answer financial questions along with Executive Director and CFO during quarterly board meetings

-  Keep organized files

-  Work with Enrichment Director and grant writing consultants on financial info required for grant applications

-  Work with Exec Director and Field House Director to evaluate capital investments opportunities


-  Serve as point person for annual audit including scheduling and planning

-  Compile “audit book” with reconciliation schedules for asset and liability accounts as well as approx 50 revenue codes (~1/2 codes are donations, ~1/2 codes are fee based)

-  Serve as point person for annual audit including scheduling and planning

-  Provide explanations to auditors questions during audit on timely basis to ensure that deadlines are met

-  Thoroughly review audit report drafts and tax return along with CFO, Executive Director, and Audit Committee to ensure accuracy

-  Prepare and distribute approx 80 1099 forms

-  Prepare year to date salary info for annual 401k and Worker’s Comp census

Communication Responsibilities:

-  Keep CFO abreast of progress and status of all duties as necessary

-  Communicate areas of improvement to staff

Provide Support for Programs:

-  Assist with coaches and parents meetings on nights and weekends

-  Be available for help with standings, etc on a few weekends during year

-  Help with special events registration, customer service


- Rec-Ware facility management software, MAS 90 accounting software, Microsoft Word, Excel, Outlook, and Wells Fargo payroll software

- Monitor for areas of improvement and work with staff and software companies to fix those areas

Point of Contact/ Administrator For:

- Two banks, 401k management firm, health and dental insurance providers, payroll service