City of Lincoln Council - Mayor's Christmas Card Competition 2015
Parental Consent/Participation Form
If you wish to give consent for your child to enter into the above competition, please complete and sign this form. The Parental Consent/Participation Form must be submitted with the photographic artwork. Submissions that are not accompanied by a signed Parental Consent/Participation Form will not be accepted.
Parent and/or Legal Guardian Contact Information:Full Name of Parent and/or Legal Guardian:
Daytime Telephone:
Email Address:
I am the parent or legal guardian of:
Child’s Full Name (“Participant”):
Date of Birth (MM/DD/YY):
Name of the Participant’s school:
Contest Rules:
I, the undersigned, understand that my child submitting to this competition, any intellectual property, including copyright and image rights, which arises in the photographic artwork produced by the participant belongs to the City of Lincoln Council. I understand that the image created and submitted to the competition may be used as the ‘Mayor’s Christmas card’ for 2015 and if so, will be arranged by the City of Lincoln Council. It will be available both in print and digital media, including social media. My consent will remain valid until I advise you otherwise.
By ticking this box, the participant has my consent and permission to:
1. Enter and participate in the “Mayor’s Christmas Card Competition.”
2. Allow the Participant’s name, age, school and county where he or she lives to be publicly disclosed and displayed with the photographic artwork.
By signing below, I acknowledge that I have read and understand the Contest Rules above and the rules of the “Mayor’s Christmas Card Competition” as shown on the next page.
Signature:…………………………………………….. Date: ………………………..
Mayor’s Christmas Card Competition – Rules/ Terms & Conditions
1. The competition theme is “A Christmassy Lincoln” and children can set up a photo that best describes what the festive holiday period in Lincoln means to them or use an image they’ve taken during a previous Christmas.
2. Each entry must be taken by the child, must be completely the child’s own original work and must not copy any other artwork. If a photo is copy of someone else’s artwork it will be disqualified. The photo image must be submitted electronically in either a pdf or jpeg format. Children may use drawing packages on a computer or tablet, as long as no part of the design is computer enhanced with copyright images. For instance, the use of clip-art is not allowed.
3. The children are encouraged to ensure the photo is colourful. You can achieve this by using bright Christmas decorations, wearing festive jumpers or changing the colour of the image using computer software.
4. All designs can be either landscape or portrait.
5. When the photo has been completed, please ensure that the name of the child, their age, school name and parent/ guardian’s name has been included in the e-mail, as well as a completed Parental Consent/Participation Form for each entry.
6. All children who live in Lincoln or attend school in the city, aged 4 to 16 years can take part. The entries will be Entries will also be accepted from children aged 12 years if they are in their final year of Primary School.
7. Unfortunately, we cannot return any entries, so please remember to keep a copy of each design!
Entries should then be sent electronically to e-mail:
8. The closing date of the competition is Friday 13th November 2015.
9. All personal information will be kept secure and in accordance with the Data Protection Act. If you require further information about this, please ask.
10. If you have any queries please contact Charlie Powell on either e-mail or telephone (01522) 873507
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