New YorkState Society of Radiologic Sciences, Inc.
Winter Board Meeting
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Rochester, New York
Present: Barbara Neumann-President, Ann Verschuuren-First Vice President, Paulette Peterson-Treasurer& Conference Coordinator, Roxanne Moran-Nominating Committee,
Ken Martinucci-Second Vice President,
David Finaldi-Secretary, William Brennan-Immediate Past President
Meeting Called to Order at 10:27 AM
- Welcome (Barbara Neumann)
- Review of Post conference meeting on October 29, 2006.
- Treasurers Report, Paulette Peterson, (see attachment).
- Secretaries Report, no report at this time.
- Newsletter,
(Eileen Doyle has asked that we send her material for newsletter).
- Nominations Committee; Roxanne Moran, (no report at this time).
- Adhoc Committee Report, see report attached.
Old Business:
2006 Conference Report: Paulette Peterson- Conference Chair
- Reviewed; 2006 NYSSRS, Inc. Report, including members rating of conference speakers, meals included, members and students’ comments on conference.
- Reviewed; Comparison of Conference Evaluations 2006, prepared by Paulette Peterson, report compares conference ratings from conferences from 1994-2006, (see report).
- Suggestions on Post-Conference Evaluations questions. (We may omit questions on conference meals).
Ann Verschuuren questioned the usefulness of the rating comparisons from the “Comparison OF Conference Evaluations Report”. Ann recommends striking the “usefulness of content” evaluation question. Board also reviewed merit of other questions on Evaluation Forms.
Board decided to delete the “usefulness of content” and food related questions from future evaluations forms.
Conference Comparison – Profit/Loss Report
The 2006 NYSSRS Inc. Conference Cost was $15,080.37
The 2006 NYSSRS Inc. Conference Profit was $4,189.63
Policy and Procedure:Ann Verschuuren.
Review of Policy and Procedure Manual.
Purchase of Microphones, William Brennan.
(Bill purchased a wireless microphone).
Purchase of Portable Printer., David Finaldi, researched possible models/types purchase price will be in the $300.00 range.
NYSSRS Inc. Board Members- ASRT membership required under new by-laws. Discussion of compliance, one of our current board members is not an ASRT member. Should NYSSRS pay for his/her membership, or face compliance issues.
Motion to close Old Business- Barbara Neumann, President.
Old Business Closed, at 12:25pm.
Meeting Called to order -1:05 pm, Barbara Neumann- President
New Business
- IRS; contacted Paulette Peterson
The society failed to give the IRS required form for tax exemption. After discussion with IRS, the IRS decided that the missing form was unnecessary, and the issue was resolved.
- RT in DC. Dominic DeMichele is the Legislative Committee Chair
We are searching for a delegate to send to the RT in DC.
The date March 18 & 19, 2007
Q: Do we send 1 or 2 people.
A: We are sending one person.
Barb will ask Dominic DeMichele on Monday January 29th, 2007.
- ASRT Annual Conference, June 1st – June 4th, 2007
- Elections for nation office and national chapter offices.
- Ann Verschuuren will be attending.
- No ASRT Open Forum is scheduled for the upcoming conference.
- Barbara Neumann and Deidre Costic are our affiliate delegates.
- David Finaldi and Ken Martinucci are our alternate delegates.
- Board reviewed ASRT upcoming election information on ASRT website. Election begins on February 1st, 2007.
- 2007 NYSSRS Annual Conference.
- Location is Cooperstown, New York.
- The Conference Committee recommended the Otesaga Hotel in Cooperstown. Paulette placed a $1,000.00 deposit to reserve the dates of November 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, 2007.
- Paulette believes that the Otesaga Hotel addresses many of concerns that NYSSRS members have brought up in the past.
- The hotel price is $135.00 per person per room, $200.00 for a single person suite. The $135.00 includes room, meals, conference rooms, and AV equipment.
- The society booked 50 rooms on Thursday, 50 rooms on Friday, and 30 rooms for Saturday. Check-out is Sunday morning at 11:00am, with attendees getting a boxed lunch for their trip home.
- Discussion and concerns were included; possible overall expense, students and their behavior in the hotel, required dress attire for dinners, (men are required to wear a jacket for dinner, only in the main dining room).
- Friday Night diner is on your own for conference attendees.
- See attachment for additional details.
- Paulette is introducing changes to the registration table including;
a)ropes, (to organize people in line),
b)we will have either a Sergeant at Arms, or hotel security at the registration desk, to maintain order.
c)Conference name badges only for conference registrants. On site registrants will not have meals included in package, (this prevents a number of people using the same badge).
- Paulette intends on-site data base registrations.
- Paulette said that there is a tip package of $17.50
“per person per day”, which covers all tips. This will be stated in the conference brochure, and on our website conference information page.
- The deadline for pre-registration will have to be 45 days before the conference date.
- Late fees, $60.00 additional late fee for registering on site.
All information will be on the NYSSRS website. Brochure mailings will be going out in the early summer.
Speakers for the conference:
We need to have speakers sign a commitment agreement for when the speakers agree to present.
Conference Registration Fee:
The Board voted on “Should we have an early bird special conference registration fee.” And what dates will those be.”
Board vote:
Early bird date September 10, 2007 post-marked.
Registration deadline is October 15, 2007, after that, all registrations will be considered late.
1)The conference registration fee will be set at$150.00 members, and $180.00 non members; students $60.00, for early bird registration; for those registering before 9/10/2007.
2)Conference registration will be $170.00 members, $200.00 non-members, $80.00 students; for those registering between 9/10/07 and 10/15/07.
3)Late registration fees will be $230.00 members, $260.00 non-members, and $140.00 students; for those registering after 10/15/07 and on-site registration.
One –Day Only fee for conference:
1)Pre-registration, $130.00, $150.00, $175.00, prior to 10/15/07.
2)On-site: $200.00, $260.00, $140.00
Thursday Evening Quiz for student members.
100 quiz questions.
Joseph Whitton to prepare quiz with input question ideas from all board members.
Vote on Thursday Evening Quiz Concept:
Board Vote:7 yea, 0 nay.Passed.
Cooperstown Baseball Hall of Fame:
Thursday Night Lecture Concept:
Ask Robert Rivera if could be the guest speaker, for the new Thursday Night Lecture.
Student Bowl:
Move Student Bowl start time up to 1:30pm on Saturday
Registry Prep and Review Session:
New Business (Con’t):
1)Secretary needs to email meeting minutes within 30 calendardays, and a response and review to the minutes within the following 30 calendardays, after the receipt of the emailed minutes.
Proposed by William Brennan.
2)Given the many questions and issues that arise concerning whether the meetings, conferences, and dealings of the NYSSRS meet the Roberts Rules of Parliamentary Action. Bill would like to look into what it would cost to have an NYSSRS Board member become a Certified Parliamentarian.
Proposed by William Brennan.
3)The society should investigate the cost/ benefit in the society retaining an attorney for legal representation.
Proposed by Paulette Peterson.
a)The society should change the membership calendar year from current year begin/end in the month April, to the month of January, so that it matches the calendar year.
Discussion: Ann Verschuuren suggested that the next renewals be prorated for 8 months of membership. This would be then be followed by the new membership renewal notices being mailed in January of 2008.
The prorated rate in April for 8 months will be $24.00, through December, 2007.
The prorated student 8 month fee will be $10.00, from April 2007 to January, 2008.
Proposed by Barbara Neumann.
b)Paulette has investigated that of the 16,000 Radiologic technologists in New YorkState, 7,127 belong to the ASRT, 410 belong to the NYSSRS, and only 193 belong to both.
Paulette proposes that we target those technologists who belong to the ASRT in New YorkState, but do not belong to the NYSSRS Inc. for potential membership.
Paulette suggested sendinga FOIA, (Freedom of Information), to the NYS Department of Health for a listing of all New YorkState technologists.
5)The Adhoc membership committee would like the NYSSRS to look into holding a one day state conference in the down-state region.
6)Proposal for outsourcing some of the preparatory reports and work for the board. Some of the tasks this outsourced/ or contracted person could do is:
- Prepare and update the current membership list.
- Complete a mailing to NYSSRS membership.
- Checking a P.O. Box, for the society’s mailing and business address.
- Prepare reports for the society.
- Discussion: Try a pilot program/ task to give to a contract hire, and see how successful this approach is.
- Discussion: Paulette recalls that the NYSSRS used to have an executive secretary to respond to correspondence for the NYSSRS Inc.
- Discussion: Attempt a pilot program for a specific task needed accomplished by the Board.
- This proposal will be tabled and revisited on our next meeting.
7) Stipends:The President should have the discretion of proportioning the standard reimbursement stipend, if an elected society official has not fully fulfilled their obligations.
- This issue will be tabled for our next meeting.
- Board members reviewed current list of stipends.
8) Proposed RECEEM;(Regional Educational …)
Ann Verschuuren has volunteered to take the lead on the NYSSRS on having the society receiving RECEEM status.
9) New IV contrast injection protocols just issued from New York State Department of Health.
a) New guidelines state that the new certification does not have to come from the technologist’s primary place of employment.
b) Any Physician will be able to sign off on a technologist’s demonstrated competency in intravenous injections and intravenous catheter insertion in upper extremity.
10)Website Host Log In:
- files
We can check our current membership list, post minutes from our most recent board meetings, listings of all current board members and the mailing and email addresses.
TO DO List:
- Ken Martinucci to prepare a Thursday Night lecture. Worth 1 C.E. credit.
- Ken will investigate group rates for NYSSRS members for visiting Cooperstown baseball Hall of Fame.
- Bill Brennan will investigate the cost in having NYSSRS Board member become a certified parliamentarian.
- Paulette Peterson will inquire into the cost/benefit of the NYSSRS Inc. of retaining an attorney.
- Paulette will have our webmaster generate a bill for services rendered in developing our new society website.
Our next meeting will be April 28th, 2007.
Meeting adjourned at 6:15pm
David l. Finaldi, B.S., R.T.(R)
Secretary NYSSRS
Dave / Printer for Laptop computer.Bill / Purchase a second wireless microphone.
Dave / I need 8 copies of the new By-Laws.
Steve Herman / Send a clean copy of the new By-Laws to Dave Finaldi, to include in the P&P.
Ann / Editorial changes to the P&P 2005 Ed. Will send to
Dave F. to update files on hard drive. In addition Anne will send new editorialized P&P’s to Ken, Frank, Dave and Roxanne.
Barbara / Complete on site visit of potential conference locations in Canandaigua and Ithaca.
Paulette / Complete on site visit of potential conference locations in Canandaigua and Ithaca.