Abbot Alphege Academy

21st February 2018

Newsletter 1, Term 4 - Spring Term 2018

Dear Parent

Year 2 – 6 Assembly

Please accept my apologies that the Assembly due to take place on Tuesday was postponed. We would like to invite you to join us for this rescheduled Assembly on Friday, 9th March at 2.30pm in the Abbot Alphege Hall. Our School Assemblies are based around one or more of our Christian values and are led totally by the children. Afterwards they hold a cake sale and the money raised is shared between the school fund and a charity chosen by the children. Please could you help by donating cake and then buying some back?

Parents’ Meetings - Year 4 Residential Trip to St Briavel’s – Wednesday, 21st February 2018

If you were unable to attend the 8.30am parents’ meeting this morning, please make every effort to attend the 5.30pm meeting today in the Main Hall at WASPS. A parent or adult representative for each child joining the St Briavel’s trip MUST attend and pupils who are joining the visit need to be present with you please. This meeting lasts 20 minutes and in order for your child to attend this residential visit we expect a parent representative to attend one of our meetings.

Year 3 Visit to the Roman Baths – Monday, 26th February 2018

You should already have received a separate letter with all the details concerning the Year 3 visit to the Roman Baths. Please can you make sure you have returned the permission slip for your child and made the appropriate payment via Parentpay. Thank you.

WASPS & AAA PTA Quiz Night – Friday, 2ndMarch 2018

We are pleased to announce that the PTA will be holding the WASPS and Abbot Alphege Quiz Night on Friday, 2ndMarch at WASPS. Tickets are just £6 and include a welcome glass of fizz (or equivalent) on arrival. Enter as a team or you can join a team on the night. Drinks and nibbles will be available (cash bar only). I anticipate some funds from this event will go towards the Abbot Alphege Academy school fund if an Abbot Alphege team enters.

Tickets are to be purchased via Parentpay and are on sale now. Be quick to secure your place as numbers are limited. Tickets will be distributed before the event via your child’s class teacher. There will be a raffle on the night for which any donations would be greatly appreciated.

Yours sincerely

Dr Anne Bull



Weston Coffee Morning and Seed Potato Day at All Saints Centre, High Street, Weston, Bath – Saturday, 3rd March 2018 from 10.30am to 1.30pm. Organised by the Weston Village Garden Club there will be up to 40 varieties of seed potato for sale. Entry 50p

Little Theatre Company – Big Films for Little People! Join in every Saturday morning at the Little Theatre Cinema for Kids’ Club. For just £2 per person enjoy 30 minutes of fun film related activities from 10.30am to 11.00am. For more information please email