Part One: To be filled out by a parent at your home.Student Name: ______
Teacher: ______Grade: ______
List adult for contact information.
Name: ______
Relationship: ______
Phone Number: ______
E-mail: ______
Are the important dates March 29th and May 5th free for your child? YES NO
Is January 14th available for you (or another adult) in your house? YES NO
Would you or another adult be willing to coach an event team your child is in? (All coaches will be asked to have a background check completed by the school if a current one is not on file with the office.) Coaching involves scheduling practice times and preparing lessons, sharing books, and helping students learn about their topic(s) and event to the best of you ability. I have materials from previous years to help you begin. Coaching must begin in January (after our break) however, you could start it earlier if needed. Teams can meet after school or at another time that is convenient for its members. All teams consist of two members except for Reflection Relay (must be three) and Water Rockets, which can be up to three members. For example, you could coach Zowie Estimation (with your child and another member) every Thursday for 45 minutes after school. (Coaching can be done at school or at home.) I will give you support and assistance getting you started!
Could you coach? YES, I CAN MAYBE… NO, I’M SORRY, I CANNOT
Have questions about Science Olympiad? Have you coached before and would like to repeat a specific event? Please write comments and questions here and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
Part Two: To be filled out by a teacher at school.
Teacher Signature: ______
1st cardmarking grade in science: _____
1st cardmarking grade in math: ______
Does this student frequently have late or missing assignments? YES NO
Part Three: To be filled out by you!
1. What are your top 4 favorite eventsyou have interest in?
(See attached list/think of explanations at our meeting.)
Study: Activity:
2. Name one event you do not want to be in.
3. Are you willing to have fun, work hard, and make new friends?
Circle One: YES NO
4. Are you willing to practice and study on your own and with your team?
Circle One: YES NO
Please use this space to tell me why you would like to be part of our new team this year. Tell me about your favorite Science subjects and describe how you work with a partner and in a small group. Also, write any or questions/concerns you may have. Attach an additional sheet of paper if you need more room.