FHC Human Anatomy & PhysiologyName ______

The Reproductive System - Test Review Sheet

Vocabulary Fill-ins (A Brief Introduction)

______Male gonads.

______Male gonad.

______Female gonads.

______Male gamete

______Female gamete

______Principal male hormone. M F

______and______Principal female hormones. (List 2!)

Testes (T) or Ovaries (O)?

_____ Supported by ligaments attached to the pelvic wall.

_____ Gametes are formed during gestation (development) and are all present at birth.

_____ Meiosis in this organ produces polar bodies.

_____ Composed of follicles.

_____ Divided internally by septa.

_____ Composed, in part, of interstitial cells.

_____ Internally, contains a cortex which consists of dense connective tissue. T O

_____ Tubular delivery system is completely enclosed and attached to this gonad.

_____ Contains nursing cells called “Sertoli” cells.

Boy Part (B) or Girl Part (G)?

_____ Prostate gland

_____ Fimbriae

_____ Cervix

_____ Epididymis

_____ Urethra involved in reproduction

_____ Endometrium

_____ Corpus spongiosum B G

Responsibility is Primarily Male (M), Female (F), or Shared Equally by Both Males and Females (S)?

_____ Genetic contribution to offspring.

_____ Determination of the sex of the offspring.

_____ Determines the characteristics of the offspring.

_____ Production of heat-sensitive gametes.

_____ Gamete formation by meiosis.

_____ Provider of nutrition before implantation.

Spermatogenesis (S) or Oogenesis (O)?

_____ Begins with the onset of puberty.

_____ A cyclical biological event.

_____ Proceeds at normal body temperature.

_____ Slowly tapers off toward the end of one’s life.

_____ Every daughter cell matures into a gamete.

_____ Half a million pre-gametes formed B-4 birth.SO

Biological Sequencing

See if you can sequence the following male reproductive structures to recreate the path that sperm follows between the time of their production (1) and the time of their release (9). You probably can’t.

_____ External urethral orifice

_____ Ductus deferens

_____ Seminiferous tubules

_____ Urethra

_____ The "Outside World"

_____ Efferent ductules

_____ Rete testis

_____ Head of Epididymis

_____ Tail of Epididymis

Hormone Fill-ins

______Name of the cells that secrete testosterone.

______Prepares the germinal epithelium of the testes to become responsive to the effects of testosterone.

______Promotes the development of the interstitial cells in the testes.

______The site of release of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH).

______Causes follicles in the ovary to mature.

______Hormone stimulating enlargement of the vagina.

______Produced by the placenta during pregnancy.

______Hormone responsible for the appearance of the secondary sex characteristics in males.

Male Fill-ins

______The pouch of skin housing the testes.

______Formed from the union of the seminiferous tubules.

______The cord housing the ductus deferens, the testicular artery, and the testicular vein.

______A comma-shaped structure on the posterior side of each testis.

______The old-fashioned name for the ductus deferens.

______Carries semen from the prostate gland to the urethra.

______Is the muscle in the urethra smooth, skeletal, or cardiac?

______The locomotory, extra-cellular appendage on a mature spermatozoan.

______Single (unpaired) gland found at the base of the urinary bladder.

______Which accessory gland is wrapped around the urethra?

______What accessory gland delivers its secretions into the ductus deferens?

______Does testosterone production occur by way of a positive feedback system or a negative feedback system?

Male Parts

Head of Epididymis Spermatic Cord

Rete Testis

Seminiferous Tubules

Ductus Deferens

Tail of Epididymis

Female Fill-ins

______Structures located with the ovarian cortex in various stages of development.

______The contemporary (“with it”) name for an ovum.

______Oocytes present in the ovary at birth.

______The two end-products of primary oocyte division:


______Which of these two cells is fertilized?

______A mature follicle which is ready to burst forth from the ovary is called a(n) _____.

______Propulsion of a secondary oocyte out of the ovary.

______The average number of days taken to pass through a complete menstrual cycle.

______How does a secondary oocyte “get to” the oviduct (uterine tubes)?

______The mass of cells which are “left behind” after the emergence of the secondary oocyte is termed the c_____ l_____.

______What tissue mass regulates hormone production during the first 1/3 of pregnancy?

______What tissue mass regulates hormone production during the last 2/3 of pregnancy?

______The funnel-shaped portion of the uterine tube which opens directly into the peritoneal cavity is the _____.

______These structures nearly touch the surface of the ovary as they wave gently back and forth while searching for that elusive secondary oocyte.

______Fertilization normally occurs in the (first / middle / last) 1/3 of the uterine tube (AKA oviduct).

______The outermost layer of the uterus.

______Is the uterus composed of smooth, skeletal, or cardiac muscle?

______The thick muscular layer of the uterus is called the _____.

______The inner lining of the uterus is called the _____.