The Best Cure for Loneliness & Let Down on Valentine’s Day

Instead of wishing they had a Prince Charming, or setting themselves up for the so-so night on the town, women get proactive & take LOVE into their own hands this February

For a day that is supposed to be all about giving and receiving love, February 14th sure does leave a lot of single women feeling alone and rejected. Check out women’s faces the day after the 14th, and while single women’s frowns may have faded, many a mated women will still be suffering from an expectation hangover – disappointed by yet another Valentine’s Day that didn’t measure up to her hopeful, and unrealistic, ideals.

Rather than subject themselves to misery again this year, this February, women in 31 countries have banded together to take their love power back – the power to feel loved no matter who is or isn’t sleeping next to them, wining and dining them, or trying to fulfill a girl-hood fantasy, by filling themselves up with love in other ways. Anyone can join, by …

©  PROACTIVELY FILL UP WITH LOVE… FROM YOURSELF - From Feb 1st - Feb 13th, each day take a Daring Act of Self-Love – Daring Acts of Self-Love are practical yet fun ways to generate love for yourself. Far beyond pampering and manicures, these 13 Days of Self-Love include love dares like “Graffiti Yourself with Love,” “Marry Yourself,” “Wine & Dine Yourself,” “Write a Love Letter to Your Little Self,” “Self-Love Serenade” and “Disappoint Another So You Don't Disappoint Yourself.” Women can sign up to take these dares for free or can create their own.

©  TAKE A SELF-LOVE PROMISE ON THE INTERNATIONAL DAY OF SELF LOVE, FEB 13th – Using the 10 branches of self-love – self-respect, self-empowerment, self-care, and more – provided in the free self-love kit at, women choose one branch of self-love to focus on growing for the year and then take a promise with themselves to keep that vow sacred and alive all year long.

©  FILL UP WITH LOVE FROM THEIR GIRLFRIENDS & DAUGHTERS BY THROWING A SELF-LOVE PARTY – Last year 500 women around the world threw self-love parties, using the free Love Ambassador Party Pack provided at which provides many ideas for how to have a love-packed party for any age.

©  REFRAMING VALENTINES DAY AS A DAY TO RADIATE AND GIVE LOVE TO ALL ON VALENTINES DAY – NOT JUST ROMANTIC PARTNERS – Going back to when as children everyone got a valentine, full up from love from all the love received from Feb 1 – Feb 13th, women choose to give love to others on 2/14, even strangers with Daring Acts of Love – including “Giving Love Money” & “Flower Power.”

Christine Arylo, self-love expert and best-selling author is the leader and founder of Madly in Love with ME, which sponsors and creates these events for women and girls around the world. An MBA and former executive, Arylo left her cushy corporate lifestyle in 2006 to empower women and girls to love themselves not just in theory but in real tangible ways. Since beginning the international day of self-love four years ago, Arylo says, “Every dare and promise taken, and every party attended, serves to strengthen a woman’s feeling of being loved, so that by February 14 she doesn’t need anyone else to give her love. Any love that shows up is extra. And she, so full of love, is able to on February 14th give love to ALL the people she loves, not just her romantic partner. Filled up with love, and steeped in her Love Power, the loneliness and let down just doesn’t show up.”

This February 13th, with the release of the new best-selling self-love book, Madly in Love with ME, the Daring Adventure to Becoming Your Own Best Friend, Arylo will be hosting a LIVE! and free self-love concert that anyone can live-stream into from around the world. For more information on Christine Arylo, the book and the self-love movement, go to and