DRAFT on 14 April 2014

From: Ms. Sharon THOMPSON: Mobile: 079 30660380, email representing my aunt, Mrs Rhiannon JOHNSON (Rae)

Approximately 8 years ago, Rhiannon purchased a house in Italy:


26/28 via San Lorenzo,

Monte di Leone,



She paid cash for it and paid approx. £235,000 as the purchase price.

Sheregistered the property in both her name andherpartner Mr. Frederick Neads name,as joint owners. They were not married or in a formal civil partnership, although they lived together as a married couple. For the last 4 years of Frederick’s life, he was seriously ill and Rhiannon acted as his full - time Carer.

They both made a Last Will and Testament in England, with Barcan & Woodward, South Bristol solicitors (tel: 0117 9635237) on 30 June 2005. In the Will they both bequeathed their 50% share in the house to each other.

Frederick has two adult sons, Vincent and Richard Neads who live in England. Upon his death in 25 May 2011, my aunt discovered that Frederick had made a more recent Will, dated 14 May 2007 where he bequeathed his share in the house in Italy to his two sons only. He has no other assets. The sons were both also both appointed as Executors/ Trustees of this Will

Directly after the funeral, son Richard cut off all communication with Rhiannon and refused to let her collect her own personal belongings, private documents, papers relating to the property, car and house/gate/garage keys for Italy, from his house in Bristol, where he had willingly stored them.

To date, the Will has not been finalised / proved by the Executors. The two sons are not talking to each other andhave cut off all communication with my aunt and me.

The property has now stood empty forover three years. The house and garden have not been maintained or attended to during this time. An owl got trapped in the house and has damaged the interior, the roof is leaking and in the last week the house has been burglarised with doors and shutterbroken. No accounts or municipal fees have been paid.

Prior to Frederick’s death, Rhiannon kept the house and garden in pristine condition and all the bills up-to-date.

Consequently, the house has deteriorated substantially;it may prove will be difficult to sell it in its current state and has lost value.

My aunt is a 75 year old British woman. Hersole source of income is her old age pension of £ 120 approx per week currently. As her niece, living in Oxford,she has asked me to assist herin this matter and has given me Power of Attorney over her affairs.

My query is as follows:

By researching the web, the house in Italy should be worth around Euros 200,000. As my aunt cannot afford to pay arrears or upgrade the property, she wants to offer her half interest in the property to the two sons at an attractive price (… thinking Euros 85,000) They can jointly afford this amount. However, I want to ensure that they realise that, by their non-action, they have caused the property to devalue considerably from the time of their father’s death until now. I would like them to be clearly aware that if they do not accept the offer to buy Rhiannon out, she/we will litigate against them for loss of value, dereliction of duty as Executors, loss of use and emotional and financial stress.

Please be kind enough to advise briefly on her legal position? I have been advised recently to start with a ‘citation to propound’ the Will which will enforce the two sons to execute the Will within a finite time, or else the original Will will stand? Is this correct?

Look forward to hearing from you.

