JTA-34 record of decisions,Annex VI


1.Status of open actions from previous JTA Sessions

No. / Ref.
(agenda item) / Action/decision item / By whom / Deadline / Status
J31#4 / J31/5.8 / Action: DBCP to report to JTA-EC on its needs, if any, for access to archived raw data / JTA Chair / JTA-34 / JTA chair will contact TC DBCP and seek further information on related requirements, while informing about CLS data policy
J33#1 / J33/3 / To work with the manufacturers to make sure that they take into account the Argos 2-way telecommunication specifications in such a way that the PTTs can switch off after they have ceased to collect useful data / CLS / JTA-34 / Ongoing
J33#3 / J33/7.13 / JTA EC to consider the large programme situation for 2013 at its next meeting and find a way forward to address the 1200 threshold issue / JTA-EC / JTA-34 / On the agenda of JTA-EC-10. To be reported at JTA-34
J33#6 / J33/7.14 / To refine the proposal for the format of the next FYP to be discussed at the mid-year 2014 JTA-EC meeting, and submitted to the next JTA Session / CLS / JTA-EC-10 / Included in the JTA-EC-10 agenda
J33#7 / J33/7.14 / To populate the new FYP according to the draft format proposed by JTA-EC / CLS / JTA-34 / Planned for JTA-34
J33#12 / J33/9.5 / To consider the same issues to also be considered as part of the Terms of Reference of the new proposed Task Team on Best Practices for Wildlife Argos Applications / JTA-EC / JTA-34 / Progressing. CLS to report on status at JTA-34
J33#13 / J33/9.8 / to propose Terms of Reference and membership of the TT-Wildlife for discussion and possible adoption at the next JTA Session / JTA-EC / JTA-34 / JTA Chair to assist S. Javed for setting up the TT ToR and membership.

2 – Status of open actions from previous JTA-EC meetings

No. / Ref. / Action item / By whom / Deadline / Comment
JEC9#2 / JEC9/2 / 1200 threshold issue & Wildlife large programmes: Proposal to be prepared and presented by the JTA Chair in consultation with Salim Javed (UAE) and CLS at JTA-EC-10. / E. Locklear
(& S. Javed) / May 2014 / Not done.
Usage should be encouraged. Conditions for benefiting from discounts to be defined (e.g. standards, funding, quantities, single organization, etc.).
To be presented at JTA-34
JEC9#4 / JEC9/4 / The JTA-EC recommended that Salim Javed should lead the development of the ToR and membership of the Task Team in the view for him to make a proposal one month prior to JTA-EC-10. / S. Javed / May 2014 / ToR discussed at JTA-EC-10, and proposed for discussion at JTA-34
JEC9#5 / JEC9/5 / Johan Stander will review the ToR of the ROCs and RUGs and investigate whether nomination through WMO/IOC should be required. / J. Stander / Sep. 2014 / Will be completed by JTA-34 working with JTA Chair.
JEC9#7 / JEC9/9 / CLS to provide information, and seek feedback from the DBCP on the situation of drifter failures, and expected effects on the FYP until JTA-34 / CLS / Sep. 2014 / Information available from the GDP on a weekly basis. 1250 operational units target has been resumed but sustainability is unclear. Projections in the new FYP taken into account.
JEC9#10 / JEC9/14 / CLS was requested to make a proposal regarding the presentation of financial information for JTA meetings at the next JTA-EC meeting / CLS / May 2014 / To be reported at OPSCOM-48 (June 2014).
OPSCOM is the body certifying the financial status of the Agent (i.e. CLS for operating Argos).
JTA needs to full understand the process for producing the financial status of the Agent.
Summary of the financial report then to be presented by the JTA Chair (who also participates at the OPSCOM meetings).
JEC10#1 / JEC10/2 / To request DBCP to provide the Argos 3 Pilot Project report / JTA Chair / JTA-34
JEC10#2 / JEC10/2 / To review the list of ongoing actions from JTA-EC and JTA meetings, and propose updates to the operating principles accordingly. / J. Stander / JTA-34
JEC10#3 / JEC10/2 / Membership of the TT-Wildlife to be proposed by S. Javed in consultation with JTA Chair / S. Javed / JTA-34
JEC10#4 / JEC10/2
JEC10/4.1 / Presentation on the JTA (goals, structure, mechanisms, etc.) to be made at the beginning of each JTA Session, including on financial information reporting (processes, link with OPSCOM, etc.) / Chair JTA / JTA-34 / Need for such a presentation to be included in the operating principles as an ongoing action
JEC10#5 / JEC10/2 / To organize an informal meeting of the JTA-EC prior to JTA-34 / Chair JTA / JTA-34
JEC10#6 / JEC10/5 / The 2013 annual report on the global agreement by CLS should include a new column by each country on the revenue (ref. to Annex 7 to JTA-33 report). / CLS / JTA-34
JEC10#7 / JEC10/2.6 / To make a proposal on how to better balance service charges globally / CLS / JTA-34
JEC10#8 / JEC10/3.2 / To make the proposal regarding large programme discount to the JTA meeting / Chair JTA / JTA-34
JEC10#9 / JEC10/4.3 / To compile, with assistance from the Secretariats, a financial statement on the JTA-EC budget for review at JTA-EC meetings / Chair JTA / JTA-EC-12
JEC10#10 / JEC10/2 / To review the operating principles and make proposal at next JTA-EC meeting / Chair JTA / JTA-EC-12
JEC10#11 / JEC10/6.1 / To look at the ad hoc Satcom Forum recommendation #10, and provide a report to the JTA-EC / CLS / JTA-34
JEC10#12 / JEC10/7.4 / To draft a Vision for the JTA, and propose the way forward for developing a medium to long term strategy for the JTA / Chair & vice-Chair JTA / JTA-34

4.Actions and decisions of the present JTA-34 meeting

(JTA-34) / Ref.
(JTA-34) / Action/decision item / By whom / Deadline / Comment


JTA-34 record of decisions

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