21st Considerate Contractors Site Award Scheme

Jointly Organised by Development Bureau and

Construction Industry Council

Guideline for Public Works Site Participation


1.  This Guideline sets out the procedures for nomination of public works sites to participate in the 21st Considerate Contractors Site Award Scheme (the Scheme) and the criteria for the eligibility for the awards.

2.  The objective of the Scheme is to encourage contractors, subcontractors and all site personnel to work at all time in a responsible and considerate manner by providing a safe and healthy environment not only within the construction site, but also on the periphery of the site with due consideration to the public and the neighbourhood. It also enlists all personnel working on the site including clients, consultants, contractors, supervisors and workers for their collaborative effort to promote a safe and healthy environment.


3.  The Development Bureau (DEVB) and its predecessors have been organizing the Considerate Contractors Site Award Scheme since April 1995 to recognize contractors demonstrating good site safety and environmental performance and considerate attitude in carrying out the works towards the public and the neighbourhood. The Scheme will enter its 21st Phase for the appraisal period between 1April and 31December2014. Commencing from 2011, the Considerate Contractors Site Award Scheme has been co-organised with the Construction Industry Council (CIC).

Nomination for Entries

4.  Entries of the Scheme are grouped into two separate types of contracts: New Works Contracts and Repair, Maintenance, Alteration and Addition (RMAA) Works Contracts Note [1].

5.  Nomination for entries shall be on contract basis. Works Departments shall be invited to nominate public works contracts to participate in the Scheme. Main contractors of public works contracts who would like to join the Scheme are also welcome by self-nomination to the Director of the Works Department concerned in writing. For New Works, the nominated contracts shall have active construction works undertaken during the appraisal period. For RMAA works, the construction period shall last for at least six months in the appraisal period.

Categories of Awards

6.  The Scheme has the following categories of awards, namely:

(a)  the Considerate Contractors Site Awards for:

(i)  New Works Contracts,

(ii)  RMAA Works Contracts;

(b)  the Outstanding Environmental Management and Performance Awards (for both New Works and RMAA Works Contracts);

(c)  Model Worker Awards and the Best Model Worker Award;

(d)  Model Frontline Supervisor Awards and the Best Model Frontline Supervisor Award; and

(e)  Model Subcontractor Awards.

7.  In general, only the winning entries of the Considerate Contractors Site Awards are eligible for competing in the Outstanding Environmental Management and Performance Awards. However, special consideration will be given by the Judging Panel to other entries, which have exhibited extremely good environmental management performance and are considered eligible by the Judging Panel for this Award.

8.  Participation in the Outstanding Environmental Management and Performance Awards is optional. Participants shall indicate whether they wish to be considered for this category of award.

9.  At end January/early February 2015, short-listed participating sites for an award to be determined by the Judging Panel will be invited to nominate one construction worker for the Model Worker Award, one frontline supervisor for the Model Frontline Supervisor Award and one subcontractor for the Model Subcontractor Award.

Considerate Contractors Site Awards

10.  There will be Gold, Silver, Bronze and Merit Awards for the Considerate Contractors Site Awards in each category of awards. Each winning entry shall receive an “Award Trophy”, which contains the name of the contractor, contract number, brief contract title and date of the award. The contractor can display the “Award Trophy” on the site. DEVB and CIC however reserve the right to instruct the contractor not to display the “Award Trophy” if the display would cause embarrassment to DEVB and CIC.

Outstanding Environmental Management and Performance Awards

11.  The Outstanding Environmental Management and Performance Awards shall have the Gold, Silver, Bronze and Merit Awards. Winning entries will be chosen from ALL entries from both New Works and RMAA Works Contracts. Each winning entry shall receive a “Trophy” for the award, which contains the name of the contractor, contract number, brief contract title and the date of award. DEVB and CIC however reserve the right to instruct the contractor not to display the “Award Trophy” if the display would cause embarrassment to DEVB and CIC.

Model Worker Awards

12.  If the shortlisted contractor is granted a Considerate Contractors Site Award and/or Outstanding Environmental and Management Performance Award, the nominated model worker will also be given an appreciation award. A worker can only be nominated once. One of the nominated model workers will be selected for the Best Model Worker Award. More details are given in paragraph 19 below.

Model Frontline Supervisor Awards

13.  If the shortlisted contractor is granted a Considerate Contractors Site Award and/or Outstanding Environmental and Management Performance Award, the nominated model frontline supervisor will also be given an appreciation award. A frontline supervisor can only be nominated once. One of the nominated frontline supervisors will be selected for the Best Frontline Supervisor Award. More details are given in paragraph 20 below.

Model Subcontractor Awards

14.  If the shortlisted contractor is granted a Considerate Contractors Site Award, the nominated subcontractor will also be given an “Award Trophy”. A subcontractor can only be nominated once. The subcontractor can display the “Award Trophy” on the site. DEVB and CIC however reserve the right to instruct the subcontractor not to display the “Award Trophy” if the display would cause embarrassment to DEVB and CIC.

Judging Criteria

Considerate Contractors Site Awards

15.  The judging criteria for the Considerate Contractors Site Awards shall be based on the followings:

(a)  Safety

Works Department’s quarterly assessment to be conducted by end April, July and October by the Architect/Engineer/Supervising Officer/Maintenance Surveyor (A/E) and the Departmental Safety and Environmental Advisor (DSEA) (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “quarterly assessment”) of the site safety performance including the effectiveness of the implementation of safety management system and accident statistics.

(b)  Law Abiding

Quarterly assessment of the general performance of the site in compliance with the statutory requirements. A list of the relevant legislations is given in Appendix VI. To be eligible for consideration of an award, there shall be no conviction or contravention of the legislation in 2014.

(c)  Site Management

Quarterly assessment on the performance of site management including resources allocation, site organisation structure and establishment, competence of management and front line supervisory staff, effectiveness in the delivery of company policy and the effort to maintain the site in clean and tidy conditions.

(d)  Environmental Consciousness

Quarterly assessment of the site environmental performance and environmental awareness including the effectiveness of nuisance abatement and waste management control measures and implementation of environmental management system.

(e)  Site Safety Performance

Quarterly assessment of the site safety performance including the effectiveness of the preventive and protective safety measures.

For the A/E’s assessment, the marking shall be the same as the overall rating in the “Site Safety” section of the Report on Contractor’s Performance (RCP) (i.e. Section 3) for the Report immediately preceding the end date of the assessment period. For an entry that comprises two or more contracts, the lowest marking of these contracts shall be considered.

(f)  Being Considerate to Neighbourhood and Passers-by

Quarterly assessment of the considerate performance including the effort to mitigate nuisances and to protect the environment, the provisions to safeguard the public, e.g. hoardings, barriers, traffic cones, directional signs, lanterns etc. for the works or sites, clearance of debris and stagnant water, and proper maintenance of channels and watercourse.

(g)  Care of Workers and Others

Quarterly assessment of the performance including the provision of sufficient welfare facilities to workers, care of utilities and other performance aspects not mentioned above.

(h)  Adoption of Guidelines Issued by the Construction Industry Council (CIC)

Quarterly assessment on the effectiveness in implementing the following CIC’s guidelines;

i.  Guidelines on Safety of Tower Cranes

ii.  Guidelines on Site Safety Measures for Working in Hot Weather

iii.  Guidelines on Safety of Site Vehicles and Mobile Plant

iv.  Guidelines on Administration Charges for Reporting of Site Accidents

v.  Guidelines on Safety of Lift Shaft Works (Volumes 1 & 2)

vi.  Guidelines on Handling Construction Work Injury and Fatal Accident Cases

vii.  Technical Guidelines on the Design, Installation & Maintenance of Cast-in Anchors at External Walls of New Buildings

(i)  Innovativeness and Creativity of Safety Measures

Quarterly assessment of the innovativeness and creativity of safety strategies, installations and measures adopted in the works.

16.  Contractors of the shortlisted sites will be invited to submit in January/February 2015 a PowerPoint presentation with audio presentation for showing their good site performance, including cleanliness and tidiness, environmental consciousness, and considerate performance for consideration by the Judging Panel. The PowerPoint presentation should also include the number of accidents and accident frequency rate in number of accident per 100,000 man-hour worked in 2014, state clearly if adopted measures are not contract requirement and should highlight site constraints encountered and measures adopted on site which are over and above statutory/contractual requirements in accordance with Appendix XI. The presentation submitted shall be not more than seven pages and not more than four minutes of audio recording.

Outstanding Environmental Management and Performance Awards

17.  The judging criteria for the Outstanding Environmental Management and Performance Awards shall be based on the followings:

(a)  Innovativeness, creativity and effectiveness of specific and “appropriate” measures and strategies in the environmental management.

(b)  Environmental management performance, in particular the performance of the specific and “appropriate” measures and strategies on environmental nuisance abatement, green construction, green purchasing and waste management.

(c)  For the A/E’s assessment, the marking for Environment Performance shall be the same as the overall rating in the “Environmental pollution control” section of the Report on Contractor’s Performance (RCP) (i.e. Section 4) for the Report immediately preceding the end date of the assessment period. For an entry that comprises two or more contracts, the lowest marking of these contracts shall be considered.

18.  Shortlisted sites will be invited to submit in January/February 2015 a PowerPoint presentation for showing their good measures and strategies on improving the environmental performance of the site for consideration by the Judging Panel. In particular, site environmental constraints encountered and measures adopted on site which are over and above statutory/contractual requirements should also be highlighted in accordance with Appendix XI. The presentation submitted shall be not more than two pages and not more than one minute of audio recording.

Model Worker Awards

19.  Every shortlisted contractor for a Considerate Contractors Site Award and/or Outstanding Environmental and Management Performance Award can nominate a construction worker from any trade of construction and any nationality who has already won a model worker award during the appraisal period as the Model Worker. He/she must work on site during the appraisal period with sufficient duration to demonstrate his/her outstanding safety performance. Notwithstanding, he/she is not necessarily an active worker at the nomination period in January/February 2015. The nomination should be agreed by both the contractor and the A/E and the nomination form is at Appendix VIII. The nomination of the construction worker must include a one A4 page summarising the performance of the nominated model workers in respect of (a) compliance with safety rules; (b) active participation in safety promotion activities organised by the company or other organisations; and (c) contribution of initiatives to promote the safety and health of the site, for consideration for the Best Model Worker Award.

Model Frontline Supervisor Awards

20.  Every shortlisted contractor for a Considerate Contractors Site Award and/or Outstanding Environmental and Management Performance Award can nominate a frontline supervisor (e.g. ganger, foreman or superintendent, etc) for the Model Frontline Supervisor Award. He/she must work on site during the appraisal period with sufficient duration to demonstrate his/her outstanding safety performance and leadership as a supervisor. Notwithstanding, he/she is not necessarily an active frontline supervisor at the nomination period in January/February 2015. The nomination should be agreed by both the contractor and the A/E and the nomination form is at Appendix IX. The nomination of the frontline supervisor must include a one A4 page summarising what the nominated model frontline supervisor has done in actively promoting the safety and health in the site and the achievements thus made, for consideration for the Best Model Frontline Supervisor Award.

Model Subcontractor Awards

21.  Every shortlisted contractor for the Considerate Contractors Site Award can nominate a subcontractor for the Model Subcontractor Award. The subcontractor nominated for the Model Subcontractor Award must demonstrate good site safety and environmental performance in carrying out its works. The nomination should be agreed by both the contractor and the A/E and the nomination form is at Appendix X.

Judging Panel

22.  Upon the expiry of the appraisal period, DEVB and CIC will form Judging Panel to evaluate the performance of each entry.

Administrative Procedures

23.  The administrative procedures of the Scheme are as follows:

(a)  Works Departments will be invited to nominate public works contracts to participate in the Scheme using the standard proforma attached at Appendix I. Self-initiation by contractors to join the Scheme is also welcome by writing to the Director of the Works Department related to the contract. Each Works Department shall assign a Departmental Coordinator to coordinate the returns to DEVB. The schedule of key dates of the Scheme is listed in Appendix II.

(b)  If the nomination is accepted, DEVB will notify the Works Department Coordinator who will notify the contractor concerned accordingly. The contractor will then be informed to collect a pair of placards for display prominently on the site. The placards, one in English and one in Chinese, are for indication of the site participating in the Scheme. The telephone number of the site office of the entry, with characters in Arabic numerals of approximately 60mm in height, shall be clearly and neatly marked on the placards before display. The placards will invite members of the public to monitor the site performance through the telephone number shown. All complaints shall be logged. The placards shall be removed from the site after the appraisal period of the Scheme, or when the entry no longer participates in the Scheme.