Mrs. Ieva

Algebra II Syllabus

Room 2309


Conference: 3rd Period



This course will build upon concepts taught in Algebra I and Geometry. The course will develop the foundation for functions that are linear, quadratic, radical, rational, exponential, and logarithmic. Continual mathematical emphasis will be placed on problem solving, language and communication, real-world connections, and models and applications. This course will include the use of technology as a tool for solving meaningful problems.



Composition Notebook

Notebook paper


Red Pen

Binder, folder, or binder section for this class

Requested (to be kept in classroom for student use):

Glue (regular school glue, not a glue stick)


4 unopened AAA batteries

Colored Pencils

1 Dry Erase Marker (for use on student whiteboard)

1 Box of tissues

Optional Home Supplies:

TI-84 Plus Graphing Calculator (optional; classroom set provided)


I expect you to be….






I cannot teach you if you are not in class. Please try not to be absent unless absolutely necessary. You are expected to come into class each day, get out the necessary supplies, and be ready for work when the bell rings. I expect class participation and group work when necessary. I expect you to be courteous and considerate of others. Please refer to the attached “Rules for Classroom Behavior” document.


30% Formative: Homework, Quizzes, Daily Work

70% Summative: Tests, Projects, presentations


Once the bell rings, you will be required to report to the White House secretary desk for a tardy pass. Tardies are cumulative, not per class!

The 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th tardies will each result in an administrative D-hall. The 5th, 6th and 7th tardies will each result in a Thursday or Saturday class. Excessive tardies may result in ISS (In-School-Suspension). Tardies to first period may result in a student’s parking privileges being revoked.


Students may choose to reassess one summative assessment per 9 week period within one week. The original assessment and reassessment grades will be averaged regardless of the second test score. Reassessment may not be available for the last summative assessment of a grading period due to time constraints. If students want an opportunity to be reassessed on a summative assessment, students must attend at least 1 tutorial session on the non-mastered material, make corrections to the original assessment and discuss the assessment with the teacher during tutorials, as well as complete all missing assignments pertaining to the unit they want to reassess.

You must also complete the reassessment form requiring both teacher and parent signatures.


All assignments must be turned in on the due date. Late work will be accepted, but your grade will be reduced by 10 points per day.


Tutoring is available for Algebra 2 each day before and after school. The schedule is as follows.

WHITE HOUSE / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
MORNING / Ieva(2309) / Sadler(2412) Clark(2407) / Schneider(2312)
Clark(2407) / Sadler(2303) / Ieva(2309)
AFTERNOON / Nixon(2304) / Davis(2303) / Nixon(2304) / Schneider(2312) / Davis(2303)


Completing a missing assignment and/or completing work due to an absence is the responsibility of the student. I am available for assistance, but the student must take the initial step to get his/her missing assignments. Students will be required to meet grading deadlines. If a student has not completed the work by the progress report or nine week deadline, then the grade will reflect the missing assignments.


Cheating will not be tolerated for any reason. If a student is caught cheating, they will receive a zero, be issued a discipline referral, and have their parents contacted.


This classroom is a RED ZONE. This means that electronic devices cannot be used or visible in the classroom. There will be no warnings. The first and second violation will result in a teacher detention. The third violation will result in a teacher detention and parent phone call. Each subsequent violation will result in a discipline referral.

When it is a test day, the classroom will be a secure testing environment. You will be required to turn off all electronic devices, places them in your bag, and place all belongings in the front of the classroom. You will not be able to retrieve your belongings until the teacher authorizes you to do so, which will likely be when all tests are turned in for grading. Please understand that this policy is in place to protect the integrity of the test and to maintain a secure testing environment.

Rules for Classroom Behavior

Students must know and follow all rules in the student handbook in addition to classroom rules mandated by the teacher.

1.  Be in your assigned seat and prepared to work when the final bell rings.

2.  Follow directions the first time given.

3.  Refrain from arguing in class. Concerns must be discussed with teacher privately before/ after class/school or submitted to teacher in writing after class. Violating this rule will result in a detention.

4.  Raise your hand and wait to be recognized by the teacher before speaking.

5.  Abstain from eating, drinking, chewing and grooming in our classroom.

6.  Respect the rights and property of others.

7.  Be courteous to your teacher and your classmates.

8.  At the end of the period, remain in your seat until you are dismissed by the teacher.

9.  Heads must remain off the desks at all times.

Policy for Severe Behavior

Severely disruptive behavior such as repeated disruptions, fighting, cursing, physical assault, or verbal abuse of the teacher will result in immediate referral to the assistant principal.

Consequences for Disruptive Behavior

1st Offense: A verbal warning and redirection will be given when a minor classroom or school rule is broken, unless the discipline code calls for a referral.

2nd Offense: A 2nd verbal warning and redirection will be given and may be accompanied by a telephone call to the parent/ guardian.

3rd Offense: If the problem persists after verbal warnings and redirection, students will be given a detention, which will be accompanied by a telephone call to the parent/ guardian.

4th Offense: If the problem persists after a detention, a discipline referral will be given.

This handout is to be shown to your parents/guardians and then kept for reference. You will sign that you and your parent/guardian have read and understand these guidelines for classroom discipline.

Student Name: ______Period: ______

Student: I agree that I have read the “Syllabus” and “Rules for Classroom Behavior” for Mrs. Ieva’s Algebra 2 class and I know what is expected of me in this classroom so that I will be successful. I agree to abide by the rules and procedures of this class and realize that I will receive consequences for non-compliance to these rules.

Student Signature: ______Date: ______

Parent: I agree that I have read this “Syllabus” and “Rules for Classroom Behavior” for Mrs. Ieva’s Algebra 2 class.

Parent Signature: ______Date: ______

Parent/Guardian Names: ______

Perferred Phone: ______E-mail: ______

Do you prefer to be contacted by phone or email? ______

If contacting by phone, when is a convenient time for me to reach you? ______

Please list any concerns you may have about your student in math so I may better assist him/her:



We ______and ______agree that

Student name (print) Parent/Guardian name (Print)

the use of a Texas Instruments TI 84 graphing calculator in class provided by Atascocita High School is a privilege that can be suspended or revoked if it is not used appropriately. We understand that in the event the assigned calculator is damaged or lost, we are responsible for replacing it with the same model or a payment for the calculator. You will not be assigned a calculator until this contract is signed and returned to the classroom teacher. Students are allowed the option of purchasing and using their own calculators for school but must agree to use it for class and not as a form of entertainment during class.


Student’s signature Parent/Guardian’s signature